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“Ex-Gay” Common Ground More of a Killing Ground

On the surface, Dan Gilgoff is right in his latest US News column to tout famous “ex-gay” Alan Chambers’ new interview with Focus on the Family’s CitizenLink as “striking.” But, when studied, the interview is simply more of the same from the “ex-gay” camp. What striking is that Chambers is not promoting so-called conversion therapy, which some religious conservatives claim can convert gays and lesbians to a straight sexual orientation. Rather, he…

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Take It Off, Or We’ll Make You: On Sarkozy’s Proposed Burqa Ban

…re morally despicable. They are derogatory to women. Instead check out the latest Abercrombie catalogue, or the Victoria’s Secret fashion catalogue. (We understand if you can’t get to the swim special yet. We don’t want to be pushy.) It is now essential to check women in bandannas that are suspiciously like headscarves for racial background. White girls can wear bandannas because it is currently fashionable. Arab chicks have to take off the bandan…

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The Two Faces of New Atheism

…int that the New Atheism crosses the line and undermines its own effort to promote critical thinking. The problem with an exclusively negative approach to religion is twofold. First, while it helps sell books, it risks promoting intolerance and potentially even hatred of religious people. Atheists will point out that they do not fly planes into buildings or murder doctors, as some religious fundamentalists have done. However, it takes one visit to…

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Suffering Olympics: Is There Any Point to Comparing the Holocaust to Gaza?

…ms of the Holocaust with similar images of Palestinian victims of Israel’s latest Gaza attacks. Robinson, who is Jewish, offered his own written commentary that included the line, “Gaza is Israel’s Warsaw—a vast concentration camp that confined and blockaded Palestinians.” In the ensuing months, charges of anti-Semitism have been raised and formal complaints have been filed against the professor by two former students and the Simon Wiesenthal Cent…

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Pakistan’s ‘Martyrs of Love’ Under Attack

…lah with fear and paranoia, it makes perfect sense that they’ve become its latest victims. Which is especially sad because, as too many Pakistanis seem to have forgotten, love is in fact at the heart of the spiritual ethos upon which the country was founded. Per the words of the poet-philosopher Allama Iqbal, in Masjid-e-Qurtaba: “Love is the holy prophet, love is the word of God.” A dogmatic theology stripped of its spirituality necessarily lacks…

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The Varieties of Religious Experience in Indie Rock

…s releases bear titles like Heretic Pride and Satanic Messiah) while their latest, Life of the World to Come, names each song after Bible verses, poetically riffing on the themes found in the ancient text. Adam and Eve’s expulsion from the Garden of Eden, for example, is re-imagined in the track “Gen. 3:23” to be about someone nostalgically returning to a house he used to live in. Cynicism is left aside, but it’s not Bible-thumping either. The myt…

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Note to the Tax-Slashers:
We Are Already Serfs

…that in the individual states now facing budget crises—Minnesota being the latest example—the dynamic is exactly the same as in Washington DC: Everyone must sacrifice to balance the budget except for the only people in society who have continued to do very well during the Great Recession: the top 20 percent and the top 5 percent in particular. My question is why there is still no significant religious component in movements like US Uncut, which or…

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Facebook Doesn’t Kill Churches, Churches Kill Churches

…al. Along the same lines, Rome recently announced a new Facebook page that promotes the beatification of Pope John Paul II. Monsignor Paul Tighe tells USA Today that the page is a move in the direction of greater interactivity: “What we found is that Facebook doesn’t just share information, it creates community. People begin talking to each other and sharing ideas.” He’s right! Just probably not on the John Paul II Facebook page. The page, which o…

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5 Reasons We Shouldn’t Be Surprised that Catholics Support LGBT Rights

…f liberal perspectives when it comes to social order, caring for the poor, promoting social justice, and living Gospel values. The teaching challenged many capitalistic hegemonies and called people to pay attention to those who suffer most. Against this backdrop, Catholics get the fact that LGBT folks face social injustice in a society based on hetero-normative structures, so it should come as no shock that they’d respond with compassion and a str…

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Our Lady of Good Hope and Excellent Behavior: Why this Apparition and Why Now?

…rnalists and television reporters, meanwhile, usually just poke fun at the latest Virgin on a Tree Stump or bleeding statue, without bothering to learn more about the long history of local Christian devotions and pilgrimage. Catholic bishops and parish priests usually take a hands-off approach to reported apparitions, at least in the U.S. As a diocesan archivist in Sacramento told me, when I telephoned to ask about a vision event in the Mojave Des…

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