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In Trump Sexual Assault Speech Michelle Obama Articulates a New Political Morality

…we have to be generous to the less-well-off” and turning it into something new and surprising. I am strong when I lift others up. I am good when I make it possible for others to have a good life, not when I care for my own at the expense of all others. Obama exposed two lies in those words. She showed that the conservative agenda of “I got mine, screw you, Jack” was for cowards, people too insecure in their social and economic status to make other…

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The War on Terror is Over; Tahrir Buried It

…erhood is the most visible sign of a possible role for religion in Egypt’s new political landscape. There are, however, several factions within the Brotherhood, and serious divisions on strategy. The old guard does not want to form a political party, for example, but the new Freedom and Justice Party is largely made up of independent Muslim Brotherhood members, and younger Brothers have sought to form other political parties. There is also an indi…

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Reality as Revelation: “Hail Caesar!” is the Coen Brothers’ Most Religious Movie Yet

…I believe this is the first time the brothers have dipped their toes into New Testament waters.” Indeed he is mistaken. The Coens love the New Testament as only secular Jews can. The first shot in Hail, Caesar!, of a wooden statue of Jesus above the altar of a Catholic Church recalls a similar shot near the beginning of The Man Who Wasn’t There, a movie about a man dying for the sins of others. And let us not forget that in Miller’s Crossing, Tom…

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Bishop Says Gay Couples Cannot Be Part of Parish Life; Does Rising Evangelical Political Power in Brazil Contribute to Anti-LGBT Violence?; Global LGBT Recap

…d others in protest of “the annual Iran-backed al-Quds Day rally.” From CIJNews, which calls itself a news source for the Canadian-Israeli community: Doc, a spokesman for Queers Against Islamic Apartheid, told CIJnews that he wants to see a boycott, divestment and sanction campaign against 52 Islamic countries, including OPEC nations, that engage in imprisonment, torture and murder of gay people. “We are a group of people made up of Kurds, Yezidis…

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Former Opponent Invites Gays to the Wedding Party

…n the question of marriage equality, his research group, the Institute for American Values, has launched “A Call for a New Marriage Conversation.” The project begins with the declaration that “marriage is fracturing America.” Not just because of the fight over including gays and lesbians but because “marriage is rapidly dividing along class lines, splitting the country that it used to unite. While marriage is stable or strengthening among our coll…

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Homosexual Thoughts and Feelings Not a Sin, Says New LDS Handbook

…eneral Conference Talk, these are incremental but significant changes. The new CHI: 1. Removes the implication that same-sex relationships “distort” love. 2. Removes the imperative that members should repent for having “homosexual thoughts or feelings.” 3. Removes the instruction that Church leaders should refer members to professional counseling. This is especially significant because in times past leaders were encouraged to refer members to prac…

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New Reports Reveal Global Persecution of Nonbelievers

…nd religious skeptics is widespread and apparently rising according to two new studies, one from the Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion and Public Life, and the other from a coalition of secularist, atheist, and humanist organizations including the Washington DC-based Center for Inquiry and the London-based International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU). Full disclosure: I have worked with both organizations and consulted on the report, titl…

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Defending the Helpless: New Bible Highlights Poverty and Justice

…creases as nearly 47.4 million people live in poverty and some 3.5 million Americans are homeless in a given year. My other concerns come from Vest himself, who, in the course of his 700 Club interview made it clear that part of his goal is not just to “give a handout” to the needy, but to proselytize them as well: “That’s why we feel like any kind of charitable organization that is Christian has to be so attached to the Bible. The American Bible…

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Will Women Priests Change the Church?

…sts (womenpriests is all one word) movement, whose mission is to create “a new model of ordained ministry in a renewed Roman Catholic Church.” But there are many models of women’s leadership in Catholicism; I think it is important to frame the film in the context of the larger movement for change that characterizes 21st-century Catholicism, lest viewers are left with an incomplete picture. Part of the movement is indeed focused on women’s ordinati…

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Just Your Average Teenage Muslim (Shapeshifter) Girl From Jersey

…nakaran (@Agratha) November 6, 2013 Kamala Khan, a Pakistani-origin Muslim American is the new Ms. Marvel! Abso-friggin-awesome! — Anthony Permal (@anthonypermal) November 6, 2013 Kamala Khan: Marvel’s first Muslim-American female superhero. My Q is: will she use her powers to fight drones? … — Rozina Ali (@rozina_ali) November 5, 2013 Meet Kamala Khan, the New Teenage Muslim MS. MARVEL…

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