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Merry Kitzmas! Marking An Evolutionary Victory

…the latest anti-evolution attack. The battle is now back in Louisiana, the site of Dover’s precursor of Edwards v. Aguillard, in which creation science was struck down as religion in 1987. The strategy is now focused on “teaching the controversy.” Instead of actually claiming that they have a scientific claim, they now just try to instill doubt in students’ minds about the validity of evolutionary theory. Earlier this month, creationists led by th…

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Will Answers in Genesis’ New ‘Ark Park’ Comply with Anti-Discrimination Laws?

…nd a statement regarding creation will not be considered, so even the vast numbers of Christian believers who don’t understand their tradition in the narrow way of AiG are not deemed suitable. But potential discrimination in hiring goes beyond religious discrimination. As President and CEO, Answers in Genesis–USA & the Creation Museum, Ken Ham writes and lectures throughout the country on “the relevance and authority of the book of Genesis and how…

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Talking Back to a Mormon Elder: Religion versus Reality

…Packer’s talk, the Salt Lake Tribune ran the following headline on its Web site: “Apostle: Same-sex attraction can change.” It’s bad enough when Church members are boxed into a corner and obligated by their faith to deny their own sense of reality, but in an age when communication is nearly instantaneous (and when the Church is still struggling with the fallout from its support of Prop. 8 in California), headlines like these threaten to undermine…

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McCarthy, Born Again and Retooled for Our Time

…d have been ripped from the headlines of the sensationalistic conservative site World Net Daily, but the setting was far more staid. The speaker, David Noebel, part of The King’s College Distinguished Visitors series, was introduced by outgoing King’s Provost and World magazine editor Marvin Olasky as “one of the long-lasting stalwarts of fighting for a lot of things we’re for here at King’s: religious, political, and economic liberty.” King’s, a…

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Sex and Civilization: The Body as Battleground

…in on our bodies. Ever since the Hebrew Bible, the human body has been the site of boundary-drawing, nation-defining, and, most importantly, the control of desire. Abraham’s mutilation of his and his son’s penises physically mark his family as distinct from all others; an act which not coincidentally curtails pleasure and marks the subservience of man to divine (or human) authority. We today are Abraham’s heirs, and re-enactors, of countless acts…

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Indonesia: As Volcano Erupts, a Spiritual Loss

…es across the country. His grave will almost certainly become a pilgrimage site. Mbah Marijan was also eulogized in the Friday sermon at the campus mosque at Gadjah Mada University. He was described as a simple and pious man who tried to do the best that he could for the people and who was, in this respect, very different from local and national politicians. The mayor of the village of Umbulharjo, close to Mbah Marijan’s compound stated: “We have…

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Obama in India: Missed Opportunities

…alues of the world’s religions—Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Jewish, etc. He visited Gandhi’s home and his cremation site, affirming the value of nonviolent resistance as the greatest mean to sustainable social change. Yet he also gave meandering, academic answers to students pressing him on the topics of jihad and Pakistani support for terrorism. And he showed fear before principle in the decision not to risk being photographed in a head-covering goi…

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Would Tea Partiers Consider Jefferson a Heretic?

…who follow attacks by the religious right on civil liberties. From the web site: 1) The faith of Thomas Paine — the man who inspired the American Revolution, and the writing of the Declaration of Independence. This film shows how Paine’s influence over the Revolution was critical, while his anti-Christian writings revealed much of what the other founders truly believed. 2) The faith of Thomas Jefferson — author of the Declaration of Independence….

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“Far Too Extreme For America To Accept,” Hamas “Endorsed Obama,” “Forced Abortions,” and More

…anti-Christian ACLU.” Some of Wheeler’s recent columns at the conservative site Townhall have included “America’s Enemies Prefer Obama,” “Queen of Jihad” (referring to Nancy Pelosi), and “Obama Stimulating Marxist Revolution Using Taxpayer Money.” These, and the ad, are not merely words of political demonization; they evoke religious conflict and Christianity versus satanic forces. The PAC raised $11 million and spent $10 million in the 2008 cycle…

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Crying Witch: Learning From the O’Donnell “Dabbling” Debacle

…those of us interested in religion, the strange midnight picnic becomes a site for untangling confusions about religious practice and religious terms. What is a Witch? O’Donnell’s jokey comments draw from the well of popular cultural ideas about witches and witchcraft, conceptions shaped in large part by fiction, theater, movies, and television; from Shakespeare to Frank Baum to J.K. Rowling. Intentional or not, O’Donnell’s invocation of fictiona…

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