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Gingrich Downplays Adelson Money, Stokes Fear of “Second Holocaust” at Florida Church

…lorida Family Action, which spearheaded the anti-gay marriage measure that passed here in 2008; the Latino Partnership for Conservative Principles, an offshoot of the American Principles Project, founded by Manhattan Declaration author Robert George; the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference; Personhood USA, the national organization pushing ballot measures declaring fertilized eggs persons; and Champion the Vote, the get-out-the-vote…

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Snake-Handlers, False Messiahs, and a Few Great Souls: 14 Who Died in 2014

…ist in the predominantly African-American Church of God in Christ. Charles Paul Brown Founder of a group of “immortalists”who believe unlocking one’s unlimited potential can lead to physical immortality, Charles Paul Brown died at 79. According to the organization he helped found, while “the ideas of immortality burned brightly within him, the living of it often eluded him.”At its height in the mid-1990s, Brown’s foundation was bringing in more th…

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More Mixed Signals from Pope Francis; Church of England Wrestles with Rifts; Faith Groups Lobby Pro & Con on Irish Referendum; Global LGBT Recap

…list who insisted that bishops and archbishops who have ordained women not participate in the laying on of hands at his consecration. Archbishop John Sentamu, who had participated in the ordination of Libby Lane as the Church of England’s first female bishop last month, was among those who exhibited this “gracious restraint.” Writes Reader: This is, so we are to understand from Sentamu, not to imply a theology of “taint” around women priests, alth…

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“I Worship Jesus, Not Mother Earth”: American Christian Exceptionalism and the Paris Withdrawal

…, “climate denial was ‘fake news’ before ‘fake news’ was a thing, and it’s part of the Republican mainstream, not the Trumpist fringe.” There’s a double bind here: we must acknowledge the awful of this event just as we acknowledge the awful coast-to-coast ecological meltdown politically geo-engineered across time. The duty of scholars of religion and theologians is to expose the religious stories that construct this ecocidal scaffolding, rending a…

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Prexit and the Planet: Our Resistance Must Know No Borders

…r than laws and rules and precedents. He is so petty that he can’t imagine Pittsburgh, Paris and the planet all in one great global breath. How did this happen to the earth? It happened because the President (and his supporters) live in two small stories, both of which are false. His first story sees the United States as a victim. The President believes that the US has been “disadvantaged” and is a pitiless poor giant which other countries of the…

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The Great Disappointment: When the World Fails to End on Schedule

…to await their translation into heaven. Russell later denied being there; Pittsburgh newspapers insisted otherwise. He claimed in retrospect that 1874 had been the moment of Christ’s “invisible return.” His movement was called the International Bible Students Association, later renamed the Jehovah’s Witnesses. But the most famous end-of-the-world prediction, and the one which closely parallels Camping’s prediction, occurred early in the nineteent…

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The Myth of the ‘Lone Wolf’ Shooter Blinds Us to the Reality of White Supremacy

…ists. But how can we even be sure the individual domestic terrorists in El Paso or Pittsburgh represent a “pack”? And how can we act while protecting our First Amendment right to free speech? Leaving aside spectacles of wolf-pack frenzy like Charlottesville’s torchlight parade, we don’t routinely see these wolf packs rallying at the local VFW hall. Yet, we know these shooters run with a “pack” of their own kind. We know who gives them aid and comf…

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What We Saw in the Eyes of Koko the Talking Gorilla (1971-2018)

…oko when I actually got to meet Jane Goodall at the Carnegie Music Hall in Pittsburgh. Gorillas, chimpanzees, orangutans, monkeys—they circumnavigate my normal critical faculties, my academic inclination to intellectualize any passion. If a hypothesis can be proffered for my passion it’s in simian uncanniness, the intuition that being, at once, so much like us and so foreign, they offer a glance into some kind of primal otherness, some prelapsaria…

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‘Anti-Zionism = Antisemitism’ isn’t Just Wrong, It’s the Problem

…rity in America, which is not very good for Israel. We can see this by the numbers of native Israelis, increasingly part of a globalized economy, who move to the U.S., or Berlin, or Amsterdam, something Ben Gurion could never have quite imagined. A new phase of this project of post-religion Jewish identity is to make Israel/Zionism the centerpiece of Jewishness. And thus, if you challenge Israel/Zionism, for whatever reason, you are antisemitic be…

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Will Pope’s African Tour Change Attitudes on Divorce and LGBTQ Among African Catholics?

…th Africa, says that complexities of African family life affect how people participate in the church as well. He says African bishops may claim that divorce is not an issue, “but when I was working in a parish it was an issue.” In rural areas, however, “it is not so easy to get divorced, as marriage in rural places is often between two families and not two individuals. “ Pollitt adds that “this does not mean people don’t separate, but it is more c…

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