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Wendy Davis in Texas: Just Like a Prayer

…g to stop passage of a law that would have closed most abortion clinics in Texas. Her voice was so soft that I kept thinking, “That voice cannot last for 13 hours.” But it did. She seemed so alone standing there. Talking. Talking. Talking. Always holding aloft in her small hands that bulbous microphone that must have became so much heavier with each passing hour. Perhaps I felt so strongly because she had to speak for so long. Or maybe it was beca…

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Pastors for Perry?

…cacy group the Texas Freedom Network in 2006, Perry “clearly wants the thousands of pastors associated with the Texas Restoration Project to help him communicate with evangelical Christians and other conservatives . . . . Even his speeches at pastors’ briefings now sound much like sermons.” The report quotes Perry: “This I know,” the governor-cum-evangelist preached to approving pastors at one of the Restoration Project’s Austin events. “He who co…

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Texas Board of Education to Review Intelligent Design-Promoting Materials for Science Classes

…you!) at this bit of news to come out of Texas yesterday. Apparently, the Texas Board of Education will be reviewing instructional materials for the state’s biology classes that tout creationism. The reason why I’m so shocked, of course, is because board members have assured us that they had no intention of trying to sneak creationism into science class. In 2009, when the board approved its revamped science curriculum standards that critics feare…

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How Intelligent Design Advocates Helped Shape the Christian Right’s Texas Curriculum Standards

…regarding the long-term goals for our education system, playing out now in Texas. As board member Cynthia Dunbar, who opposes public education, has said, “the philosophy of the classroom in one generation will become the philosophy of the government in the next.” But what I found most fascinating about the piece is the explanation behind the religious right’s recent interest in the Declaration of Independence. Christian activists like David Barton…

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Refusing the Monsters on Maple Street: A First-Person Commentary from the Mass Hysteria at JFK

…I shared what I learned with those standing around me or who didn’t have a phone, compared notes with others about what they knew, and tried to calm some who were scared and close to panic. As far as I could tell, the TSA personnel and other security officials seemed know about as much as the passengers about what was happening—all around me, I sensed a complete failure of nerve. A black woman wearing a security vest crouched outside on the tarmac…

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Christian Imperialism in Haiti? Missionaries, Theo-tourism, and the Invasion of the Global South

…se ultimate goal is cultivating global solidarity. My husband, a native of San Lucas who was head of the groups and volunteers for five years, handled the two to three thousand North Americans that came from churches and schools across the United States in order to provide financial and physical aid to the Mission’s projects. I met my husband when I descended upon San Lucas as the faculty leader of an eager group of undergraduates who, fueled by t…

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Republicans Silent on Islamophobia

…, and producing more children.” One of ACT! for America’s chapter heads in Texas, Dorrie O’Brien, is a Texas Republican Party delegate who was instrumental in getting a sponsor in the state Senate for an anti-shari’ah bill, as well as a plank in the party’s 2010 platform urging Congress and the Texas legislature to ban shari’ah law, “which is not in accordance with the Constitutions of Texas or of the United States of America.” The Republican Jewi…

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The Sacred and the Dead: ‘Ripple’ Is a Spiritual Manifesto

…there is no road, We make the road by walking. ~ Antonio Machado The Dead sang, plucked, and pounded inexorably onward toward a palpably approaching ecstasy with no knowable when, where, or how— exploring the innumerable kabbalistic nuances of a tune played countless times, then freshly interpreting the midrashic connotations of the nuances. Everyone stood: heads bent, hair on end. On and on and…. then, convergence! A special series on religion a…

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Wichita, the Sequel: A Clinic Reopens at Ground Zero in America’s Fight over Abortion

…was caught after the murder, fleeing halfway across the state, he had the phone number of an Operation Rescue leader on his dashboard—the tip of the iceberg in terms of the broader connections he’d built with anti-abortion extremists. The church, Roeder would later testify, emerged as the only place he could find a shot at Tiller, around the elaborate security measures the doctor had learned to follow at his clinic and home. “Justifiable homicide…

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Kenneth Starr in the “Athens of Texas”

…d of years, combined with an orchestrated scheme to tap into the wealth of Texas Baptists, would allow Baylor to embark on an ambitious building program and the recruitment of top-tier faculty from around the world. (Sloan’s point man for faculty recruitment and development at the time even initiated conversations about the possibility of luring my wife and me to Baylor as distinguished university professors.) Sloan overreached, however, and event…

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