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The Religious Implications of Nudity

…like he has nothing to lose (people tell me I should smile more). It is a lazy weekday morning in the Raleigh-Durham Airport and I am returning from a business trip I didn’t really want to take. I am dressed in business casual. I’m about as threatening as your average Gund creation. Having a total stranger employed by the government narrate just how he’s going to touch you is strangely erotic in a nation so squeamish about frank discussions of sex…

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What the Lost Finale is Really About

…X end up…?” “Why did X die?” “What the f…?” One of the ultimate, though pedestrian, questions stems from the very beginning: you’re stranded on a gorgeous island full of luscious fruits and secure shelter, with two dozen beautiful people, and you’re supposed to want to leave? The ending will never provide an adequate explanation for how an entire island can shift in time and space, nor how beings can attain immortality, nor how philosophers can l…

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Ultra-Orthodox Jewish Men “Stand Up” for “Religious Freedom”… On a Plane

…teresting here is the pattern of behavior, which replicates the broader social and political movement strategies we’ve seen on a personal scale. First, you try to convince people to do what you want—so, for example, if you’re an ultra-Orthodox man on a plane, you ask the woman next to you to move elsewhere, or if you’re a conservative religious employer, you argue that contraception shouldn’t be included in mandatory requirements for prescription…

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Penn Jillette’s Signs You May Already Be an Atheist

…critic might say this book is not what it seems; it is not just another media figure giving us reasons to hang our pious heads in shame. What does come through in all the vignettes, however, is ethical, libertarian, and very human. It is difficult not to feel like you want to get to know this guy when you put his book down. While those who pick it up as believers or agnostics probably won’t come away changed, they will sense that it—like the magic…

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What’s More Frightening Than Snakes on a Plane?

…ffordable, quality prenatal care, labor & delivery accessible to all, especially low-income women. There are many easy solutions to the airplane seating chart dilemma that allow for religious freedom for the ultra-Orthodox–without impeding the religious freedoms of others. And while the above suggestions for anti-abortion activists may be overly simplistic, there are ways for many religious conservatives, including opponents to the contraception m…

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Racial Justice Will Be Top Priority for New Prez of the United Church of Christ

…of the Family Research Council, who question the authenticity of the Christianity of the UCC in light of your views on marriage equality? And what do you say to Perkins’ related idea that religious liberty is really only for those who have religiously orthodox views? There really isn’t much to say to Tony Perkins. His mind is made up and I’m not going to change it. What I would say to others is that this phenomenon of casting aspersions on the aut…

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Southern Baptist Convention Kicks Out Gay Attendees, Waffles on White Supremacists

…ager to hear my story and I, theirs.” Robertson told RD that everyone affiliated with FIA had gone to great lengths to maintain warm, welcoming postures, and were not looking to be confrontational. Robertson says that he, Mitchell and Tim Gold, and FIA interim executive director Robert Hoffman had been engaging in conversation with fellow attendees without incident, and members of their team handed out pamphlets, until they were all escorted off t…

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More Mixed Signals from Pope Francis; Church of England Wrestles with Rifts; Faith Groups Lobby Pro & Con on Irish Referendum; Global LGBT Recap

…nships more generally. And, as often happens, legislation both reflects social attitudes and contributes to the deeper embedding of those attitudes over time.” However, participants are also warned to consider the global Anglican Communion – which includes some anti-gay African Churches. The document notes: “Balancing the Church of England’s responsibilities to the people of the parishes and local communities it serves, and its historical position…

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The Sacred and the Dead: The Trouble with Sugar Magnolia

…aring with laughter at that “doo doo-doo” chorus, occasionally passing a pedestrian in tie dye or flowy skirts who couldn’t get a ticket, and we’d keep laughing as that person started his or her ridiculous spinning dance in middle of the street. That was their ritual, these Deadheads. Play “Sugar Magnolia” and they’d all start spinning. And we’d look at them and laugh. It goes without saying that teenage girls lack maturity. There is plenty of evi…

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Wichita, the Sequel: A Clinic Reopens at Ground Zero in America’s Fight over Abortion

…was caught after the murder, fleeing halfway across the state, he had the phone number of an Operation Rescue leader on his dashboard—the tip of the iceberg in terms of the broader connections he’d built with anti-abortion extremists. The church, Roeder would later testify, emerged as the only place he could find a shot at Tiller, around the elaborate security measures the doctor had learned to follow at his clinic and home. “Justifiable homicide…

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