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The Belly of the Beast: NYC’s Shiny New Transit Hub Is All Wrong for the 9/11 Site

There are many ways in which memorials to the dead illustrate poignant principles for the living, but the World Trade Center Transportation Hub’s architectural centerpiece, named the “Oculus,” is an unsightly and inappropriate monument. The space is part of the newly-constructed campus—the WTC Hub—that has been in development since the attack that destroyed the World Trade Center in 2001. But what the Oculus brings to the memorial area bears no e…

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Burning Down the Temple: Religion and Irony in Black Rock City

…hting of the temple began and everyone became transfixed by the fire. Each year I find the temple and its fiery demise the most moving experience on the playa; even if someone is hollering obnoxiously or playing with a laser pointer. If every other playa site invites irreverence and irony, this is still the one that takes meaning most seriously. It is a site of both voyeurism and participation, where our deepest fears and most painful losses are a…

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‘Exporting Garbage to the Nations’: Conservative Christian Rifts Spreading Like Cracked Glass

…ril 2020. It was, according to Hatewatch, “mirrored online by a Russian website… affiliated with creators of the pro-Kremlin propaganda website Russia Insider.” Three days after Hatewatch reached out to Russia Insider editor Charles Bausman for a comment on this story, someone took both Lancaster Patriot and offline. Local news outlet Lancaster Online reported on Sept. 26 that Lancaster Patriot was edited by Trey Garrison, a 51-year-…

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LGBT-Friendly Church is Not “Christian” Enough?

…followers of that Jesus guy, I checked ‘Yes.’ However, after perusing our site, the guy at the LGBT church site questioned our true dedication to the faith. Since we didn’t seem to meet the requirements of the Nicene Creed, we don’t appear to be a “Trinitarian” church. So I was asked to prove that we were a “real” Christian church. I replied: “We’re not creedal in the sense that we recite creeds or require others to recite them or affirm what are…

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Vatican Reverses Anti-Liberation Policies in Mexico

…to the Vatican during his stay in Rome for the presentation. In his first official teaching document, The Joy of the Gospel, Francis exhorts Catholics to “overcome suspicion” and embrace “a church with many faces.” Still, until now, Francis had not rescinded the actions of two predecessors who censured liberationist theologians and dismantled institutions that promoted liberationist thinking and practice. But the Pope’s approval of Bishop Arizmen…

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On Zion’s Mount

…Mormon version of Williamsburg, Virginia), to Martin’s Cove, Wyoming, the site of a terrible handcart disaster in 1856 that has been converted into a faith-promoting heritage site. These and other hallowed places allow Utah Mormons to commemorate the “pioneer trek” to the Great Basin. The sacred narrative of getting to Utah is more important than Zion itself. The other church program is the worldwide creation of temples: those special-use limited…

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International Protest of Anti-Gay Persecution in Chechnya Grows; more in Global LGBT Recap

…pting of LGBT people, but still less than 24% of Koreans said they had “no reservations about homosexuality,” according to a 2014 survey conducted by the Asian Institute for Policy Studies, a think tank. Korea has a large Christian population, and vocal Protestant groups have for years blocked the inclusion of sexual minorities in a proposed anti-discrimination bill by pressuring politicians to vote against it. Jang, the army chief of staff who al…

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Gay Chutzpah: An LGBT Synagogue Thrives

…ole of CBST given the rise of the internet and their active and engaged website, their role in Pride in New York City, and their very visibility. I regret I can’t answer. I have no information about the impact of that tool of communication and public visibility. Not having studied the impact of CBST’s impressive website, I assume it must have expanded the potential of membership recruitment. In the earlier days it was by the chance of knowing some…

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Are They Jewish Bones? Battle for Separation of Synagogue & State in Israel

…service has fueled resentment again the Ultra-Orthodox, this sharing of the conscription burden has done quite a bit to lessen that resentment. But the Barzilai affair again painted Haredim as anti-modern and reactionary. Those Haredi groups that have Web sites (and there are quite a few) are now calling on their rabbis to go against Litzman’s demands. Last week’s Jerusalem Post quotes the Web site Kikar Hashabat as saying that Litzman “aggresivel…

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Presbyterians, Change Hearts & Minds, Begin Ordaining Gays

It’s official. As of July 10, after a 15-year struggle, qualified gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people can be ordained as clergy and officers in the Presbyterian Church (USA). After 24 presbyteries flipped from previous “no” votes, a total of 97 approved amendment 10A; well over the 87 required for the change. This victory finally removed exclusionary language from the Book of Order, which required “fidelity within the covenant of marria…

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