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Religious Leaders On Anti-Muslim Frenzy: “Silence Is Not An Option”

…ps. Richard Cizik, president of the New Evangelical Partnership for the Common Good, speaking to evangelical Christians engaging in or promoting anti-Muslim bigotry, said, “Shame on you . . . as an evangelical I say you bring dishonor to the name of Jesus Christ.” Many speakers, including Cizik, chided unnamed purveyors of anti-Muslim fervor as antagonists of the First Amendment. Richard Killmer of the National Religious Campaign Against Torture c…

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Elaine Howard Ecklund Wants to Dispel Myths Surrounding Religious Resistance to Science

…ur message reach into different communities. There seems to be such an enormous amount of stonewalling against the idea that climate change is real in the United States that it’s hard to imagine, for me, that people are as open as you say. In fact, they seem quite closed. Scientists tend to think that it’s all about knowledge. It’s not actually about teaching people better—there’s good science out there, there’s nearly total consensus that climate…

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Conservative Hardliners at Synod Prompt Question: “What Are We Doing Here?”

…tive values”: “There is no basis for comparing or making analogies, even remotely, between homosexual unions and God’s plan for matrimony and the family.” As John Allen reports in Crux, Erdő’s remarks prompted Italian Archbishop Claudio Maria Celli to ask “what are we doing here?” if any changes in even pastoral practice were off the table. What are the bishops doing there indeed? As Ross Douthat observed in the New York Times, there is only one l…

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Exclusion is Causing Great Harm: A Conversation With Suspended UMC Pastor Rev. Cynthia Meyer

…hey just struggled with the church being in the news. But that was a small number, and most folks have been very receptive. Many immediately began telling me about their family members, and all of their personal stories. My vulnerability in sharing let them open up, and we had great conversations. They’ve really hung in there. The church is not yet a reconciling congregation, but they had done some study about that before I had arrived, and they’r…

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Islamic Intellectual Leadership at a Crossroads

…ics no matter what their intellectual discipline? Failure to do so is tantamount to moral irresponsibility. The double whammy comes when we do address them, because then we are immediately cast into the category of activist, and therefore not intellectual or intellectual enough. Let’s face it, knowledge is power and to enter the world of ideas is powerful. In 2009 a Wahabbi-funded publication called “The 500 Most Influential Muslims” was published…

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For Conservatives, the Future Looks Dim… and Gay

…peated ad nauseum by the left and liberals to keep Christian America – the moral majority – from imposing moral government on pagan public schools, pagan higher learning and pagan media. But it’s just that kind of talk that’s turning off younger voters. The College Republican National Committee commissioned its own poll of college-aged Republicans, and what they found doesn’t bode well for the GOP’s future. If young voters primarily thought the Re…

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Mormonism’s “9/11 Mosque Moment”

…e describing the federal inquisition of Utah Senator Reed Smoot in 1903 as Mormonism’s “9/11 Mosque Moment,” reminding us of a time when the mayor of New York City (no Bloomberg, he) banned Mormon missionaries and when Mormon elders were tarred and feathered in the South. It’s a timely and necessary reminder. Because from the chatter around the Mormon blogosphere, I’m gathering that politically opportunistic anti-Muslim sentiment is simmering in t…

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The Messiah is Not Coming

…ll to see in the scary numbers given out by the Census Bureau earlier this month: big jumps in the number of Americans losing compensated work for working poverty or worse, and concomitant big jumps in the number of people losing health care coverage. The thing is—and labor market specialists all concur—these blows are no longer cyclical phenomena that will be reversed once “the economy” really starts humming. “The economy,” in the way that mainst…

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Religion and Resistance at the New National Museum of African American History and Culture

…stitutions donated religious artifacts to the museum, which of the objects moved you the most? That’s a hard question because there are so many! Standing within two feet of Nat Turner’s Bible is very powerful and moving because you start thinking about the connection with religion and resistance. Nat Turner’s story has always been the story of how religion has been used in resistance to oppression, and to me, that’s incredible. Another object that…

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“Real” Evangelicals Don’t Support Trump? Not So Fast…

…ort from evangelicals decreases the more they go to church—dropping from almost 55% among the “never/seldom” crowd to about 35% from the “weekly” attenders—that decline isn’t the whole story. Even among weekly churchgoers, Trump still comes out ahead of his competitors. Evangelicals argue that at least part of that is due to the divided field where anti-Trump voters can choose from a number of alternatives. But that interpretation only underscores…

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