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Jeb Bush Is Confused About Religious Freedom

…that enacting another RFRA “like” the federal one, or “like” the RFRAs in New Mexico or Florida, would not provide the legal relief they’re looking for. The rest of Bush’s argument is unintelligible. He said, “this law simply says the government has to have a level of burden to be able to establish that there’s been some kind of discrimination.” Does he mean the government should have a high burden to establish there has been discrimination again…

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Fight to the ‘Death’ and Go ‘Hungry’ at Hunger Games Camp

…ave come to a summer camp near you, in the great state of Florida. Yes, in Florida, the land where the real death of an African-American child can be excused in a court of law, the fake “deaths” of predominantly white children are making quite a lot of headlines. In the meantime, as these children were undergoing pretend suffering at summer camp, hunger striking inmates at Guantanamo Bay—off the coast of Florida—were experiencing very genuine suff…

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I Was a Stranger: New York Activists Stage a Lenten Action for Sanctuary

…to Pew Research, yet Cardinal Timothy Dolan, who is also the Archbishop of New York, has done little to offer those immigrants reassurance that the Catholic church will stand up for them. In a Daily News op/ed, Dolan described immigrants as “a gift” to New York and stated that Trump has shown a lack of concern for immigrants. And New York’s Archbishop has said nothing about deportation. Dolan’s language has indeed been mild compared to other Catho…

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An American Muslim Abroad, Or, Things I Saw in Dubai

…other Islamicate structures of the past—and conveying softness. There’s a new Donald Trump development in Chicago which appears to copy the style of the Burj Khalifa, but appears to be the worst architectural xerox copy job in history—the same firm built both buildings, starting right around the same time. Talk about luxury on the cheap; it’s hard to deny a feeling of similarity. (The tower is to the Burj as a certain toupee is to hair: might the…

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Pentecostal Prayer Gangs: New Film Documents Religion in a Brazilian Prison

…ence as a filmmaker. How did the film come together? A friend of mine from New York who was a freelance photographer was willing to come to Rio, work for well below his usually daily rate and sleep on the floor of my apartment in order to help with the project. At that point I had built trust with the inmates over about seven months, and I knew who I wanted to interview for the film and that they would be willing to speak into a camera if I was in…

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Discovering “Little Syria”—New York’s Long-Lost Arab Neighborhood

…, all living vertically next to the elevated train tracks, in time-honored New York City tenement tradition. Only, in contrast to Chinatown or the Lower East Side, there is nearly nothing left of Little Syria. I walked what remains of Little Syria with Joseph Svehlak, a longtime tour guide and founder of Friends of the Lower West Side, whose mother, of Czech heritage, grew up in the neighborhood. He hadn’t realized its significance to the Arab Ame…

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Behind a Recent Stunt in Idaho Lies a Dangerous Theocratic Movement

…from 3800 to 6000. That’s quite a jump, and it’s definitely correlated to new residents.” When asked where the new residents came from, Abbott explains, “We have an active community of American Redoubters who advertise our area in publications across the country.” She pointed specifically to Black Rifle Real Estate, which she describes as “so damaging to our community.” The company’s website states, “That’s right liberals, Rural America and the R…

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7 Religion Stories to Watch in the 2012 Battleground States

…opulation with excellent door-to-door skills—could be a point of strength. New Hampshire: Can Romney convert the “nones”? Of all the swing states, New Hampshire has the highest proportion of “nones” (individuals who report no religious affiliation): 26%. 29% of the state’s residents identify as Catholic, 23% as mainline protestant, and 11% as evangelical Christians; but for many New Hampshire voters these are nominal affiliations, a fact reflected…

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Tea Party “Constitutionalism” on Abortion

…, by requiring that two physicians agree that her life is in danger.   The Florida Right to Life Act, sponsored in the previous legislature by North Florida representative and Baptist minister, Charles Van Zant, asserts that the US Supreme court does not have jurisdiction over abortion because the Constitution doesn’t give the Court “power to determine moral questions on behalf of the citizens of any state without their consent.” Van Zant is claim…

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Shucking Off The ’50s. And the ’40s. And the…

…tural challenges it faces — and unable to develop the much-needed reforms, new economic policies, and broad infrastructure investments required for a new round of sustained prosperity. Does this mean that either the Republicans have to lose the social conservatives or Dems lose the unions in order for there to be a sustainable end to political gridlock? It’s worth a thought, says Digby. I’m not so sure. Florida has an interesting thesis that what…

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