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Suspicion of the Modern Age: The Pope Regresses

…here of logos to mathematics and the “hard sciences”); and a third form he can’t quite capture, but one that sounds for all the world like multiculturalism, American-style…which is emotive, and thus not rational at all. Benedict’s word for all of this is “dehellenization,” the “un-Greeking” of the Christian faith. Greeking the faith was the single greatest achievement of the Middle Ages, he suggests: “This inner rapprochement between biblical fait…

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Church Synod Recap: Micromanaging the Morals of Others

…course, with or without help from the Roman Catholic Church. Pity in this case, because it would be useful to have some seasoned ethical insight into how to respect African cultures and American mores at the same time, how to repent of the damage done to so many by so few, indeed how to bring diverse people into communion both at the table and in peace. Fortunately, there are millions of Catholics who are more than willing to join other people of…

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Pope Un-Excommunicates Four Bad Apples, Including Holocaust Denier

…isfactory solution to the original problem – has decided to reconsider the canonical position of Bishops Bernard Fellay, Bernard Tissier de Mallerais, Richard Williamson and Alfonso de Galarreta, which arose following their episcopal consecration. It is not surprising that the pope wanted to bring these four back into the fold. The pope has been courting the bishops since the beginning of his papacy. He even limited the restrictions on the Latin M…

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American Supports Ugandan Anti-Gay Bill

…ganda. Critics accused Engle’s event of being the next in a series of American evangelical efforts to persecute homosexuals in Uganda and feared that Sunday’s gathering would help rally attendees behind the proposed legislation. The Anti-Homosexuality Bill of 2009, introduced last October by parliamentarian David Bahati, had its origins in a March 2009 visit by three anti-gay American evangelists—Scott Lively, Caleb Lee Brundidge, and Don Schmiere…

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Why Was Suspicion Over “The Boy Who Came Back from Heaven” Ignored for Years?

…rs of the Christian tradition, we can find both Jewish and Christian extra-canonical accountings of trips to heaven – and yet most of these traditions didn’t make it into received canon. In the early centuries of Christianity we can also find a powerful experiential tradition in the Gnostics, who didn’t claim to visit heaven, but who did claim that their own spiritual insights could outweigh the opinion of institutional authorities and scripture….

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Does the Multifaith Model Work?

…stinian people face under Israeli occupation of the West Bank. The protest caused a number of Jewish students living in the dorm to raise the spectre of anti-Semitism, saying publicly that the stunt made them feel victimized and unsafe. There was fallout beyond the campus. A particularly vitriolic article appeared in the Times of Israel and a Brandeis University student appeared on Fox News to deride the Students for Justice in Palestine for perpe…

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God is a Terrifying Monster, and Other Takeaways from the Study of Vampires in Pop Culture

…at it. The photo of the creepy abandoned church was one I snapped with my iPhone while on a trip to southern Ohio. I didn’t intend to use it for the book; I just thought it was a great picture. But as I considered cover ideas, that image of a decaying church perfectly embodied what I was trying to say in the book. Is there a book out there you wish you had written? How do you even narrow down a question like this? Fiction? Non-fiction? Historical?…

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The Promise of Immortality in a Tech-Enhanced Heaven

…ugh it’s not because [transhumanists] believe in a force greater than physical and biological reality. A lot of people in the transhumanist world lean pretty heavily towards evolutionary psychology with its concordant ideas of biological determinism. But in a way, that may be a source of their optimism. If human tendencies are systemic in a fundamental, biological sense, then it’s a system, and a system can be hacked. LW: In a recent-ish piece in…

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Violence and Persecution of Christians Worldwide is Theme for Holy Week: A Report from Rome

…of the Passion and crucifixion of Jesus. It is also the day on the liturgical calendar that the Pope does not deliver the homily. That did not matter to the thousands gathered. Pope Francis, (besides Jesus) was the attraction everyone had come to see. As the procession entered the basilica, it was striking to see how many selfie sticks, iPads, and cameras were lifted in unison as the Pope processed into the basilica. Piety for eager pilgrims to R…

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Louisville Diocese Throws Teacher Under the Bus Over Ebola Hysteria

…resigned amidst swirling frustration and fears about Ebola.” Thing is, the number of Ebola cases in Kenya is lower than Dallas. Which is to say, zero. There is no Ebola in Kenya. It’s one thing for some parents in Louisville to believe, as a certain former Republican Vice Presidential candidate is rumored to have, that Africa is a country, but it’s another for the Louisville diocese (whose Archbishop happens to be Joseph Kurtz, the head of the USC…

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