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Why Tony Campolo’s LGBTQ Reversal is Evangelicalism’s Tipping Point

…ion of homosexuals in the life of the church,” I wrote. “But I’m sensing a change in the wind (and the Spirit.)” Statistics, anecdotal evidence, and prevailing cultural mores testify that the winds have changed, even as Campolo’s statement arrived on the heels of Billy’s son Franklin Graham’s latest facepalm move against LGBTQ civil rights, nevermind ecclesial inclusion. In his statement, Campolo explained how he arrived at this watershed moment:…

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Closed-Door Conference in Poland Shows How US Conservative Christian Networks Export ‘Conversion Therapy’

…st another form of conversion therapy, defined as methods that “attempt to change sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression change or suppression efforts.” Tim Long, a former student of Nicolosi Jr, even revealed this similarity when he told an IFTCC audience in 2019 that the “new” method is nothing but a rebranding, aiming to avoid political discrediting: Doctor Nicolosi Sr coined the term ‘reparative therapy’ for his treatment….

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A Matter of the Heart: Talking to Gay Christian Rocker Jennifer Knapp

…e level and contribute to that conversation. So, did you follow the recent change in the Presbyterian Church-USA?   They adopted a positive stance on LGBT clergy? Yes, and I think that’s a positive move. I understand that it’s asking a lot of some people, who have not yet been touched by experiences with LGBT people. But many [church members] are quite comfortable with it. It’s not retarding their journey or their faith experience. It’s creating a…

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Black Church Leadership Gathering Excludes Women

…reas of advocacy while still committed to ministry. Women have been making changes in society, fearlessly and fiercely, for decades. With or without the laws and tradition on their side, women have effected social, political and spiritual change. The church has been slow to combat societal issues, and in black denominational bodies, when someone finally steps up to the plate, the male leaders resemble those of the civil rights era, expecting the w…

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Conservative Catholics Unhappy About New Book on LGBTs and The Church; and More in the Global LGBT Recap

…Service, David Gibson writes that Martin’s book “does not advocate for any changes in doctrine nor does it touch third-rail topics like same-sex marriage.” The book, he says, “calls on the Catholic Church to be more respectful and compassionate toward gay people.” Among those with positive things to say about Martin’s book is Cardinal Kevin Farrell, picked by Francis to lead the Vatican office on laity, family and life issues. Gibson says the fact…

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Liberal Christians Come Out Swinging at Trump, Mostly

…es like marriage equality and civil rights. The laws change when attitudes change. Our role is to help change attitudes, to lead by example. Fear, anger, racism and xenophobia have created fertile ground for demagogues. Our voice is going to matter in the coming years. Our role, as always, will be to be a powerful voice for compassion and civil rights. Perhaps, at times, we may even be called upon to join with others to resist flagrant injustice….

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A Pair of Ex-Gay Leaders Make About Face

…are, or they are not, homosexual… One cannot repent of something that is unchangeable.” Although Chambers’ change of heart isn’t quite as compelling as Smid’s he was able to admit that he was wrong in his criticism and that he gives his “full support for what is the heart of their campaign—encouraging LGBT teens to choose life.” By which he means that, “Regardless of where someone falls on the debate over sexuality, I hope we can all agree to move…

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Jay Bakker on LGBT Justice and the Demands of Grace

…t’s amazing what can happen in just a few hours, someone’s life can really change. I’m amazed he’s bounced back like he has, and he had to do it on his own. But, I think if we show grace, and we give grace, we’re going to be teaching grace as well. If we accept the unacceptable, we’re going to help people accept that part of their lives, or what they feel is unacceptable so they can take a look at it instead of hide it or feel shame. That’s what I…

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Pope Francis Gets Real

…etitia will be enough to effect even a small halt in the historic decline of the church. It’s a good 25 years to late and more than a dollar short in terms of the change Francis will, or can, make. But at least he has admitted that somehow, things have to change….

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Billy Graham, Most Famous Religious Figure of 20th C, Dies at 99

…ams of social reform, insisting that the only way to change society is to “change men’s hearts.” That statement comported with his premillennialism, the belief that Jesus will return at any time—before the millennium, one thousand years of righteousness, predicted in Revelation 20—and that projects of social reform were essentially pointless. The only hope for meaningful change, according to Graham, lay in the aggregate effect of individual conver…

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