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American Conservatives, Jewish Law, and Israel’s New Abortion Policy

…is. As rabbinical student Daniel Raphael Silverstein wrote recently in the New York Jewish Week, the Israeli Chief Rabbinate, “run by a narrow clique of haredi [ultra-Orthodox] rabbis, solely for the interests of that clique,” does not “represent the interests of the Jewish People, be they in Israel or the Diaspora.” While I was in Akko, Israel, interviewing Guy Cohen, the Messianic Jewish leader of Harvest of Asher, Cohen introduced me to the cou…

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Religious Right Reax to SCOTUS: “A Spiritual 9/11”

…o want to live by the traditional virtues, MacIntyre said, have to pioneer new ways of doing so in community. We await, he said “a new — and doubtless very different — St. Benedict.” Throughout the early Middle Ages, Benedict’s communities formed monasteries, and kept the light of faith burning through the surrounding cultural darkness. Eventually, the Benedictine monks helped refound civilization. I believe that orthodox Christians today are call…

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A Catholic House Divided Over Reproductive Health Care: Bishops Launch a New Campaign

…verage, nor would the bishops’ conference. It’s important to note that the new HHS requirements do not require Catholic hospitals to provide these services to patients or employees, who would need to go elsewhere to get them. They simply require that they be included in the health plan the employer offers and that, as with other services in the plan that carry no co-pay, they too are offered without a co-pay. Catholic hospitals are explicitly exem…

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A Queer New Year

…ligious colleges. Look for all these stories—and some of the not-such-good-news we covered in 2012—to continue making waves in 2013. Civil Marriage and Uncivil Religion On New Year’s Day, same-sex couples in Maryland started getting legally married—joining those in Washington state and Maine, where voters had also given a thumbs-up in a remarkable set of November election victories. Pro-equality activists are working to build on those victories wi…

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The Breaking of Biblical Womanhood: The Problem With the Hot New Book Taking Aim at the Subjugation of Women in Evangelicalism

…ss April, 2021 Medieval historian and Baylor professor Beth Allison Barr’s new book The Making of Biblical Womanhood: How the Subjugation of Women Became Gospel Truth seeks to historicize modern evangelical gender roles that confine women to home and family in order to offer a more inclusive vision of evangelicalism, one with more possibilities for women’s leadership. Initial reception of Barr’s book has been overwhelmingly positive. The Making of…

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Sam Harris and the New Islamophobes, Deconstructed

…rce by Morozov and others) combines with Randian objectivism to usher in a new era of Pax Americana—with the silicon chip as the golden calf at the altar of modernity. To wit, liberals are now some of the most egregious proponents of indefinite detention, the military police state, warrantless assassination, and the demonization of 1.8 billion Muslims—the greatest stumbling block to the realization of the technocratic dream. And in this era of a p…

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Trans Protections in India and Malta; Death-by-Stoning Law in Brunei; Church-State Divides on Marriage

…ty registrars to register the marriage of a gay couple who were married in New York in 2012, saying there is no reference to gender in the city council registry of married couples. The president of the Italian Bishops Conference, Angelo Bagnasco, condemned the ruling, which he said was likely to “sweep away the fundamental pillars of the institution of marriage.” Ethiopia: Anti-Gay Legislation and Planned Rally Reportedly Dropped We have previousl…

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Inside InterVarsity’s Purge: Trauma and Termination at the Premier Evangelical Student Org

…y and craft policies that could undo that historic harm. Predictably, this new policy has unleashed a new wave of anguish. Queer staff and students report feelings of “trauma,” “hurt,” “heartbreak” and “betrayal.” Since this spring, Oneida Chi, a former InterVarsity student leader in the 1990s has counseled close to 40 InterVarsity staff and students who feel traumatized by the new policy. Chi, a longtime advocate for LGBTQ visibility in the churc…

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Newt Gingrich, New Catholic, Presidential Hopeful

…ial conservatives will forget their deep-seated anti-Papistry and love his new Jesus credentials. 3.  Newt Gingrich is hoping the Latino base will forget the Republican’s deep-seated anti-immigrant politics and love his new Jesus credentials. 4.  Mrs. Gringrich the third (the former Callista Bisek, who we are trying not to notice met her husband by having an affair with him during his second marriage) has serious Catholic cred as well as serious f…

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As We Survey the Damage of Yesterday’s Violence, What Will Christian Nationalist Politics Look Like in 2021? New Report Offers Clues

…itions, some state legislators have realized that working remotely creates new opportunities for conducting business with little to no public scrutiny, something the report’s author, American Atheists’ Vice President for Legal and Policy Alison Gill, worries “may have a lasting impact.” And this is far from the only way in which pandemic conditions will likely affect the prospects for church-state separation going ahead. Given the radical alterati…

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