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What’s Islamophobia, and Do I Have It?

…hose mind is already made up. Or you could, and it’d be like talking to Mideast Beast: The Scriptural Case for an Islamic Anti-Christ, Joel Richardson’s rather self-explanatory title. Islamophobia, as we will see, has its own histories, its own specialists, and its own echo chamber. Because of course it cannot exist in a world of peer review. Richardson’s book works like this: he has a conclusion in mind, and then searches, without any consistent…

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Everything Was Better When We Had God In Our Schools

…daughter during her recital. • March 11, 1908, Boston, Massachusetts. Elizabeth Bailey Hardee was shot to death by Sarah Chamberlain Weed at the Laurens School, a finishing school in Boston. Weed then turned the gun on herself and committed suicide. • April 15, 1908, Asheville, North Carolina. Dr. C.O. Swinney shot and fatally wounded his 16-year-old daughter Nellie in a reception room at Normal and Collegiate Institute. He then committed suicide…

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Sin is Not a Crime: A Conversation with Patrick Cheng 

…g laws and rehabilitation. Atonement, where Jesus comes in to fill the gap between us and God, is this notion that Jesus has to pay a price, a “penal substitution,” on our behalf because we can’t pay the price that’s so huge for offending God. This is the legalistic model —it’s very medieval, where you have a Lord and you don’t want to upset the Lord. What you’re proposing to replace this is something that actually reaches further back in Christia…

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Because God Tells Me So; Do Jews Have a “Historic Right” to Israel?

…mar position of Rabbi Joel Teitelbaum, both of which are anti-Zionist, at least in terms of how Zionism was framed by its numerous founders (contemporary Chabad Hasidism occupies a position in-between). Although Kook and Teitelbaum come to opposite conclusions—Kook an active postmillennial messianist, believed sole possession of the land was a pre-requisite or sign of the messiah, while Teitelbaum, a passive premillennial messianist, believed rema…

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Kindred Hatemongers: Why American Islamophobes and Muslim Protesters Need Each Other

…e more successful. Morris Sadek, another US-based Coptic Christian, helped promote the film on his website, and may have been the one who arranged for a translation into Arabic and the promotion of the video in Cairo. In Egypt and throughout the Muslim world, the filmmakers finally received the negative publicity and public protests that they’d sought all along. But although many Muslims were offended by the tawdry mocking of their Prophet in the…

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Did the Dalai Lama Just Call for an End to Religion?

…ma seems to be saying that religion needs to work harder to bridge the gap between the story that it tells and our actions in the world. It is not enough to provide believers with a comforting world view; religion should give people tools to act upon the sacred ideals that it preaches. The way to accomplish this, according to the Dalai Lama, is spiritual practice. “We are now in the twenty-first century,” writes Tibet’s leading monk. “The world is…

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Gaza Reading [UPDATED]

…he West is certainly doing neither Israelis nor Palestinians any favors. It is also fatally undermining its own ability to successfully navigate, build relationships and promote its own interests in a rapidly changing Middle East by ignoring Gaza and Palestinian disenfranchisement.”…

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Hurricane Sandy Spawns Right-Wing Theodicy

…homosexual Mormon along with a pro-abortion/homosexual, Muslim Brotherhood promoter, Hard Left Fascist are running for president. And there is no cry of repentance from God’s people! I see this storm as a warning from the LORD to call His church to repentance, This might be the last call from the Holy God of Israel. Of course, all this insane talk completely disregards the actual science behind how hurricanes form. Hurricanes have no political age…

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The Master: “It’s Not the L. Ron Story”

…course, plenty of reasons not to like the Church of Scientology. Not the least of these are the serious allegations that have been leveled against the Church by former members, especially the children of Scientologists who were raised in Scientology schools or pressured to serve in the Church’s elite order, Sea Org. But as disturbing as these stories are, I am more interested in the motivations of groups like Anonymous, who organized angry protes…

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Christ is Pissed, Again

…tof takes the tense political situations in Northern Africa and the Middle East into account in evaluating responses to “Innocence of Muslims,” he still finds it necessary to emphasize that, “for a self-described ‘religion of peace,’ Islam does claim a lot of lives.” Never mind Christianity’s less-than-stellar track record with regard to violence, or the fact that Piss Christ has actually been subject to violent attacks in the past. A crucial diff…

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