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The Inauguration’s Beautiful Call for Unity Was Undermined by the Invocation of Religion

…ris, the first female, first Black and first Asian American to hold such a high office. But religion is divisive and every time the people on that stage turned to the Christian god, or to prayer, or to religion, millions of Americans were left alone, a catch in their throat, a flush in their face, a feeling of exclusion growing with each appeal to the divine. And yes, some of the religious language was intended to be ecumenical or more inclusive t…

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Kung Fu Nuns, The Beatles, & Amish Healthcare: The Week In Religion… Poetically

…State claimed that homosexuality, not celibacy, was the cause of the high number of pedophilia cases in the Church. The Vatican issued a long overdue policy Monday that bishops must report sex abuse cases, but it did not impose a zero tolerance policy similar to what is in place in the U.S. Focus on the Family was for the possibility of a gay Supreme Court nominee before they were against it. Televangelist Joyce Meyer condemned the Uganda Anti-Ga…

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Preaching to the ‘Moveable Middle’: Bishop Gene Robinson on Marriage Equality and the Election

…tside of the conference itself. Robinson has used his experiences, and his high position, to pen a new book, God Believes in Love: Straight Talk About Gay Marriage, that seeks to answer the ten most popular questions he has heard about marriage equality for gay and lesbian people. In the book, he tackles questions like why marriage is an issue for LGBT people, why straight people should support it and why civil unions, while they are a good first…

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Obama’s Supposed “Religion Dilemma” and American Exceptionalism

…as granted America a special role in human history.” The PRRI survey found higher rates of approval of Obama among people who felt they have similar religious beliefs to the president, and high disapproval rates among those who didn’t. No surprise there. But the survey doesn’t take into account other variables — such as the propagation and viral dissemination of conspiracy theories about him in conservative circles, or even more simply, opposition…

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Shhh…Don’t Speak of Abortion: Roe v. Wade at Thirty-Six

…t. These least-access states have the most restrictive laws and the fewest number of abortion providers. These states also share other traits: low levels of contraceptive care, high rates of poverty, and strong anti-abortion cultures. With little help to prevent pregnancy, few financial resources to help pay for abortion care, and the threat of isolation or even harassment within her community, the health and autonomy of a woman living in one of t…

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Why Trumpvangelicals Don’t Need Ted Cruz: Conservative Christianity’s Authoritarian Streak

…reatened by rapid social and political change, evangelical institutions of higher education, known for ideological homogeneity, are in full inquisition mode. Administrations are policing boundaries, identifying and rejecting outsiders, and enforcing order by purging professors over evolution, same-sex marriage, and other matters, as I have written about in these pages, even as they scramble to obtain Title IX waivers so that they can continue to r…

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Church of Pain: Religion, Ritual, and the Body in the New Serial Spin-Off, “S-Town”

…Lemore obsesses over statistics proving, so he says, that his town has the highest rate of child sexual abuse in the state. But this may be a layered concern, just as McLemore’s contempt for outward signs of a kind of class-based déclassé—like tattoos, or piercings—is significantly more complex than the flat dismissal it first seems. Which is where religion comes in—what McLemore calls “church,” a violent, visceral, ritualized experience of commun…

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Global LGBT Recap:Culture War Exports, Mob Violence and Kidnapping as Weapon of Homophobia

…ority religions. That favored status is evident in the construction of new high-profile Russian Orthodox churches around the world whose construction costs are being paid by the Russian government. The propaganda law has most recently been used to fine the editor of a newspaper in Khabarovsk in northeastern Russia for printing an interview with a local geography teacher who is gay; the court ruled that the teacher’s assertion that homosexuality is…

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Christian Punk Meets American Pop; Evangelicals in the ’Burbs

…ture in Buffalo is centered on institutions and religious orders—there are high schools and colleges, hospitals, and parishes that have educated or cared for generations of white ethnic Catholics—it’s a city where people still designate whether a family is “Irish,” “German,” “Italian,” or “Polish.” I was the next generation who attended those schools. Have you attended Christian heavy metal shows or Christian music festivals? Was your impression t…

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Stop the Coup 2025 Founder on the Dangers of the Heritage Foundation’s Authoritarian Playbook

…p in five years or 10 years or 15 years with a stronger democracy but at a high, high cost. This is again where faith communities come in, which is the critical work of talking about the fact that, no, we don’t have a perfect democracy. Our democracy is broken in that sense. It doesn’t deliver to everyone. We have inequity. But there’s a difference between trying to build from a place where you still have a constitution and a bill of rights and a…

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