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International reax to US Marriage Ruling; Official violence at Turkey’s Pride; Marriage Advances in Mexico Over Church Objections; Global LGBT Recap

…dicted that 30,000 people would participate in the service, but the actual number appeared to number around 2,000. “Our prayers will open the sky and the homosexuals will fall, we will be blessed with victory,” said Lee Young-hoon, head of the leading organization in the anti-LGBT coalition. Mexico: Supreme Court embraces marriage, Church and some political officials resist As we have been reporting, the marriage equality movement has been movemen…

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The “Batsh*t Crazy” Party’s Candidates Assume Their “Religious Liberty” Stances

…epublican primary thus far (mostly because Donald Trump has sucked all the air out of the process with his larger-than-life comments about immigration, ISIS and “winning”), but has been resurrected with the death of Justice Antonin Scalia. And apparently it’s keeping radio talkshow host Hugh Hewitt up at night: HEWITT: Mr. Trump, Senator Cruz mentioned the issue that keeps me up at night, which is religious liberty. Churches, Catholic and Christia…

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Race, Reparations and the Search for Our Molecular Soul

…Y chromosome from Europe. It kind of refutes—and I’m gonna put this in big air-quotes—the “post-racial” or “color blind” paradigm that would say, Oh, this happened so long ago, there’s nobody around who this affects anymore; my family didn’t own slaves, you certainly weren’t enslaved, why are we still talking about this? To have something as personal and interior and intimate as a genetic marker suggests this historical legacy in your very being….

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Is Sam Harris Really a White Supremacist?

…as ever written.” Harris eventually relented, releasing the podcast on his website with a snarky title. In an essay published on Salon last week, Aziz accuses Harris of hypocrisy, cowardice, and suppressing free speech. Then he implies that Harris is a white supremacist. Aziz is not the first to accuse Harris of ideological extremism. But the term white supremacy, even applied indirectly, is a heavy one. We have criticized Harris before for his sk…

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What Good Is It for Union to Gain the World, But Forfeit Its Soul?

…d capitalistic ends. In The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, Weber compares Benjamin Franklin with wealthy banker Jacob Fugger. For Weber, the men represent two sides of the same capitalist coin. While Fugger is unapologetically self-interested and uncaring, Franklin imagines his actions as morally praiseworthy. Weber contends that what characterizes people like Franklin is a belief that their work is the work of God. Franklin quotes…

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The Divide Between “Trumpvangelicals” and the Rest of Us

…tted believers” can turn to the rest of the nation, throw our hands in the air, and proclaim our innocence. It’s not us, it’s those damn Jacksonians! But it’s not that simple. This business of distinguishing between “real” believers and “cultural” or “Jacksonian” ones brings up an age-old question: what classifies someone as an evangelical? Many pollsters rely on self-identification — if someone says they’re evangelical or “born again,” then they…

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CERN: Where Particle Physics Collides with Human Sacrifice (Apparently)

…ar II, government research facilities have become to modern folklore what fairy realms and the underworld were to earlier people: a mythic realm that exists just beyond our normal world from which comes dangerous creatures and fabulous powers. Before conspiracy theorists warned that CERN’s Large Hadron Collider was being used to revive the Egyptian deity Osiris or open a portal to hell, C.S. Lewis’s novel That Hideous Strength (1945) told the stor…

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Running Against the Devil: Trump’s Conspiracy-Laden Fight Against Powers of Darkness

…by creating lists of Trump’s conspiracy laden pronouncements and providing air time to theories on Hillary Clinton’s various health ailments, rigged election possibilities, Clinton’s emails, Christians not being welcomed as immigrants into America, and Clinton and Obama being the masterminds and creators of ISIL/ISIS. Separate from these reports on the conspiracy theories are statistics and polls on Christian support for Trump in the election cycl…

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Will a New Dawkins Foundation-Sponsored App Help Atheists Talk to Believers?

…secular societies are the opposite of the hedonistic dens of crime and despair that some believers suggest a godless society would become. Christine Vigeant and Sarah Paquette, both former students of Boghossian, are the managers of Atheos. “We aren’t interested in making atheists. We are interested in making people reason more effectively, to make their arguments based on reason,” Vigeant told me. She and Paquette explained that the scenarios wer…

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Does “Religious Freedom” Deserve Scare Quotes?

…Christian supremacy or any form of intolerance,” wrote Martin R. Castro, Chairman of the United States Commission on Civil Rights, in his closing remarks on the commission’s recent 300-page report on “Peaceful Coexistence” between nondiscrimination principles and civil liberties. “Religious liberty was never intended to give one religion dominion over other religions, or a veto power over the civil rights and civil liberties of others. However, to…

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