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Eat, Pray, Trash: What the Critics Don’t See

…reedom. Gilbert flips the gender assumptions—she’s the one who leaves a spouse because she needs freedom—and some find the reaction against Eat Pray Love to be rooted in that sexist legacy. Romantic views of travel don’t stop with writers, of course. Quite the contrary: within certain circles, travel has come to be viewed as a marker of a generous, open-minded, cosmopolitan morality. One way of ridiculing Americans for their closed-mindedness, aft…

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A Public Monument to Atheism—In Florida

…think they’ve found a clever way to bring the Commandments in through the back door by invoking a “free speech zone.” They have to understand what that means—free speech means free speech for everyone. Those courthouse plazas may get awfully crowded….

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In a Time of Chaos and Misrule, Mardi Gras’ Subversive Message is Virtually Meaningless

…days, the ways in which we can measure the extremities of human experience between the lushness, the decadence, the celebration of Tuesday and the death of Wednesday. “Eat drink and be merry,” somebody once wrote. From the medieval celebrations of Mardi Gras came one of the most useful critical terms in our cultural vocabulary—the carnivalesque. That term is most associated with the twentieth-century Russian literary critic Mikhail Bakhtin who, in…

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The Big Lie Misrepresentation in Louisiana “Seal of Confessional” Case

The systematic abuse of the free exercise clause strikes again. In this latest episode, according to bloggers at Hot Air and the American Conservative, “[t]he Louisiana Supreme Court has ruled that a priest must testify in a case about what he heard in a confessional,” and “Fr. Bayhi will have to go to jail to protect the seal of the confessional.” These pundits can, to some extent, be forgiven for these misleading statements since the Catholic C…

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Why Al Mohler offered to “Host” Kentucky’s U.S. Senate Race Debates

…Mohler and McConnell are probably just trying to box Grimes in. If she refuses to accede to Mohler’s constrictive “invitation” she will likely be accused of ignoring and insulting Kentucky’s “evangelical Christians.” If she should consent to Mohler’s terms she could fairly expect to be maligned as an enemy of “evangelical values.” Damned if she does and damned if she doesn’t. It is unlikely that Mohler or McConnell ever entertained the illusion t…

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Trump’s Fear and Loathing Won’t Silence The Nation’s Sole LGBT Muslim Organization

…e very survival of minority communities. As MASGD puts it, “none of us are free until all of us are free.” To get a sense of what motivates MASGD’s activism, particularly in the current political atmosphere, I interviewed four pioneers of the American LGBT Muslim movement: Faisal Alam, Urooj Arshad, Raquel E. Saraswati, and Tynan Power. These leaders are members of MASGD’s Steering Committee, and were gracious enough to discuss with me their appre…

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Krapp’s Last Tweet: The Rise (and Fall?) of Privilege in the Digital Economy

…dence are not uniformly distributed. In the context of digital monopolies, users become locked into a limited range of commercial providers who, in turn, generate profit by extracting user data—the lifeblood of the digital economy—and packaging it for sale to marketers, government agencies, and banks. Such techniques entrench social stereotypes and exacerbate class inequality even as profits boom. To be clear: my critique here is directed not at F…

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Trump and Hindu Nationalism: A Match Made in Bollywood

…ant the state out of the way of private enterprise, they want the state to use public resources to actively promote a form of Hindu yoga. United by anxiety about immigration—and especially Muslims—as well as perceived threats to capitalist and patriarchal forms of domination, Trump and his allies among Hindus in the U.S. and India propagate militant forms of nationalism all while marketing themselves as protectors of social values. Trump and his a…

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Biden’s New Domestic Terrorism Strategy Addresses Trump’s Omission of White Nationalism, But Fails to Address Targeting of Black and Brown Americans

…claration that it respects the “foundational constitutional protection for free speech and association.” Indeed, the history of surveillance in the United States beginning with the establishment of the FBI in 1908 is the chronicle of infringing upon civil liberties and freedom of speech in order to target individuals and communities deemed to be politically subversive, including (perceived) communists, civil rights leaders, and communities of colo…

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Embryo Men — Decades of Conspiracy, Christian Nationalism, and Fear Led Us to The End of Roe v. Wade

…a “creative” version of nostalgia, she perpetuated a scenario where sexual freedom and women’s equality was the death knell to America. She wrote of the importance of women in raising “manly men,” where there was no “blurring of the sexes,” and “a man’s word was law in his house, no matter how shrewish his wife,” as she wrote in her 1967 article, “Love Thy Neighbor An Example of Divine Humor.” In her words “Papa had nights out with the Boys, and i…

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