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No Bible-as-State-Book for Tennessee as Legislators Suffer “Symbol Fatigue”

…tions. Decades later, in 1927, the legislatures of seven states — Alabama, Florida, Maine, Missouri, Oregan, Texas, and Wyoming — decided they needed state birds thanks to the efforts of progressive women’s clubs and their connection to the Audubon Society. And so it went, until recent years, when legislatures have begun to experience symbol fatigue. Part of it may have to do with how state symbol initiatives have become handy ways of introducing…

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The Americans Season Finale: Teach Your Parents Well

…start of World War III. Reagan had arrived at the evangelical gathering in Florida fresh on the heels of several briefings at the White House where advisers urged him to hold his ground against growing calls for a nuclear arms freeze. Reagan assured them his administration would staunchly oppose any freeze, a message he carried with him to the Orlando pulpit. What he said toward the end of his half-hour-long address (sentiments that, reportedly, w…

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Dear Reader, I’m Assuming You Don’t Know Any Muslims

Last Thursday, a reader from Cape Coral, Florida emailed the following to RD’s general mailbox in response, it appears, to my recent review of Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s new book, Heretic: Moghul naturally sees Islam as a religion, one of the several of mankind. I do NOT see Islam as a religion, but rather as a dangerous, repressive, subversive, anti-humanistic, military, financial and commercial conspiracy designed and intended to dominate the entire wor…

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Why I Fear The Post-Trayvon Martin Sermon

…dered a bit murky by our very familiarity with it. Indeed, in light of the number of posts I’ve seen this morning on how people are planning to preach on the parable, I feel compelled to point out that the “neighbor” Jesus describes doesn’t include the robbers, who strip and beat the stranger then leave him on the side of the road, the people who pass him by, or the legal expert (who, the gospel reading specifies, is “seeking to justify himself”)….

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Republican Jewish Coalition Calls Obama Out for “Donors” Mention

…nors [was] the backbone of Cuba’s exiled elite.” A meeting with the former Florida governor, brother and son of presidents, and likely 2016 presidential hopeful? That’s donor power. Then, from 2010, there’s the widely disseminated report from Public Campaign described, quite directly by the Huffington Post as one that “raises the question of whether hard-line Cuban Americans will succeed in stifling further changes in U.S.-Cuba relations through t…

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The Year in Mormons: Top 7 Stories of 2012

…hunch, not a scientific observation: we’re still waiting for the Pew Forum numbers on this one. But can you really talk Mormons in 2012 without saying the names Jimmer Fredette, Manti Te’o, and Jabari Parker? Te’o, a linebacker from Laie, Hawaii, finished his senior season at Notre Dame as the most decorated defensive player in collegiate football history. Shooting guard Fredette finished his senior season at Brigham Young University as the leadin…

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Komen & Islamophobia, A New Conservative MO?

….”  In September, the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, on which the Florida congressman sits, began an investigation into Planned Parenthood over the organization’s “compliance with federal restrictions on funding abortions.” This move of using legal weight to accuse someone of a crime, without actually finding wrongdoing is rampant in the Islamophobia industry. The equivalent is the “unindicted co-conspirator” charge, a ploy which has been…

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Rubio Leaves Science to the Theologians, or the Free Market. Or Something.

In an interview with GQ, Florida Senator Marco Rubio is asked, “how old do you think the earth is?” His answer: I’m not a scientist, man. I can tell you what recorded history says, I can tell you what the Bible says, but I think that’s a dispute amongst theologians and I think it has nothing to do with the gross domestic product or economic growth of the United States. I think the age of the universe has zero to do with how our economy is going t…

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Anti-Gay Activism Falling Victim to Capitalism?

…orado state constitution, similar to other amendments they’re promoting in Florida and North Dakota, among others.” Also, according to karoli’s math, it would appear that CitizenLink funding for the year has dropped by about 50%. Ouch. A perfect storm, of sorts, may be to blame for the drop as the economy wanes and acceptance of gays and lesbians in both church and society continues to grow. Stewart Hoover, director of the Center for Media, Religi…

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Ponzi Schemes and Prophecy

…portedly criticize him at the Tea Party-sponsored debate tonight in Tampa, Florida. A Bachmann adviser tells the Washington Examiner’s Byron York, “Clearly she feels differently about the value of Social Security than Gov. Perry does.  She believes Social Security needs to be saved, that it’s an important safety net for Americans who have paid into it all their lives.” Perry did not invent the Ponzi scheme analogy for Social Security; back in 1995…

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