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LGBTs in Philippines Reflect on Papal Visit; Francis Meets Trans Man Shunned by Parish; French Group Turns ‘Bar of Sodom’ into ‘Pub of Mercy’; Global LGBT Recap

…of hands. There are Anglican women bishops in the U.S., New Zeland, South Africa, Ireland, Sweden, and Germany. The consecration of Lane could exacerbate divisions in the Anglican Communion, as did the ordination by the Episcopal Church in the U.S. of an openly gay Bishop, Gene Robinson. (Anglican Mainstream, “an information resource for orthodox Anglicans,” featured on its website this week an article by Joseph Nicolosi, champion of “reparative…

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Pope Decries ‘Ideological Colonization’ of Family; Islamic State Executes Gays and Others; Gay Couple Gets Long-Delayed Wedding in Mexico; Global LGBT Recap

…rhetoric that is disturbingly similar to that used by anti-gay leaders in Africa who complain that efforts by western countries to protect the human rights of LGBT people is a form of colonialism. John Allen at the Crux reminds us this is not the first time Francis has said marriage is meant for a man and a woman: In November 2014, for instance, Francis defended the traditional concept of marriage to a three-day Vatican conference. The man/woman…

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Gambian Prez Rails Against Gay ‘Evil Empire’; Irish Priest Comes Out During Mass; Trans Talk on Tunisian TV Sparks Debate; Global LGBT Recap

…hich are contrary to their faith. Nor do we require evidence that schools ‘promote’ other faiths. “Instead, inspectors must ensure that pupils are able to express views which are neither intolerant nor discriminatory towards others. Tunisia: Trans Person Sparks Debate with TV Appearance Al Arabiya news reported on Sunday that a trans person appeared on a popular Tunisian television talk show. Born “Leila”, but going by the name “Jalel,” the transs…

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10 Noteworthy Yoga Developments to Recall in 2015

…ncluding Yoga 4 Change, the Prison Yoga Project, Yoga Behind Bars, and the Africa Yoga Project to name just a few, made yoga more accessible to at-risk youth, veterans, prisoners, and those suffering from substance abuse. 3. Take Back the Yoga Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi appointed Shipad Yesso Naik the first Minister of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy (AYUSH) as a part of a larger reorganization of his cabine…

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Top Five Toxic Religion Stories of 2014

…this was brought home to me earlier this year. I was in a black church in South Los Angeles, beta-testing a new criminal justice curriculum. Toward the end of the three-hour conversation an older woman confided that “we never did think of white people as Christians” when she was growing up. And why would she have? All she could see was cruelty and greed. Not her idea of Christian conduct. 4. Ritual purity in responses to Ebola and toward immigran…

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Torture Denial: U.S. Flunks the Religious Acid Test

…piritual maturity allows individual persons and whole nations (Germany and South Africa, most notably) to pass through a necessary process of self-examination and repentance. Repentance first and foremost requires acknowledgement of the realities of the misdeeds; it requires honest self-examination. Today’s spate of denials, the “many misgivings” responses coming from the liberals, and the bitter attacks on the credibility of the Torture Report al…

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Can Religion Professors Save the Planet?

…o so nobly. Think only of our public health workers fighting Ebola in West Africa. Real heroes. But, where are the great figures who can articulate a compelling vision around, say, climate change? Al Gore tried, but then disappeared, deciding to get rich as a media wheeler-dealer. Have other social activist leaders lost their focus too? I worry about this because of the ease today of blurring the distinction between social activism and other occup…

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Breaking Up with God: I Didn’t Lose My Faith, I Left It

…e best design possible for a mobile AIDS clinic for a town in a country in Africa. He posted the deadline, and he waited. He didn’t think anyone would submit anything, but on the day of the contest’s deadline, a delivery man from Federal Express rang the doorbell to his tiny studio apartment in New York City. He was carrying a huge bag stuffed with envelopes. “Wow,” the founder said. “Are all those mine?” “No,” the delivery person said. He pointed…

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Do We Owe Human Rights to the Christian Right?

…rms of the family”—favored by Western European states, the U.S., and South Africa, among others—in favor of the family. The Council also rejected an amendment, introduced by Norway, observing that the primary concern of international law is the rights of individuals, not collectives, and that individuals need protection from violations of their rights perpetrated within families. Resolution A/HRC/29/L.25 is, in the words of the Catholic Family and…

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Louisville Diocese Throws Teacher Under the Bus Over Ebola Hysteria

…ain former Republican Vice Presidential candidate is rumored to have, that Africa is a country, but it’s another for the Louisville diocese (whose Archbishop happens to be Joseph Kurtz, the head of the USCCB) to show no signs of leadership and to accept the teacher’s resignation. Clearly, given her husband’s letter to Kurtz, Susan Sherman didn’t waltz in and throw herself on the sword. She wanted to keep her job, which she’s held on and off for th…

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