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‘Pro-Life’ Theater, Open White Nationalism, and Virility Fear — Day 3 of NatCon

…ent to ending abortion through equal protection under the 14th amendment. Again, this is simply not accurate, as legal scholars have pointed out. It may also be a useful strategy to act outraged, since it gives Trump the opportunity to distance himself from the most ardent anti-abortion voices in the GOP coalition and figures like Tom McClusky, former senior vice president for the Family Research Council and FRC Action, who voiced his worries to t…

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Death With Dignity: Combatting Religious Opposition to Physician-Assisted Suicide

…nited Church of Christ and the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations have offered support of aid in dying, although numerous individual congregations of all stripes have also stood up for such measures. The debate has largely focused on spirituality and ethics, but experts say new medical technology that has opened the door to the practice leaves religious organizations in a bind. Catholic leaders have long been supportive of pain-ma…

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New Anti-Gay Snake Oil for Religious Right

…t science to its liking – and they will still continue to quote Robert Spitzer’s study on “ex-gays” even though Spitzer has disavowed his study and apologized to the LGBT community. The case being made against gays and lesbians by the religious right has always been a spurious one, based on religious bias, bad science and outright lies. This latest study is just more of the same….

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U.S. Bishops Reject Pope Francis’ Priorities

…the majority of the bishops forcefully rejected giving Francis’ concerns regarding poverty, the environment and immigration equal time with their own regarding abortion and same-sex marriage. First, the bishops voted for a list of priorities that looks exactly like their list from every other recent meeting: evangelization (“a personal encounter and relationship with Jesus”), family and marriage (promotion of the “traditional” family), human life…

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When God and Gender Mix: New Book Examines the Southern Holiness Movement

…e, I tried to keep those folks in mind as I wrote. I wanted to keep them engaged, because I don’t think you can change minds if your audience stops listening. This meant that I had to demonstrate that I respect their faith. At the same time, I wanted to challenge them to rethink some ideas about what goes into constructing a personal identity–perhaps even convincing them that personal and gender identity is a construction in the first place. Are y…

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Renovating Marriage, One Gay Couple at a Time

…ose marriage equality on religious grounds. For them, I point to a growing number of religious leaders who also understand that gays and lesbians can do a lot to “redefine” marriage in beneficial ways. Rev. Ed Bacon, who leads the 4,000 member All Saints Church in Pasadena, Calif., told Oprah Winfrey this past weekend that marriage would be “enriched” by same-sex couples. I’ve never had a straight couple come to me and say, ‘My marriage is in trou…

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Sacred&Profane: The Living Dead

…ancient dead, as well as other manner of demons and spirits. From these pagan origins on through the Christian conquest of paganism, what we know as Halloween became associated with certain Christian hallowed days, in particular All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day. These institutional formalities brought martyrs and saints, angels, and prayers for the dead into the picture, and generally kept the dead firmly in sight, either as exemplars to be fol…

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Pop Culture Yogi B. K. S. Iyengar Dead at 95

…ted to his success in constructing and disseminating what is known as “Iyengar Yoga,” an idiosyncratic rendition of modern postural yoga, a complex and contested collection of systems consisting of some combination of asana, or “posture,” synchronized with the breath through pranayama or “breath control.” Iyengar was born Bellur Krishnamachar Sundararaja Iyengar on December 14, 1918, in the Indian state of Karnataka. He suffered through an agonizi…

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Will Iowa’s Abortion Ban Respect Religious Freedom?

…ious peoples’ accounts of abortion are largely absent from political and legal discourse. My organization, the Law, Rights and Religion Project at Columbia Law School, recently filed an amicus brief in the Indiana case mentioned by Judge Christensen to correct this record. Drawing on data collected by the Abortion & Religion Project and first-hand testimony, we demonstrated the many ways that religious beliefs can motivate abortion. In their own w…

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Mormon Rejection of Trump Embarrassing for Evangelicals?

…g up its more unseemly beliefs and practices, including its history of polygamy. In the 1980s, as Mormons linked with conservative evangelicals and Catholics in the Religious Right to oppose abortion and gay rights, evangelical leaders also cranked out a slew of anti-Mormon materials, books, and the inflammatory “documentary,” The God Makers, because they worried lay evangelicals might wrongly see Mormon conservatism as evidence of it as a “true”…

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