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Clashing human rights visions for LGBTs at United Nations; More Mixed Messages from the Vatican as Family Synod Begins; Timeline of Worsening Homophobia by Turkey’s AKP Party; Global LGBT Recap

…ue meaning of the couple of and human sexuality in God’s plan” is marriage between a man and a woman. Brazil: Political push to rollback marriage equality decision Worldcrunch reported that a special committee in the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies passed a statue defining family as a concept beginning from athe union of a man and a woman: Rio de Janeiro daily O Globo reports that the text was promoted by conservative lawmakers with close ties to th…

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Clergy May Soon Find Taxes Soaring As Result of an Under-the-Radar Ruling

…ndated that “In God We Trust” appear on U.S. currency. Neither required by free exercise, nor prohibited by establishment In the suit brought by the Freedom from Religion Foundation and several of its leaders, Judge Crabb ruled that the housing allowance exemption violates the First Amendment’s prohibition against the establishment of religion. Crabb had reached an identical conclusion at an earlier stage of the litigation, in 2013, but she was ov…

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Global Religious Right Asks ‘How Far Can We Get?’; And More in the Global LGBT Recap

…d to relocate to Romania. They have argued that the refusal violates their freedom of movement within the European Union. ADF International, the global arm of the US-based religious right legal group Alliance Defending Freedom, urged the court not to rule in the couple’s favor, which it said would amount to “EU-wide imposition of same-sex marriage.” Italy: Conservative religious activist charged with taking money to squelch human rights inquiry Bu…

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Religious Right Historian: Net Neutrality is “Unbiblical Socialism”

…he production cost of whatever they make. Often what is framed as a choice between the free market and socialism is neither. Net Neutrality prohibits ISPs from charging for internet service based on usage. This seems straightforward to Barton and Green: “what they mean is we’re not going to let you choose who you need to charge more to.” But it’s not that simple. First, the internet service providers (ISPs) don’t “own” the internet. They own the m…

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In Sexual Abuse Hearing UN Calls Holy See on Girls’ Reproductive Rights

…raped who became pregnant in Nicaragua from 2005 to 2007, nearly 90% were between the ages of 10 and 14. Tomasi ignored the girl in Nicaragua, but addressed “the child forced to abort in Brazil.” Regarding the stepfather’s not being excommunicated for raping a child, he said, “The father should be treated like the mother and the child—it’s a good point,” as if the thought had never occurred to him. In a church that holds women responsible for sex…

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Arrest the Pope: New Atheist Effort to Seek Justice in Sexual Abuse Crisis Should Be Applauded

…settled for $175,000 in 1993. However, from 1970 to 2003, Pezzotti was in Brazil, where he worked with the Kayapo Indians. Pezzotti went to Italy in 2003, but returned to Brazil in 2008. A few months later, the man he had sexually abused in the United States saw photos of him on the internet and complained to the church. The priest was quickly sent back to Italy. “Father Vijay Vhaskr Godugunuru was forced to return to India and then was transferr…

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As COVID-19 Spreads, Nicaragua’s Leaders Opt For Trumpian Denial and Misinformation

…the numbers are among the highest in Latin America, comparable to those of Brazil, Peru, and Ecuador,” states Dr. Jorge Huete, a molecular biologist based at Managua’s Universidad Centroamericana. “We can see that cases are growing exponentially due to the abnormally high numbers of deaths,” Huete says. “I personally have lost two family members who have died of COVID-19, not reported in any official count, and I have another family member who is…

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A Journalist in Church, Hiding in Plain Sight

…ff from across a pamphlet-strewn table in his church lobby, I finally felt free to lay bare my split beliefs. Sort of. I told him that I was raised Catholic, like millions of Brazilian evangelicals were before they were born again in Christ. I told him how growing up in a leafy Pittsburgh district, my churchgoing Portuguese mother (and agnostic French father) put me through Catholic grade school and a Lasallian Christian Brothers’ high school. To…

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How Are the “Nones” Raising Their Children?

…ars living among the Piraha, a small tribe of Amazonian Indians in central Brazil. The Piraha have no counting system, no fixed terms for color, no concept of war, and no personal property. When he arrived in Brazil, Everett was a Christian, and his research funding came from a Christian organization, so while he sought to understand the tribe’s language and its cultural implications, his real goal was to convert them to Christianity. The book des…

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What Irish Marriage Vote Means for Catholic Church; The Lonely Fight for Equality in Belize; Progress and Backlash in Tunisia; Global LGBT Recap

…nial past and our colonial governance by the Roman Catholic Church. We are free at last to live and love as we were born to be. For freedom –– not happiness –– is the precious stone. One cannot cling to happiness; it submits to no clinging. To be free, to live and love in your homeland, this is the most precious stone against which all others fade by comparison. We now know that, whatever organised religion may say, our way of loving is right. No…

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