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Noah, Cosmos Controversies Not About Biblical Literalism

…o Fosdick, as Christians had always done in the past when they encountered new truths. “The new knowledge and the old faith [have] to be blended in a new combination,” Fosdick argued in his famous 1922 sermon, “Shall the Fundamentalists Win?”—a new combination that for Fosdick demanded a Christianity without a virgin birth or literal second coming of Christ (among other things), which, he argued, were impossible to believe in, in this new scientif…

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First Congregational UCC, Ripon Wisconsin

Cheese State Reality Check: On The Wisconsin Idea and the Social Gospel

…ny anything like equal rights or benefits to minorities. This isn’t even a new phenomenon, nor is it limited to battles between races. LaFollette’s opposition to World War I devastated the Progressives in large part because it put him squarely on the side of the large German population of Wisconsin, who were often identified as another “race” and put under heavy pressure to assimilate into the dominant English-speaking society. Today, the dividing…

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Russian Attack on LGBTs at UN Rejected; Gay Cake Controversy Rages in N. Ireland; Bishop Calls for Marriage Referendum in Puerto Rico; Global LGBT Recap

…f the National Civic Council of Australia, described by the Northwest Star newspaper as “the leading Catholic-based lobby group campaigning against same-sex marriage in Australia, attended and gave his blessing to his daughter’s New Zealand marriage to another woman. Mr Westmore has railed against Australian and international moves toward same-sex marriage. In 2012 he told an audience at the National Marriage Day rally outside Federal Parliament:…

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Rand Paul’s Messianic Campaign Video Shouts “Yes I Can!”

…recites his mild variation on the usual rote declamation: “It’s time for a new way, a new set of ideas…and above all it’s time for a new president.” We’re invited to “Join the movement.” The latter notion worked so well for candidate Obama, although his campaign struggled to figure out how to translate the energy of so many young people into practical action after the inauguration. But the key difference between Paul’s rhetoric and the last succes…

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The Visceral Vote: Obama-as-Sojourner v. McCain-as-Mythic-Hero

…political benefit from attacking cultural symbols of “the sixties.” Every new round brings new symbolic issues, however. In 2004, much media attention was focused on social issues like abortion and gay rights. In fact, though, more careful post-election studies found that the key to Bush’s success was the voters’ fear of terrorism. Yet for the many churchgoers who voted Republican because they were still seeking the spirituality of dwelling, the…

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Religious Liberty…For Bishops

…birth control into the hands of American women has always been a struggle between differing religious views, not between religious and secular ones. When I was a seminary student in New York City in 1958, the public hospitals of the city would not distribute contraceptives, though there was no law against it. The politicians didn’t want to upset the Roman Catholic Diocese of New York. But when a Jewish doctor working in a public hospital tried to…

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Global LGBT Recap: “Lavender Fascism,” Rage in India, Pope Francis Ousts Culture Warrior

…rmality, so they should be denied of voting rights.” Okhlobystin also said promoting gay rights is a “betrayal of God” and serves the devil. “Plus the existence of official organizations which sodomites have in all their forms, from homosexuals to pedophiles – it is a direct insult to the feelings of believers in God, and therefore it should be prosecuted.” Putin received The Advocate magazine’s “Phobie” Award for worst anti-gay person of the year…

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New Anti-Gay Snake Oil for Religious Right

Focus on the Family can hardly contain its glee over a new study that purports to show that “children raised by homosexual parents are dramatically more likely than peers raised by married heterosexual parents to suffer from a host of social problems.” Calling this study “the gold standard” of same-sex parenting studies, FoF’s affiliate CitizenLink crowed that among those “social problems” were “strong tendencies, as adults, to exhibit poor impuls…

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A New Frontier for Democrats and Religion?

…s might have talked about peace and poverty, but Francis’s much-discussed “new tone” seems like a permission slip for Democrats to talk religion without a full scale showdown on culture war issues. That said, there are topics apparently left undiscussed: a new war on LGBT people in Russia, Nigeria, and elsewhere, not to mention that elephant in the room with all things Francis, what freedom means for half the world’s population, women. Obama and K…

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