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Has American Conservatism Abandoned the Christian Right?

…nservative evangelical voters in critical districts,” Nelson writes at the Washington Spectator. “Polls also indicated that a crucial bloc of swing voters, college-educated white suburban women, were increasingly disaffected with Trump and were often unmoved by the anti-abortion message. But polling also showed that as the Covid-19 epidemic wore on, these voters were increasingly anxious about their children, their public schools, and conflicting…

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‘Defund the Police’ Isn’t the Problem

…as well in the Senate as they were expected to, the conventional wisdom in Washington is now that the Democrats lost despite winning. If that weren’t maddening enough, then came Barack Obama. The former president has written a book that’s naturally getting a lot of attention. Understandably, given that the conventional wisdom in Washington is that the Democrats lost despite winning, interviewers want to know what he thinks. Here’s his advice to ac…

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How Intelligent Design Advocates Helped Shape the Christian Right’s Texas Curriculum Standards

…the lecture by discussing a national day of thanksgiving that Gen. George Washington called for after the defeat of the British at Saratoga in 1777—showing, in her reckoning, a religious base in the thinking of the country’s founders. In developing a line of legal reasoning that the future lawyers in her class might use, she wove her way to two Supreme Court cases in the 1960s, in both of which the court ruled that prayer in public schools was un…

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Space X and the Photo-Op: Trump’s Use of the Bible Was Just the Latest in a Series of Christian Nationalist Messages

…old up a Bible for a photo-op in front of St. John’s church in Washington, DC on June 1st. Rev. Franklin Graham, the son of Billy Graham and head of the Samaritan’s Purse organization, tweeted that “the word of God…is sharper than any two-edged sword” (Hebrews 4:12). Dallas megachurch pastor Robert Jeffress declared that Trump held up the Bible because it teaches that God “hates lawlessness,” echoing verses like 1 John 3:4 (“Everyone who commits s…

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Vatican Pitbulls Make Cardinal

…mility that would choke a horse, that the honor was really for the city of Washington DC, the nation’s capital, and not so much for him personally. Since the rest of us in DC won’t actually have any cause to run out and pick up a new red hat, I would have preferred that he answer the question honestly. The honest answer, to all appearances, is that to become a cardinal you have to do in at least one fellow Catholic. I realize that sounds more like…

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As Midterms Approach, White Christian Nationalism is Mainstream for the GOP — And it’s Only Getting Worse

…en flocking to the region of Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, and parts of Eastern Washington and Eastern Oregon, which Rawles has named “the American Redoubt.” The goal, as Onishi notes, is an insidious one: “For Rawles and Baldwin, the goal is to create a separate society of American Christians who will defend their families and communities when the next civil war dawns.” It would be wrong however, to believe that the American Redoubt movement and their…

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Yeshiva is Likely to Win Its Battle Against LGBTQ Group — But Do Jewish Orgs Really Want to Empower a Militant Christian Movement?

…against secular America. The firm filed an amicus brief in the case of the Washington State coach who claimed a right to pray on the football field and is currently representing Seattle Pacific University which is being investigated by Washington State for discriminations against faculty and staff for violations based on sexual orientation. These, and other cases, turned on an expansive vision of religious liberty that also includes a variety of i…

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The Tea Party Illusion

…arian, as many characterize the driving force of the Tea Party; he is a hardcore theocrat who believes less regulation will let God’s chosen business people make big money in the Christian nation. Tea Party or “Christian Worldview”? It was at an event sponsored by the CEO Roundtable of South Carolina last month that DeMint proposed his litmus test for public school teachers. CEO doesn’t stand for chief executive officer—it stands for Christian Exe…

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Despite Reports, GOP Has Not ‘Turned on Trump’ For Call to Terminate the Constitution — Fascism isn’t a Dealbreaker for Today’s GOP

…ut did you see this crazy thing on Twitter? Mike Turner is one of the tiny number of Republicans in a position of influence within the GOP at the moment who has disavowed Trump’s remarks directly—although as far as I can tell, he hasn’t said anything about whether these remarks would prevent him from supporting the former president in 2024. Like Turner, minority whip John Thune, the second most powerful Republican in the Senate, said “of course I…

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Evidence Strongly Suggests Trump Was Collaborating with Christian Nationalist Leaders Before January 6th

…eight days before the Insurrection—Sheets and his team of prophets were in Washington, DC, staying at the Willard Hotel, the site of the various war rooms overseen by Rudy Giuliani and Steve Bannon. On that day, Sheets, along with 14 other apostles and prophets, had a multi-hour meeting inside the White House with Trump Administration officials. Who exactly among White House Staff attended this meeting is unclear (and the Trump Administration has…

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