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Muslims Need Not Apply—To the White House or Congress

…n then be denied by other tea partiers. The result for those of us trying to follow the movement is that every time we write about something extreme, it’s dismissed with “well, every movement has its fringe folks.” I started to write this a week ago but had second thoughts because the whole exchange with Joan seemed like a one-off. Then today is reporting that Tea Party Nation leader and founder Judson Phillips is calling for the defeat…

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RD News Round-Up—September 29, 2008

…ding up to this year’s election.“ (For more on Pray the Vote, go here) The promo for Craig Detweiler’s new book Into the Dark reads: “Detweiler, a well-respected film expert and media spokesperson on Hollywood and Christianity, examines forty-five twenty-first-century films that resonate theologically—from The Lord of the Rings trilogy to Little Miss Sunshine—offering groundbreaking insight into their scriptural connections and theological applica…

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New Reports Reveal Global Persecution of Nonbelievers

…on Facebook and Twitter in Bangladesh, Bahrain, Egypt, Indonesia, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, and Turkey. In some of these cases, the governments even threatened to prosecute those who commented on, or “liked” or re-tweeted, the offending comments. In May, the Pakistan government went so far as to block all access to Twitter in the country because of objections to “blasphemous content.” The IHEU reports being contacted by an increasing number…

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Warships, Animals, Pubs Eligible For Blessings From Church of England, But Not Same-Sex Couples; Global LGBT Recap

…maha: While homosexuality is punishable by death in Arab countries such as Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, in Lebanon it is not explicitly outlawed. However it is still considered a criminal act… According to a global study by the Pew Research Centre, more than 80 per cent of Lebanese view homosexuality unfavourably, hardened attitudes that can be attributed to conservative religious institutions, Christian and Muslim alike. January’s v…

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Showdown Over Shari’ah at Faith and Freedom Coalition Conference

…rted that “if we don’t wake up, we will soon be like Britain . . . or even Saudi Arabia.” He had support on the panel, too, with the Christian Broadcasting Network’s Erik Stakelback calling him “the Paul Revere of calling out the Muslim Brotherhood.” The audience was clearly in Gaffney’s camp, with murmurs of approval and even amens. One woman said she was from Minnesota, where “we practically have a Muslim state,” and fretted that Rep. Keith Elli…

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Pope Backs Anti-Gay Referendum; Islamic State Executions Include Gay Syrian; ‘Conscience Clause’ Debated in Northern Ireland; Global LGBT Recap

…with the temptations of music, dancing and alcohol. Yet he disagreed with Saudi Arabia’s refusal to let women drive, saying it was not nearly as risky as the alternative — the prospect of women coming into physical contact with men while travelling by taxi or public transport. Speaking to reporters in Quebec City, Kathleen Weil, Quebec’s minister of immigration, diversity and inclusion, said Mr. Chaoui’s views are “dangerous” and “unacceptable” i…

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Seb Gorka and Pres. Trump

Does It Matter If Islam Is A Religion? An American Ahmadi Explains The Effects Of Religious Discrimination

…it did to Pakistani society. It began, he explained, with the excuse that Saudi Arabia had asked the government to filter non-Muslims from coming to Mecca for the Hajj: So they added a passage in every passport application, which is like eight lines, that has essentially vile statements against the prophet we believe in as the Messiah of the age. He’s a liar, he’s this, he’s that, and you have to sign that statement. In essence, an Ahmadi will no…

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Sacred Texting: When Religious Writ Gets Wired

…to recite the prayers. In response, a poster quotes the twentieth century Saudi Arabian Muslim scholar Sheikh Muhammad b. Sâlih al-`Uthaymîn as arguing against this use of a text, as it distracts from the bodily movements required in Muslim prayer. The poster likened this fatwa’s proscriptions to the use of iPods, advising the new Muslim to avoid it during prayer. There is also the issue of the virtual relay of religiously significant messages an…

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Julian Assange Nativity, Castro’s Hanukkah, & a Burger Blessing

…ed Hanukkah with his country’s small Jewish community on Sunday. In Massachusetts, a Hanukkah celebration featured the first ordained North American Reform, Reconstructionist and Conservative female rabbis, and the first Open Orthodox rabba. Is President Obama re-evaluating his campaign stance against gay marriage?  PETA is using the pope’s recent condom comments to remind everyone that “Dogs & Cats Can’t Use Condoms” and so they ought to be spaye…

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Layoffs on the Religious Right

…ad on a number of fronts. His Washington Times continues to be the daily house-organ/must-read for conservatives; he has spent hundreds of millions of dollars supporting right-wing organizations and causes; he controls the US sushi industry; he does business with North Korea’s Kim Jong-Il: and as Moon watchdog John Gorenfeld has reported, Moon officially considers himself Emperor of the Universe, claiming the imagined endorsements of dead US presi…

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