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“Hey You! Anti-Semite!”: A Jewish Krewe does Mardi Gras

…s objects of jest. This approach is analogous to that of the traditionally African-American Krewe of Zulu. Scholars of American Jewish humor often draw parallels with traditions of African-American humor, and the comparison between Krewe du Jieux and the Krewe of Zulu is an easy one. Zulu has a longer and deeper history in the city, originating in a social aid and pleasure club, which is a form of social service organization that emerged to serve…

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The Racial Politics of Atheism

…actable now—such that, according to the US2010 project, upper middle class African American and Latino homeowners actually live in poorer neighborhoods than do low-income white people. That cold reality belies bromides about post-racialism, colorblindness and meritocracy. And it also underscores why faith-based institutions remain so powerful in black and brown communities.  Did you have a specific audience in mind when writing? Fellow non-believe…

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Not So Fast: New Data Does Not Support Conservative Shift for Dems

…ame: 19% for the GOP and 20% for the Democrats. (The poll didn’t break out African American Catholics, but according to PRRI about 6% of African Americans are Catholic and historically they have been affiliated with the Democratic Party.) This means that the narrative that Catholics have abandoned the Democratic Party—and therefore that the party needs to take drastic action like reversing its position on abortion—is largely unsupported by the dat…

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Charleston Killings: This is What a Sin Against the Holy Spirit Looks Like

…when it was discovered that long-time church member and class leader (and free person of color) Denmark Vesey had been preaching insurrection there. And now, in a distinctively American drama that never ends, the historic and brave Emanuel (“God with us”) African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston has been violated yet again, almost 200 years later, ​by murderous anti-black hatred. Very often shooting rampages in this country are described…

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From Empire to Shire: Rod Dreher’s Nostalgia for Middle-Earth

…cal arguments made in its favor: the denial of citizenship and humanity to African slaves. The Civil War ended slavery, with Christians aligned on both sides of the battle, reading the same Bible and praying to the same God, as Lincoln famously declared. In response to Reconstruction, white southerners struck back with a vengeance. Segregation under Jim Crow and the accompanying deadly violence were justified by those who insisted that the mixing…

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#SorryNotSorry: What U.S. Christian Denominations Teach About Homosexuality

…ork. 65% of members believe homosexuality should be accepted by society.   African Methodist Episcopal Church (Historically Black Protestant) Members (as of 2009): 2,500,000 Homosexuality “clearly contradicts [their] understanding of Scripture” and same-sex unions are “contrary to the will of god” 61% of members believe homosexuality should be accepted by society.   Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod (Evangelical Protestant) Members (as of 2010): 2,…

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Brexit Boosters: Why the Religious Right Hates the European Union

…Africa representative Theresa Okafor, who supports harsh anti-gay laws in African countries as necessary to protect the family against the “Trojan horse” of the sexual revolution. At last year’s WCF gathering in Salt Lake City, Okafor denounced “the West” for pressuring African nations to legalize abortion and “yield to sexual orientation and gender identity and what-have-you.” Conservative Catholic and Orthodox church officials and activists fin…

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The “Southern Cage”: How the Myth of the Redemptive Depression Keeps Blacks at the Margins

…New Deal provided the foundation for a welfare state that five decades of Republican and Democratic presidents worked to expand—from Republican Dwight Eisenhower’s work to expand Social Security and raise the minimum wage to Democrat Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society, which brought Medicare, Medicaid, Head Start, and more. These programs were broadly popular, and—for better or worse—encouraged increasing collaboration between the state and religious…

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The Irony of Trumpism: A Turning Point for Muslims in American Politics

…in the U.S. are not exclusively immigrants. Abdul-Jabbar and Ellison, both African Americans, converted to Islam when they were young. Furthermore, speaker after speaker ranging from Jesse Jackson to Andrew Cuomo condemned the anti-Islamic rhetoric of Trump as fundamentally un-American. The United States has a history of intolerance toward religious minorities, including Catholics, but history has also shown that members of disenfranchised groups…

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Country Trumpkins

…rea in the Wisconsin State Senate before he moved north to push a moderate Republican out of the 6th Congressional district. Trump’s people got what they wanted in West Bend: no interruptions and polite applause. The whole thing was weird. Beyond his evident confusion about where exactly he was speaking, Trump was on the Teleprompter again, which always makes his speeches disjointed and confusing. And he kept coming back to the problems of the inn…

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