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Religious Right Historian: Net Neutrality is “Unbiblical Socialism”

…he production cost of whatever they make. Often what is framed as a choice between the free market and socialism is neither. Net Neutrality prohibits ISPs from charging for internet service based on usage. This seems straightforward to Barton and Green: “what they mean is we’re not going to let you choose who you need to charge more to.” But it’s not that simple. First, the internet service providers (ISPs) don’t “own” the internet. They own the m…

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Police Violence is Baked in: Academy Training Encourages Racial Profiling and Emphasizes the Use of Violence

…defensive tactics, and shooting guns. I spent long days learning about the code of criminal procedure, traffic code, and arrest procedures. I also had a first-row seat to the cadets’ physical, ideological, and emotional transformations as, over a period of six to eight months, they became police officers. What I saw in that year directly conflicted with the “bad apple” arguments that existed then and that would continue to offer a popular explanat…

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Trump with back to camera stands before a frenzied crowd with raised fist.

With ‘Vermin’ Remark Trump Crosses Fully into Nazi Territory

…ry national poll—and in recent battleground state polls—a two-way election between Trump and Joe Biden is a tossup.* In PRRI’s recent American Values Survey, conducted in partnership with the Brookings Institution, nearly all voters who supported Trump in 2020 (94%) said they planned to support him in 2024. More than three-quarters of White evangelicals—along with nearly six in ten of both White non-evangelical/mainline Protestants (57%) and White…

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What Irish Marriage Vote Means for Catholic Church; The Lonely Fight for Equality in Belize; Progress and Backlash in Tunisia; Global LGBT Recap

…nial past and our colonial governance by the Roman Catholic Church. We are free at last to live and love as we were born to be. For freedom –– not happiness –– is the precious stone. One cannot cling to happiness; it submits to no clinging. To be free, to live and love in your homeland, this is the most precious stone against which all others fade by comparison. We now know that, whatever organised religion may say, our way of loving is right. No…

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An American Muslim Responds to Muslim Orgs Questioning Armenian Genocide

…European states, and should not be held hostage to them. From Romania and Bulgaria to the Caucasus, entire communities were forcibly uprooted, killed, expelled, or forced to transform themselves, in a long, slow, bloody march against Ottoman Muslims. Fearing for their lives in Anatolia, some Ottomans believed the only hope was a purely Turkish, or at least purely Muslim, republic, a heartland secure from minorities who could be leveraged by forei…

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Global LGBT Recap: Mandela and Equality; Elton John Defies Russian Ban; Fake-Healing of AIDS

…s.” The panel, part of a series of discussions on the topic, featured Elizabeth Birch, former Executive Director, HRC; Chloe Shwenke, Vice President, Freedom House;Jamie Kirchick, LGBT Rights Activist & Journalist; andDonald Jensen, Resident Fellow, Center for Transatlantic Relations. It was moderated by Andras Simonyi, managing director of the Center and former Hungarian ambassador to the U.S.  Conversation focused in part on ways for Americans a…

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Bad News for LGBT Anglicans, Mormons, Adventists, Norwegians, Russians, Georgians, Egyptians, Kuwaitis, Saudis…

…s, including most recently Croatia, which in December 2013 passed its ban. Bulgaria, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland also ban same-sex marriage.” South Africa: President ‘Respects’ Ugandan Law; Gay Judge Publishes Memoir In response to a parliamentary question this week, South African President Jacob Zuma refused to condemn Uganda’s anti-gay law, writing, “South Africa respects the sovereign rights of other countries to adopt their own legis…

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The Brutality of Life for Syrian LGBTs; Saving the Anglican Church by Dissolving It; Backlash to Hindu Gay Wedding Ceremony in Indonesia; Global LGBT Recap

…edding destination among Westerners but Indonesian law defines marriage as between a man and woman. According to a story from Australia’s, In Indonesia, where marriage between couples of differing religion is also banned, many couples marry outside the law, meaning their union is not legal but is legitimate in the eyes of their families and friends. The controversy in this case is not the marriage itself but the apparent involvement of th…

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U.S. Religious Right Groups Support Move Toward ‘Illiberalism’ of Hungary and Poland; and More in Global LGBT Recap

…s to mobilize citizens to restrict gay rights have taken place in Georgia, Bulgaria, France and elsewhere across Europe. In many cases, U.S. religious groups have played an active role in their campaigns. Romania’s Coalition received legal assistance from the international chapters of several U.S.-based conservative Christian groups, including the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) and Liberty Counsel. In the U.S., both have been designated as anti-…

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A Church (Further) Divided: Putin’s Patriarch Now Faces a Rebellion From Within the Russian Orthodox Church

…m of Putin and his invasion. While these differences speak to the conflict between Orthodox jurisdictions around the world, Kirill is now experiencing public dissent for his pro-Putin position from within his own fiefdom. Hundreds of Russian clerics have signed a letter calling for an end to the war in Ukraine, a rare show of opposition from the Russian Orthodox Church inside of Russia. Moreover, and perhaps even more threatening to Kirill’s and P…

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