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Huckabee Teams Up with Citizens United to Promote Fetal Personhood

…onsibly peddles the falsehoods that abortion providers try to maximize the number of procedures they perform in order to profit, and that fetuses feel pain. The anti-choice activist Carol Everett claims she once worked for an abortion provider that aimed to perform three to five abortions on 13-18 year old girls so they would be accustomed to using abortion as a birth control method into adulthood. Dr. Laube called these claims “pure nonsense,” “p…

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Jesus, Gentrification, and the Hypocrisy of “Diversity”: An Interview with D.L. Mayfield

…e normal trappings of Christianity—the emphasis on raising children in the best (safest) way possible, for example, or the importance of attending church, or debating doctrine. This all seems very far removed from my life—there are precious few church plants in poorer neighborhoods, for instance, or it can be hard to be a part of organizations that don’t allow women in leadership—and sometimes I feel very despondent about it all. My life has becom…

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Trump’s Evangelical Support in the Gut, not the Theology

…crowds. This is where the rueful sarcasm of West Wing‘s Santos is still so timely: contemporary conservative politics have been evacuated of policy ideas. They’re now animated by little more than the desire to sound tough. Contemporary conservative politicians succeed by mastering the art of affect-masking: they must be able to reverse the emotional valence of their political proposals—like making people work until they’re 70 or cutting off public…

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The Trouble With Harry (Potter): Religious Conservatives Do Have Something to Fear

…ean here the unreconstructed monotheistic God) has no role whatsoever. The best man wins the duel—or rather, the man with the best wand.          Now, one could, of course, make the same claims about comic-book sagas like Superman or Batman. Why should Harry Potter have to take any more refuge in the numinous than Kal-El or Bruce Wayne?  Well, because there is something intrinsically religious about the Potter series; and I don’t just mean the rab…

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‘Exporting Garbage to the Nations’: Conservative Christian Rifts Spreading Like Cracked Glass

…nths of conversation, he and his wife, Jen Stoltzfus, “decided it would be best not to get involved with this group of people.” He doesn’t say why, but what subsequently came out about this “group” may have had something to do with it. Nevertheless, after launching in April, by “mid-2020,” “the group” approached them again, “saying they were going to close shop” and wanted to know if the Stoltzfuses “were interested in carrying this on.” Stoltzfus…

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From Empire to Shire: Rod Dreher’s Nostalgia for Middle-Earth

…solute certainty God’s will at any given moment. Christian theology at its best has been about discerning God’s will for the times, to attempt to answer Christ’s question “Who do you say I am?” anew for every generation. Dreher is uncomfortable with this. He’s certain of the answers. Everyone else just needs to get on board. Those who disagree doom themselves to oblivion. But there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in Dreher’s…

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Believing in Johnny Cash: An Open Letter to Atheists

…with a different point of view. And I think about him, now and then, Every time I try and every time I win, And if I ever have a son, I think I’m gonna name him Bill or George! Any damn thing but Sue! I still hate that name! The humor here is delivered atop a dark urgency—there’s more here than laughs. Or is there? When you find yourself captivated by a song like “A Boy Named Sue,” is it because it points you toward the truth about real fathers an…

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The Sacred and the Dead: I Love You More than Words Can Tell

…and knees I will roll roll roll, Make myself a bed by the waterside, In my time, in my time, I will roll roll roll.” Rollins also says that you can’t really embrace a religion until you’ve left it. You can’t be a true Christian, for example, until you’ve fully embraced atheism. Jesus’s words on the cross, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” are God embracing God’s own leaving of itself—and it takes getting on our hands and knees to get out…

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Teaching World Religion in the Dumpster Fire

…fear (at least about anything other than climate change) is a net gain for the world. Maintaining some level of equanimity, inside the classroom and out, is the best way to be present for the students we actually have, for whatever short time we have them….

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Hajj Journal: Makkah as the Most Romantic City

…out the salah! Personally, I should add, I already love the salah. But sometimes, I am a very bad lover, unfaithful as it were, giving my attention to other loves of the lesser sort. Still in all, I have had a lifetime of love for this ritual. Here, the devotees come from all walks of life and all kinds of persuasions. They line up together, standing in the mosque, on the streets, wherever they are when the call to prayer is made, and they bow dow…

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