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End-of-Life Lessons from The Walking Dead

…rators and defibrillators were widely introduced, solving two of the three problems. Could death be “cured”? Of course, the brain turned out to be a much more complicated organ than anyone expected. Now, we’re forty-plus years into a medical, political, and ethical debate about who’s dead: your grandmother, who’s got Alzheimer’s and stopped recognizing you five years ago? Your cancer-stricken neighbor with two months to live, who’s asking for a le…

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Case Against Church-State Separation From Unlikely Source

…in the economic sphere, if not in personal life. But leave the historical problems aside. My worry is that Daly might succeed in having his historical exhumations lend credence to his personal advocacy of “enfranchisement” or “sovereignty” for faith-based organizations in the contemporary US context. It’s not impossible to imagine a scenario in which confused politicians would assert that their new way of being for organized labor is to be agains…

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In Russia It Is Now a Crime to Insult Someone’s Religious Feelings

…ave to watch how events unfold in Russia. Raising concerns about potential problems with the law is sensible, and one might hope that the public expression of such concerns will reduce instances of abuse in the eventual application of the law. But one should evaluate the legislative initiative in a broader European and global context along with the specifically Russian context. The fact is that there are real problems to be solved in modern societ…

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Did the Dalai Lama Just Call for an End to Religion?

…tury,” writes Tibet’s leading monk. “The world is also facing a lot of new problems, most of which are man-made. The root cause of these man made problems is the inability of human being to control their agitated minds. How to control such a state of mind is taught by the various religions of this world.”  The Dalai Lama advocates prayer and meditation as an antidote to the mind’s capacity for mischief. But he insists that we need not limit oursel…

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Regnerus Ducks Responsibility for Study’s Misuse

…has been hyped by groups fighting marriage equality. (The study’s glaring problems have been detailed elsewhere; a demographer asked to audit the study called it “bullshit.”)  In the interview, Regnerus says “The study itself was neither intended to undermine nor to affirm any legal rights about same-sex marriage.” That’s hard to take seriously given the anti-marriage positions of the study’s right-wing funders, the Witherspoon Institute and the…

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Akin, Spiritual Warfare, and the Radicalization of the Anti-Choice Movement

…sed “an increase in abortion, pornography, divorce, sexual abuse and other problems.” The group advises followers: “You can help end the ravages of contraception by saving sex for marriage and using natural methods of family planning. These are just as accurate as artificial methods and they have many benefits that artificial contraception does not have. Examples include increased communication between spouses and the capability to detect feminine…

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Journalistic Blind Spots and the “Centrist-to-Liberal” Christian

…well as people championed by Sullivan such as Wallis—it was fundamentally wrongheaded to assume that working for justice and liberation was any less a Christian mission than helping the poor. Moreover, most liberation theologies represent greater, not lesser, tension with Rawls compared to mid-century Niebuhrians. Books can’t do everything; Sullivan’s focus on Catholics and evangelicals is defensible. But we should not forget that, just as pundit…

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Worse Than Madoff: Amway Launches Domestic Revival

…ed from North America to Europe, South America, and the Philippines, met a number of politically powerful Republican politicians and conservative religious leaders, including former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, former Iran/Contra figure Oliver North, and then-Senator Rick Santorum. Religious leaders like Charles Stanley (a former distributor), Dr. Robert Schuller and the late Dr. D. James Kennedy of Florida’s Coral Ridge Ministries—a multimedia, m…

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Teaching the Dalai Lama’s Monks: Better Religion Through Science

…aster or, if we aggressively develop models to address the world’s complex problems—environmental degradation, racism, poverty—through profound cultural exchange and integration, this could be a boon. A vast majority of this globalizing world (including 100 million Americans) is deeply grounded in religious belief, and many of them have worldviews lacking any stark separation of spirituality from science. How do we integrate, and not reject, belit…

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The Revolution Will Be Whispered: An Excerpt From Everywhere a Guest, Nowhere at Home: A New Vision of Israel and Palestine

…n if you believe in it, if you take small steps and work hard. Some of the problems their parents fret over do not seem troublesome to them. They have been friends since childhood, sleeping over at each other’s homes, hanging out in the two different family circles. They take for granted that Arabs and Jews can live together. The Israeli girl has been listening to the grandmother of her Palestinian friend talk about the village where she grew up….

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