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Mormon Rejection of Trump Embarrassing for Evangelicals?

…weekend, while Mormons are overwhelmingly Republican they diverge from the party’s base on several important issues that have animated Trump’s campaign. In contrast to Trump’s extreme immigration proposals, for example, the LDS Church has long pushed for compassionate immigration reform and Mormons generally hold pro-immigrant views. When Trump proposed a ban on all Muslims entering the United States, the LDS Church took the rare step of respondin…

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American Christianity Is Changing Fast: Five Stories to Watch in 2016

…f parish model, although the independence of most of these churches (as compared to the Catholic model) sets them apart. How long will this trend continue, and in what ways will it develop over the coming years? One of the drivers of this effort is related to the desires of younger Christians to live and work in urban areas. But with the influx of mostly younger and white members, what happens to the city, and the Christian voice that remains? 5….

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An Unholy Holy Week: Is the All-Male Rule of the Roman Catholic Church Self-Destructing?

…Benedict XVI set in motion any change to canon law? Will he step down or ask any complicit bishops to resign? Will he even order a Church-wide investigation? Unlikely. Instead, his moral authority will continue to erode. The number of priests will continue to dwindle. Catholic women will assume more and more administrative and other posts, and the hypocrisy of refusing to ordain them will become increasingly apparent. The house of cards will fall…

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The Faith Outreach Canard

…Eleison Group, who the RNS article notes worked doing faith outreach on a number of Democratic campaigns in 2006 and 2008 but not in 2010. In both the RNS interview and in an article on Huffington Post, Sapp argues for a causal link between lackluster faith outreach in this election cycle and Democratic losses; his conclusion: “the results were disastrous.” To support this argument, Sapp claims the following: Compared to ’06, Democrats nationally…

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Special Hell: Progressive Catholics Reckon With the Rise of Trump

…we haven’t heard over the past nine years. Catholic Democrats are feeling pain, fear, despair.” What’s surprising, says Krueger, is the range of people he’s heard from. “It’s all over the demographic landscape—older and younger, lawyers, blue collar workers, etc.—all used the word fear.” The big question they all have, Krueger said, is how they should move forward as Catholics, especially because the institutional church is offering little guidan…

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55% of Utah Mormons Believe LGBT People can “Change”

…o come among LDS Church membership. More Mormons have rallied around Elder Packer’s hurtful speech than have carefully read the prepared official PR statement affirming LGBT humanity and dignity. Few have absorbed the nuances Church leaders have been hammering out in successive statements about LGBT issues. Many are still thinking like we were taught to in the 1970s, that homosexuality is simply a base perversion, an abomination, and can be change…

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The Devil is in the Details

…tried on everything, including gifts from others. I’ve had to discard one pair of pants a gift from a friend in Indonesia, cause they are just too short on the waist and the leg (I am like a giant compared to the average Indonesian). Also those nifty dresses (or sacks) I bought there have a lining which is not cotton, and I looked closely at this yesterday because with temperatures over one hundred degrees, I might just cut the lining out at some…

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What Pence and Kaine Reveal About Divides in Catholicism

…can Party during the Reagan era coincided with the start of John Paul II’s papacy. John Paul’s emphasis on opposition to abortion as a core Catholic value—and his warnings about a pro-choice “culture of death“—perfectly meshed with the Republican Party’s use of abortion as a wedge issue. But even before John Paul, the U.S. bishops’ conference had, in 1976, meddled in electoral politics when they pronounced themselves “encouraged” by Gerald Ford’s…

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Do Space Aliens Need Baptism? The View From Gliese 581g

…ith every outward step, as our universe and our ignorance grows, so do the number of potential space alien hideouts. So does the belief that there must be someone out there. So every time I read about the discovery of a new Earth-like planet or read about NASA’s upcoming Kepler planet-finding mission or watch a movie like Contact, I grow excited over—and, like Brahe, even a little afraid of—the vast unknown. My mind boggles. What’s really out ther…

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Commies, Blacks, Jews, the UCC and Other Threats to America

…on this past weekend’s One Nation Working Together rally, you’ll find this paragraph: On Thursday [Glenn] Beck warned that the march included Marxist, Communist and revolutionary groups. Among the organizations endorsing the march were the Communist Party USA, the United Church of Christ, Jewish Funds for Justice, the National Urban League, the National Baptist Convention, People for the American Way and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. My…

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