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No Turkey for Me: Confessions of an Indian Militant

…he years Indian militants have also been called communists, fascists, socialists, and radicals bent on destroying America. In fact, those names—which cancel each other out in any logical mind—have been applied in recent months to another tribal man, Luo of Kenya, who occupies the Oval Office at the moment. As an Indian militant I am discouraged, but not surprised, that the mainstream media has so far failed to recognize the stomp-down amazing fact…

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The Only Thing Evangelicals Will Never Forgive Is Not Hating the “Other”

…industry/consumer culture, which is exactly what the evangelical/fundamentalist churches are today, with a therapeutic twist that adds feeling good to the product list. If I have heard this once, I have heard it (or rather read it in emails) literally hundreds of times. “I can’t say this in public, but…” has been the start of so many emails from many evangelical and Roman Catholic and (to be truthful) several Orthodox leaders too, as well as ordin…

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Jesus Loses His Freak: How I Lost One Leper Messiah, and Gained Another, Part 4

…bles about ancient Israelites, periodically interrupted by a yawn-inducing list of begats or the heaven-sent Genocide of the Week. But the New Testament had its problems, too. The more I read, the more troubled I was by the dissonance between the righteous Jesus of the social gospel—the Revolutionary of Love, defending the destitute and the despised and demanding social justice on their behalf—and Paul’s chauvinism, misogyny, and homophobia. Worse…

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Capricology: Week 2: The Soul of a Robot

…l season, with new installments every Tuesday. Check here for the complete list of discussions,  or sign up here for the RSS feed. Here’s an exchange between Salman Hameed, Diane Winston and Henry Jenkins, on episode two.   Salman Hameed______________________ Fellow Capricologists, Episode two was bit of a let-down for me. Perhaps it was to be expected after watching a finely crafted 2-hour pilot. May be it was because too many themes were crammed…

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Orthodox Rabbi Imitates Pat Robertson

…Israel, allow openly gay service members without any adverse affect upon military cohesion or readiness. As for natural disasters, Levin may want to study up on what causes earthquakes, tsunamis, and hurricanes. I don’t see “gays and lesbians” listed among the data. But, fundamentalists of all stripes never let the facts get in the way of a good, scary, story. ”We plead with saner heads in Congress and the Pentagon to stop sodomization of our mili…

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Capricology: Week 3: Apotheosis, Anyone?

…the use of the word “apotheosis” to advance a plot. See here for the full list of discussions so far, or sign up here for the RSS feed.   Diane Winston_________________ Sunday, February 7. Fellow Capricologists: What did you make of the centrality of the news to “Reins of the Waterfall,” this week’s episode? On an earlier post, I’d joked about Ron Moore’s nod to newspapers with the debut of The Caprican on the SyFy Web page. But this week’s clips…

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Obama Under Fire From Civil Liberties Groups Over Faith-Based Policies

…But the administration specifically did not include on the Council’s to-do list one of the most controversial questions — whether faith-based recipients of taxpayer-funded grants could discriminate in hiring on the basis of religion. Under Bush-era rules that the Obama administration has not changed, a recipient of federal grant money may discriminate in hiring on the basis of religion — permitting taxpayer dollars to fund, for example, an organiz…

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Queering Easter: The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence Redefine Sainthood

…to community service, ministry, and outreach to those on the edges, and to promoting human rights, respect for diversity, and spiritual enlightenment. We believe all people have a right to express their unique joy and beauty and we use humor and irreverent wit to expose the forces of bigotry, complacency, and guilt that chain the human spirit. [emphasis in original] Dancing (dare I say flirting) along the bleeding edge of outrageousness, the 70 or…

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Does One Have to be an Ex-Muslim to be a Good Christian?

…acirbey, in this HuffPo piece, examines several other “ex-Muslims” who are promoted as evangelical Christians. Most notable in his list is Kamal Saleem, who worked for Focus on the Family, and claimed to be descended from the “grand wazir of Islam.” Even though both Caner and Saleem told tales that could not reasonably be taken as true, they were elevated within their respective organizations. Their fictional vision of Islam gave them credibility…

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What Do ‘The Christians’ Believe? Easter Reflections from a Non-Christian

…enth century, are confronting the rise of ethnic congregations such as the Korean Methodist Church. This internal diversification of Christianity in America is more than just the multiplication of churches; it is a symptom of larger globalizing forces and processes that will transform cultures and theologies, and bear on lived experiences and moral communities producing ever-increasing differences. Specifically, it can be understood as what histor…

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