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Mourning Jenni Rivera: “When a Lady Dies”

…at is a religion of the streets. Seen in religious processions, shrines to official and folk saints, and public altars, this Roman Catholic spirituality brings communities together to celebrate and mourn. Mexico has had its share of daughters whose struggles have led them to be remembered more by tragedy than triumph. We remember La Malinche, Cortés translator and lover, who was forced into servitude like so many other indigenous women during the…

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Photo of the Day: Uganda’s First Gay Pride Parade

…Earlier this month in the lake town of Entebbe (where the president’s official residence is located), Uganda’s first gay pride parade took place. Abdoulaye Bah writes: In spite of widespread homophobia on the part Ugandan politicians and the public, the event was reportedly well attended. Ugandan police raided the event and detained LGBT activists who were later released. Now this is courage: Photo courtesy of David Robinson…

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The Theological Roots of Akin’s ‘Legitimate Rape’ Comment

…on the separation of church and state: The civil magistrate [a government official] is responsible to God. He is to discharge his duty according to God’s will. The Bible is the supreme revelation of God’s will. Because church and state are neither subordinate to the other but to God, the civil magistrate is under obligation to recognize the Bible as authoritative in the exercise of civil magistracy. The Lordship of Christ in all areas of life is…

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Archbishops Try to Hold it Together, Order Re-Vote on Women Bishops

…space for minority perspectives and what emerges, really, is a concern for numbers. As one of the authors of the Times letter, Tom Sutcliffe, wrote elsewhere, “I absolutely do not want to see the Church of England ending up as a result of our in my view correct determination to include women in the ordained ministry at all levels with an even smaller footprint. I do not want the Church to vote to shrink more, and there is no doubt that the ordinat…

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Wal-Mart Faces a New Round of Historic Strikes… But Why Now?

…ompany even closed a Canadian store that voted for one—but even without an official union, workers taking collective action on the job are protected by labor law. On the picket line and in Bentonville, in conference calls and statements to the media, the workers have charged that the company retaliates against workers who speak up about their conditions by cutting their hours or changing their schedules. They’ve demanded a halt to such actions by…

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Richard Land Steps Down, But Not Out of the Culture Wars

…ty has written that during the 2004 reelection campaign Land became the “unofficial spokesperson for the president on values issues, telling stories about personal encounters with Bush and his deep faith.” Noticing Land’s growing influence in American politics, Ted Olsen of Christianity Today asked in 2002 whether Richard Land was the new leader of the religious right.              Without a Bush on the presidential ballot, Land lost his way in 20…

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How are Mormons Responding to the Election Results?

The LDS Church issued a gracious, politically neutral official response to Tuesday night’s election results, congratulating President Obama on his win and encouraging “Americans everywhere, whatever their political persuasion, to pray for the President, for his administration and the new Congress as they lead us through difficult and turbulent times.” Meanwhile, Mormon feminist bloggers reached across the partisan aisle to foster reconciliation i…

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Can We Ask Mitt About Mormonism’s Racist Past?

…ion of Bott’s comments, it missed an opportunity to make an undisputed and official apology for its past.  These are serious issues about which Romney has remained remarkably silent, neither breaking free from his religious convictions nor offering any consolation with regards to the teachings of his faith that could provide a glimpse into his own racial beliefs about black people. Little has been said about his record on civil and social justice,…

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Electionpocalypse, Part II: The Mythical Jewish Vote

…as other things on its mind. There is no “Jewish vote.” Jews vote. A small number of them vote for Republicans. Most of them vote for Democrats. Every cycle the Republicans try to improve on their last performance, but Jews are overwhelmingly liberal. So Republicans try to draw them in by talking about Israel, an issue very few of them vote on, but an issue that has the added benefit of helping Republicans shore up their evangelical base. Jews mak…

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