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Romney’s Mild Rebuke to Bryan Fischer, and Fischer’s Ugly Speech

…as importantly shaped who we have become as a people.  We must continue to welcome faith into the public square and allow it to flourish. Our government should respect religious values, not silence them. We will always pledge our allegiance to a nation under God. Our values ennoble the citizen, and strengthen the nation. We should remember that decency and civility are values too. One of the speakers who will follow me today, has crossed that line…

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Women, Religion, and Film: Higher Ground Raises the Stakes

…tongues, when she talks to God. Her expressions of faith, however, are not welcome in public spaces. She is only allowed to believe in private, in small, circumscribed spaces, locked in her bathroom, alone in her car, washing dishes in the kitchen, folding laundry in the bedroom. When faith is cast as submitting to God and to the men who claim to speak for God, then any kind of independence, any kind of questioning, any kind of female authority, m…

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LGBT Mormons Ask in Historic Temple: “If they could just see us, don’t you think they would change their minds?”

…o membership. The Community of Christ offered Affirmation an institutional welcome of a kind LGBT Mormons rarely experience, providing tour guides, meeting spaces, and the opportunity to worship within the Kirtland Temple itself. Although the temple is not used for the same kinds of sacred rites that take place in contemporary LDS temples, it is still recognized by all branches of the Mormon movement as a space of sacred importance. In the Kirtlan…

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Burning Down the Temple: Religion and Irony in Black Rock City

…sty naked couple, asked me to get out of my car and embraced me, shouting “Welcome Home!” I had crossed the threshold. Next step was to head for my campsite on “Liminal,” the outermost street of the semi-circular Black Rock City. For many Burners, this pilgrimage to the desert is the closest they come to participating in anything like a religious community. They prepare for it all year, gathering costumes and camp decorations, assembling sculpture…

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Who Gets Paid to Make America Hate? The Roots of the Islamophobia Network

…for some time now.  (You must read Sarah Posner’s invaluable exploration, “Welcome to the Shari’ah Conspiracy Industry”.) But Fear, Inc. gives us a still-more exhaustive insight into the Islamophobia network’s leaders, strategies, and intentions.  With good timing.  We’re coming up on an election-year, in which major questions about the United States must be answered, or at least recognized. We need national conversations that represent people’s i…

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Openly Gay Mormon Appointed to LDS Church Leadership Position

…lly-occurring human trait that is not abhorrent to God. Some congregations welcome participation by openly gay people who maintain chastity. Other Mormons, however, feel that it is unjust and impossible to expect gay Mormons to abstain from intimate relationships their entire lifetimes. The LDS Church’s recent investments in anti-marriage-equality campaigns like Proposition 8 have created deep divides in Mormon families and communities, giving tho…

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‘Theological Porn’: The Most Egregious Religious Idea of 2021 is a Tie

…ers, pedophiles, environmental villains, and rapacious capitalists are all welcome as Catholics, but a pox on the houses of same-sex loving persons, trans and non-binary folks. These ideas trivialize sex, gender, and embodiment itself. Abortion is not a frivolous decision. The choice to end a pregnancy can be as much an act of love as is making a plan for a newborn to be taken care of by others. What does it matter to anyone else what gender one f…

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