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Romney Accuses Obama of Stifling Religious Liberty

…tive coverage to their employees for years. As I wrote on the night of the Florida primary, and as I predicted earlier in January, these supposed liberal attacks on “religious liberty,” and in particular, the contraception requirement, would become an essential theme of the 2012 presidential campaign. Romney, fighting off Newt Gingrich’s campaign theme that he is a “Massachusetts moderate,” today jumps on the bandwagon in hopes of sealing the deal…

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Christian-Only Prayer Rally The Response Goes To Early Primary States

…magine how a rally in Cedar Rapids in December, ones in South Carolina and Florida in January don’t have some connection to the primary process. According to the website, the purpose of the rallies is “to call on Jesus on behalf of America, that He might hear our cry and that we would see a revolution of righteousness in this country.”  The website states, “we will not rest until we see a righteous revolution awaken the church.” And, apparently, t…

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Paula White’s Coronation, “Rabbi” Messer’s “Apology,” and Great Parody

…aged to maneuver herself into dead pastor Zachary Tim’s pulpit in Orlando, Florida. Tim’s wife has been vocal about her displeasure, and there may be action taken against White. What this debacle for Long and White shows clearly is that people are willing to follow pulpit pimps, even when they clearly pursuing only their own lust for power. Those who continue to follow them can only be certain of two things: lighter wallets and fewer brain cells….

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United Methodist Church Votes Against Israel Divestment

…to the future of the church. This year the conference is meeting in Tampa, Florida—and some hot-button issues are on the agenda—among them the call for the church to divest from firms doing business in Israel. On Tuesday the conference voted against a motion that the church divest from three international firms that have business interests related to Israel’s military rule in the Palestinian territories: Caterpillar, Motorola Solutions, and Hewlet…

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Romney Behind Closed Doors

…ve. At least in the abstract.  But it’s hard to watch Mitt Romney’s leaked Florida fundraiser footage without feeling that the presidential candidate harbors a disdain bordering on contemptuousness for millions of Americans he is presumably running to serve. Conservative commentators like David Brooks and William Kristol have already taken Romney to task for skewing facts about who pays taxes—just about everyone besides the elderly and the very po…

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“Religious Freedom” and the Conservative Quest for Absolute Truth

…voters by saying, in as many ways as possible, “Yes, Virginia (or Iowa or Florida or Missouri) there are universal truths that can never change. You are not adrift in a sea of moral chaos. Elect me and you’re sure to have a fixed mooring to hold you and your community fast forever.”    Though Republicans have had the most success with such language in recent decades, Democrats are eagerly trying to catch up. And they have a rich tradition to draw…

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Manufactured Outrage Over ‘Godless’ Democratic Platform [UPDATE]

…has been reading the supremely misleading David Barton. The same goes for Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, who said in his GOP convention address that “faith in our Creator is the most important American value of all.” Of course, God is not actually named in the U.S. Constitution—and it wasn’t an oversight. Founders considered and rejected attempts to make the Constitution an explicitly Christian document. Instead they went with no religious test for pu…

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An Immoderate Proposal: Sam Rodriguez, “Centrist” Evangelical, to Give Benediction at RNC

…ngelicals constitute a significant presence in the swing states of Nevada, Florida, Colorado, and New Mexico, where they may play a decisive role this year.” But Molly Rohal, a communications associate with the Pew Hispanic Center, said, “We do not have large enough samples in our national surveys to analyze Latino evangelicals at the state level. The sample sizes in the state-level exit polls from 2008 are also a bit too small to analyze Latino e…

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Tropical Storm Isaac Bears Down on RNC

…eather forecasters are keeping an eye on tropical storm Isaac, heading for Florida with Tampa and the Republican National Convention in its path. Is it a sign from God?  That’s what the Washington Post‘s Dana Milbank cheekily suggested yesterday, stringing together the bad forecast with Missouri Representative Todd Akins’s atrocious comments on “legitimate rape” and the public relations disaster of that sort of blasphemous Republican skinny-dip in…

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Will Romney’s VP Pick Win Catholic Voters?

…here Catholic voters make up a significant population: Pennsylvania (29%), Florida (26%), and even Ryan’s home state of Wisconsin (29%). And some observers believe that Romney’s inclusion of Poland on his foreign policy tour made less sense in terms of a foreign policy agenda than it did in terms of an appeal to Catholic voters—a theory that’s underscored by Romney’s release yesterday of a Catholic-directed campaign advertisement that features pic…

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