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Extra-Terrestrial Kitsch: Capricology #4

…re about the “film noir” feel of Caprica. It’s a cross between a 1930s pre-code movie and Metropolis. The cops, the smoking, the old-fashioned cars; I thought Caprica was supposed to be technologically savvy, not a cross between the future and the past. What does this say about its inhabitants—and the show’s creator? I agree with Diane, this week seems to be a placeholder for something to come, but in the process, I did not learn much. To be fair…

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Capricology Week 5: Fathers, Funerals, and the Ethics of Gaming

…with free will (though this may still be an illusion of free will, as the code for the game is likely to be quite deterministic). Since she is the only one in the game that suffers pain but no death, it will be interesting to see the evolution of her ethical code within the virtual world. The transformation of Tamara from a helpless lost soul to a gun-toting avenger sets up the stage for her probable showdown with Zoe—a continuation of Adama-Gray…

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Global LGBT Recap: World Vision Caves, World Congress of Families Vamps, God Weeps

…ta Cedeño was forced to withdraw proposed changes to the country’s “Family Code” which would have “championed ‘traditional Catholic family models’” in legislation. “The bill drew withering criticism from left and right with newspaper 7 Dias calling it “a Trojan horse launched by the most extreme wing of conservative Dominican ideology.” The paper said the proposed language championed heterosexual marriages above all mentioning single parent househ…

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Women of Opus Dei Explain “True Feminism”

…light after Dan Brown’s The DaVinci Code hit the New York Times bestseller list. The novel suggested that the women in Opus Dei are “forced to clean the men’s residence halls for no pay,” and remarked upon the broad subjugation of women in the order. And while the novel is fictional, the alleged “misconceptions” that arose in the fallout of the media attention surrounding The DaVinci Code provided much of the impetus for a new book: Women of Opus…

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How Religion Shapes (or Doesn’t) Our Views on Public Issues

…. What does work? Not much, it would seem. At least not when it comes to the subjects Pew chose to poll. But go back and take a look at the list of voter priorities: 90% say the economy is a “very important” topic. 88% jobs, 78% health care. Get the hint? And that’s with a forced-choice list. If you asked respondents to come up with their own list, it might be even more lopsided. Preachers who want to know what’s on the mind of their congregations…

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The Bible May Be Stranger Than You Think … And Why It Matters

…y 5:6-18; arguably also Leviticus 19:1-36). What’s more, the only biblical list of laws that appears within English translations by the moniker “the Ten Commandments” is yet another list (now we’re up to four) and bears little resemblance to the others (Exodus 34:10-28). I point this out not to exasperate but as one among many possible examples reminding all of us that the Bible actively resists literalistic application. On the contrary, the Bible…

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Duggar Daughters Talk Sex, Courtship, and Fear of Ungodly Men

…n in his life by containing himself. The Duggar daughters offer a detailed list of qualities they are looking for, and the vast majority of them—not being addicted to alcohol, drugs or pornography for example—reveal a fairly low bar and an emphasis on self-control. Godly women on the other hand have a considerably more extensive list of requirements. Women are presumed to be inherently more controlled, so their baseline for virtue is higher. The G…

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Books to Give this Holiday Season to Help Understand the World We’ve Found Ourselves in (and to Help Reimagine a Better One)

…e path will lead them to the Council for National Policy, whose membership list reads like a who’s who in the Trump administration. Shameless: A Sexual Reformation (Convergent Books) by Nadia Bolz-Weber For that holy hipster friend in search of a new kind of a/theistic Christianity who doesn’t want to go back and read the works of Phyllis Trible, John Boswell, Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza, bell hooks, and other pioneering scholars who’ve written o…

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How ‘The Seven Missions’ of the ‘Doomsday Couple’ Connect Them to the Larger LDS Prophecy Subculture

…harles Vallow, and Alex Cox. What we know for sure with the new document is that the “Doomsday Couple” sees themselves as benevolent messianic figures preparing the world for the apocalypse. Fortunately, the list of their missions didn’t include any murders. Perhaps there’s still hope that Chad and Lori’s elevated sense of self-importance hasn’t led them to add more sinister deeds to their list….

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Anonymous Utah Group Distributes Vigilante “Illegal Immigrant” Watchlist

…social security numbers, names of children, and, for pregnant women on the list, due dates. The list was originally sent to US Immigration and Customs Enforcement in April, but when no response was observed Concern Citizens sent the list to a number of Utah sheriffs, police chiefs, legislators, and media outlets. Governor Gary Herbert has called for an investigation to determine if state records were improperly accessed to compile the list. In Uta…

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