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When God and Gender Mix: New Book Examines the Southern Holiness Movement

…could have added more “personality” to some of the folks that I talked about, but would have been distracting to the larger points that I wanted to make in specific chapters and the book itself. College-age sons getting into trouble, tirades against the fads of the time (such as “auto-cars”), lovingly tender letters from gruff husbands to their wives all had to make a point or get cut. What are some of the biggest misconceptions about your topic?…

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Renovating Marriage, One Gay Couple at a Time

…g that gays and lesbians have much to teach their straight counterparts about the institution they have been bogarting for the last few centuries. As Liz Mundy recalls in her Atlantic article, University of Washington professor Pepper Schwartz and her gay colleague, the late Phillip Blumstein performed groundbreaking research finding that: … gay and lesbian couples were fairer in their dealings with one another than straight couples, both in inten…

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Sacred&Profane: The Living Dead

…oked. There are ghosts and graves in the yards of my neighborhood, and the number of skeletons—reclining on lawn chairs, sprouting up from the ground, beckoning from the shadows—has transformed the suburban landscape into a set for a George Romero film. In addition, and beyond bland suburbia, monsters, ghosts, skeletons, vampires, and other playful dead inhabit stores and sell products, entertain across the television dial, and instill a dreadfull…

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Pop Culture Yogi B. K. S. Iyengar Dead at 95

…outh Asian text popularly recognized as the “classical” source, the Yoga Sutras, usually attributed to Patanjali, as well as to later hatha yoga developments. Iyengar even responded to recent debates about yoga’s identity and transmission by introducing an invocation to Patanjali at the beginning of each yoga class, though he insisted that while yoga was a part of an ancient South Asian yoga transmission it was not specific to any religious trad…

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Will Iowa’s Abortion Ban Respect Religious Freedom?

…s were motivated by religious obligations they feel bound by, such as the duties one owes to others, including future and existing children. One of the women interviewed, a Christian, pregnant by an abusive partner, described how she made her abortion decision through “[a] lot of praying, a lot of talking to God.” She concluded that God “would not want me to be in a situation for the rest of my life or [for] a child to be in a situation for the re…

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Mormon Rejection of Trump Embarrassing for Evangelicals?

…’s presidential run in 2012, those impulses have been largely diminished. But evangelical worries about Mormonism remain. That Mormons have so thoroughly repudiated Donald Trump while American evangelicalism wrestles with its complicated relationship with him only elevates evangelical leaders’ concerns about the strength of their faith. Rather than seeing Mormon opposition to Trump as a moment to celebrate, evangelical leaders may understand it as…

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American Christianity Is Changing Fast: Five Stories to Watch in 2016

…as religious leaders, is the so-called “Rise of the Religious Nones.” The number of dropouts/defectors from church involvement has risen significantly over the last several years, such that about 23 percent of the American population now claims no religious affiliation. They leave for many reasons, ranging from a general disillusionment with large-scale institutions in general to the politicization of religion and religious scandals—whether finan…

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An Unholy Holy Week: Is the All-Male Rule of the Roman Catholic Church Self-Destructing?

…ou!” he repeated, describing the leaders of his day as whitewashed on the outside but inside full of “all kinds of filth.” In fact, deference to “Father” is at the heart of this mess. Nuns now report not challenging priests when they spent unusual time alone with children. John Conway, supervisor of a vocational rehabilitation program in Wisconsin in the 1970s, heard from deaf men about sexual abuse and collected affidavits, but he trusted Archbis…

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The Faith Outreach Canard

…reverse of 2006 — when Democrats made big congressional gains at a time when a Republican president was falling out of favor. Sapp, in his post-election lament that the Democrats didn’t listen to him enough, blames these losses on the Democrats’ lack of faith outreach. But as the political scientists note, there’s no proof that this was the problem. And given the across-the-board Democratic gains in the years Sapp cites as proof that his prescript…

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Special Hell: Progressive Catholics Reckon With the Rise of Trump

…practice your religion, as individuals, business owners and academic institutions. I will make absolutely certain religious orders like The Little Sisters of Poor are not bullied by the federal government because of their religious beliefs. And while the Catholic bishops were officially supportive of the Affordable Care Act (once they forced through the abortion restrictions they wanted), it’s not difficult to imagine them supporting a partial or…

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