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A Victory for Conservatives in Revised AP History Curriculum

…ize important ways of teaching about the American past, and force American high schools to teach U.S. history from a perspective that selfconsciously seeks to de-center American history and subordinate it to a global and heavily social-scientific perspective. ​De-center American history? Heaven forfend! ​​Subordinate our glorious ​saga to a “global and social-scientific perspective”?​ Never! National Review’s Stanley Kurtz went further, accusing t…

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David Brat, Theological Conundrum

…and intentions in each individual case.” In other words, we can’t know if high-interest payday loans are immoral without knowing whether an individual lender intends in his heart to help or exploit the poor. And if no one but the individual can really know whether a business practice is just or unjust, we have a responsibility not to use the government’s “monopoly on violence” to “coerce our fellow citizens to act in ways that follow our Christia…

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west bank mural

A One-State Solution for Israel and Why It Will Work

…t ideologues. But not all of them. Some settlers prefer the convenience of cheaper housing, without any apparent concern for how their desire for an affordable place to live jeopardizes the security of their country and the viability of their state. And that’s not even getting to Gaza. All this trouble, with the continued delusion that somehow it can be sustained, somehow it’ll be made to work, somehow if we just bomb them every few years, and pun…

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Catholic News We Missed Last Week While Stalking the Pope

…ps among ourselves. There is abundant reason to celebrate and so we did. A highlight of the event was Mercy Sister Theresa Kane’s presentation and the awards given in her name. Theresa is widely revered for her 1979 graceful speech to Francis’ predecessor Pope John Paul II. She famously welcomed him to the U.S. by calling for women’s full participation in the ministry of the church (otherwise known as ordination). He was appalled, an emotion that…

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Paul Crouch, Architect of Prosperity Gospel Televangelism, Dead at 79

…the televangelists he helped turn into stars, she with her pink hair piled high on her head, garish make-up, high-pitched voice, and gaudy clothes. But as Wead recognized, they have an audience (one worth cultivating for votes, at least), in a subculture not only unfamiliar but probably outright incredible to many Americans. When I was writing my book, I attended one of those notorious TBN “Praise-A-Thons” at the network’s suburban Atlanta studio….

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Will Dems Find Moxie to Resist Immoral GOP Tax Plan?

…gton, immediately falsifies the idea that U.S. corporate tax rates are too high in relation to those of other developed countries. Our effective corporate rates are actually much lower than those of comparable countries. Falsification #2 concerns the alleged link between lower taxes and job creation: the hoary trickle-down theory that refuses to die, despite multiple studies showing no evidence that the investor class will ever use tax benefits to…

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Vatican Pitbulls Make Cardinal

…urgh to head the local seminary in 1982. But by 1985 he was destined for a higher calling. Meanwhile, Archbishop Raymond Hunthausen of Seattle was a popular and liberal cleric who ran afoul of Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, then head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Much like the US nuns who are being investigated now, Hunthausen was the subject of an Apostolic Visitation because he was supportive of civil and religious rights for wo…

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Trump Floated Dastardly Deal With Erdogan

…it. A coup is by nature a secretive cabal carried out by a small number of high-ranking military and political leaders. Hundreds of high school principals and newspaper columnists are unlikely to have been in the inner circles of such conspiracies. They are, however, likely to have been Erdogan’s political opponents. In the years leading up to the coup, Erdogan lost the initial support of the Gulen movement as news of corruption within his adminis…

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The Secret Life of Mormons: As Told by Prodigal Daughter, Novelist Judith Freeman

…ve unmet desires and shame and secrets that I believe lead to an extremely high statistic of men looking at pornography. There is a price to be paid for hiding things, for keeping parts of yourself secret. A lot of people in Mormonism lead double lives due to the pressure to tell faith-promoting stories. I think it comes too from the foundations of Mormonism in an open revolt against loss. The ability to do saving rites for the dead was essential…

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Tea Party Bullies on Homosexuality: “No Punishment Too Severe?”

…io of Florida, Mike Lee of Utah, Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania, Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, Rand Paul of Kentucky, Joe Miller of Alaska, and Christine O’Donnell of Delaware. You can bet that no matter how the numbers finally shake out in next month’s election, Barton and DeMint, and their views on “Judeo-Christian heritage” and “biblical law,” will continue to have allies in high places….

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