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Religious Freedom Gets Hollywood Treatment

…iving tyrant in the capital city. Some morally complex characters do add a welcome nuance to the otherwise Manichaean saga, including U.S. Ambassador Dwight Morrow and high-ranking prelates who, in the end, broker a modus vivendi accord between Calles, his successor, and Rome. In an interview with the National Catholic Register, Glory’s producer Pablo Jose Barroso ascribed the timing of the film’s release in both countries to a higher agency. In Me…

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An Open Letter to CEO Jeff Smisek On United Airlines’ Blasphemous Safety Video

…ciate the difference between legal permission and moral propriety. I would welcome the opportunity to sit with you so as to attempt to move your conscience to my conviction that we must humble ourselves before this sublime work. But for now I will not rest, I will not sit back, relax, and enjoy the flight, until I hear the end of this violation. And neither should you, for it is the abomination that brings desolation. The final reckoning will not…

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Mormons Prepare to March in LGBT Pride Parades Nationwide

…ove you. We are so happy you’re here.” I was overwhelmed with a feeling of welcome from that community. Organizers within the LGBT community have been very supportive of our simple message of love and not going political and not dealing with the issue of marriage equality. And a group called OutReach—an organization that serves gay teenagers in northern Utah, including gay Mormon teenagers—those teenagers offered to march as volunteers to interact…

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Chris Caldwell Sees Muslim Bogeymen. Again.

…the monsters of religious zealotry, and Western Europe as the victim of unwelcome, and too numerous, non-Christian immigrants. Caldwell’s outlook had already been defined by his most recent book, Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: Immigration, Islam, and the West (Doubleday, 2009). In a review here on RD I noted that: It is cultural values, the immigrant challenge to them, and above all, the Islamic offense to European norms and values that…

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Obama’s Gay Marriage Support Shocks Black Church

…esents a de-evolution, but for many others the president’s declaration was welcome news. The National Action network posted a letter signed by Rev. Al Sharpton, Julian Bond, Melanie Campbell, and Rev. Dr. Joseph Lowery embracing the decision, while Rev. Jamal Bryant, megachurch prosperity pastor, was vocal in his opposition: Our faith reserves marriage for a man and a woman. President Obama, as a product of the black church, is fully aware of that…

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Killing Love in North Carolina

…f the children they are raising together. Congratulations, North Carolina. Welcome to the 16th century. Take voter Joe Easterling’s twisted and tortured logic for voting in support of the amendment: “I know that some people may argue that the Bible may not necessarily be applicable, or it should not be applicable, on such policy matters. But even looking at nature itself, procreation is impossible without a man and a woman. And because of those th…

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It Gets Better: Gay Mormons Hold Conference in DC

…shop told the congregation and affirmed him, saying that the young man was welcome and that no one should treat him differently. Two other congregation members followed the bishop in turn. The emphasis on claiming fellowship in LDS wards also represents a shift in the way gay Mormons are thinking about their identities. There have always been gay Mormons, of course. But in decades past, being a gay Mormon meant either remaining closeted and contin…

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Final Thoughts on Religion and the DNC

…d at almost no point were nonreligious Americans mentioned or made to feel welcome in either party’s verbose orations. “Our nation, and our entire planet, face so many great challenges that demand a clear focus on what is true and what is not. Reliance on facts, science, and real data have never been more crucial to the formulation of policy and for helping voters decide which candidates will have the best programs to resolve our pressing crises….

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Conservative Christians Say it’s Okay to Vote for Romney Despite Doctrine

…ial candidate motorcade.   But if you think what they offered Romney was a welcome to the league of Christian gentlemen, you should really read the letter for yourself. Here’s the opening paragraph: In this election year, matters of religious belief are once again highly visible in the public square. Some have tempered their enthusiasm for sound governing principles by their concern over differences in a candidate’s theological doctrine. It is tim…

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It Gets Better: Mormon Edition

…I can’t write much because the tears are dripping on my keyboard. So I’ll say this: Just watch this. It Gets Better—Brigham Young University edition. Produced by filmmaker Kendall Wilcox. Please watch. Please share. And welcome to the Mormon twenty-first century….

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