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Free Yiddish Lessons, Vacation Liberty School, and Brangelina’s Universalism: The Week in Religion, Poetically

…tegy has been to apply for landmark status for the current building on the site. Echoing the Temecula Baptists, US Representative Peter King said, “It’s a house of worship, but we are at war with al-Qaida.” King also argued that it was a bad time for Muslims to build a mosque. “Right at this moment in history, it’s bad form to put it there.” Want to block religion from encroaching onto your browser? Try GodBlock. The Obama administration is removi…

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Will California Outlaw Divorce?

…e like his anti-divorce arguments so much: ‘I stole them from the Yes on 8 site.’ And he’s counting on support from groups who bankrolled the anti-gay-marriage initiative.” Sadly, the head of the California Family Coalition did not comment to Mercury News, but its president, Ron Prentice, had previously called the idea “impractical.” So, despite the religious right’s dedication to preserving marriage and family, its leadership seems loathe to do i…

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Hoax Underscores Urgency for LGBT People in Uganda

…pology for perpetuating the false story: To say that knowing that this web site helped to propagate that hoax is humiliating would be an understatement. We’ve worked hard at BTB in establishing our credibility, and I believe that a key component of that is also to maintain an atmosphere of transparency and accountability when we get it wrong. The more profound damage, Burroway fears, however, is that this hoax will damage the fight for LGBT rights…

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Hawaii Governor Vetoes Civil Unions

…majority religious) resistance? The courts and legislatures have been the site of all the other civil rights decisions over the years. Why are they not now—over this one issue of fairness for gays and lesbians? Imagine for a moment if the Supreme Court had said, “No, we believe the people should decide if separate but equal should be the law of the land. Such a big decision should not be left to a small panel of nine justices.” Perhaps, this coun…

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Updated: Gay Activist Beheaded in Uganda…
Is it a Hoax?

…gay sermon a few weeks ago, is now missing. The New Vision, a Ugandan news site, reports that he was “mentally stressed” but does not mention his support for gays and lesbians. The reality in Uganda is that the gay and lesbian community is under constant threat of violence or death, and religious leaders in the United States like Lou Engle and others have a direct responsibility in fueling the flames of hatred in that country. Colin Coward, at the…

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The Morning After

…est brother to it just last year). When I got the news, during the fast, a number of my friends told me just go ahead and stop fasting to address it. But, I thought if I do not get on top of it, this may be my last Ramadan; and I just wanted to finish what I had started. I’m glad I did, but here’s the thing. To stabilize the blood sugar, pre-diabetics and diabetics have to eat smaller meals dispersed through out the day. I started it yesterday but…

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The Kaaba: Center of the Universe

…s from it so I could go there every day. It was in Jerusalem that I got my best satiation for sacred places, because there are so many from Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all in one place; set apart from the rest of Israel by the prohibition of motor vehicles. I entered the dome of the rock and Masjid al-Aqsa through a darkened stairwell. I climbed over a hundred steps before I came up to the light of day, and then, there it was the golden splen…

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God TV: Televangelism 2.0

…w days after her Damascus Road conversion,” reads her biography on the web site for her book, Journal of the Unknown Prophet, “Wendy received this prophetic word: ‘And you shall be raised up as a forerunner of creative evangelism in this generation.’ The Prophetic Call to the Media was ignited.” Unlike their forebears at TBN, the Alecs are updated and hip, reflecting the trend in charismatic youth evangelism to be more Avril Lavigne than Aimee Sem…

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Why Did Vandals Try to Destroy a Holy Tree?

…essness of the destruction. Ironically, the social value ascribed to these sites made them ripe for sacrifice. Had the vandals been the only ones on Earth who knew about the Eye of the Needle, it may never have occurred to them to destroy it. Certainly, no sadistic impulse could be satisfied by destroying something that no one was able to appreciate. Instead these sites were the locus of communities, traditions, and histories stretching back centu…

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Can Poetry Heal the Planet?

…ourselves. This is quite a different ars poetica than the “First thought, best thought,” that Allen Ginsberg espoused (via his teacher Chogyam Trungpa). It is, rather, the intuition, mentioned earlier, wherein we can confront such vital questions as “Who am I?” and “How can I deal with my pain?” It’s precisely here we can awaken to our inner teacher. To that aim, Stephen Levine’s exemplary poetry inspires us to trust our own vision, hold it, make…

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