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‘I Don’t Buy It’: The Gospel According to Frank Underwood

…ank seeks counsel from a military chaplain — the motorcycle-riding “Bishop Charles Eddis” played by John Doman — under cover of darkness, standing under a huge crucifix in the sanctuary of a church. Earlier in the episode, Bishop Eddis presided over the joint funeral of the SEALs at Arlington Cemetery during which he recited some (paraphrased) lines from Hebrew Scripture about Abraham almost sacrificing Isaac and a truncated version of John 3:16,…

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Marriage equality comes to Slovenia, continues to spread in Mexico; Civil Union legislation approved in Sicily, debated in Peru; Global LGBT Recap

…that in doing so it breached European law. The British government asked a number of countries and all 50 U.S. states to clarify whether the jurisdictions recognize the marriages of same-sex couples who wed in the United Kingdom. Equalities Minister Jo Swinson told the Guardian, “One of the things we committed to do in the coalition agreement is recognising that for gay people who are in a civil partnership or now have got married, and who are tra…

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After Early Christian Opposition, Iceland Gets First Pagan Temple in Nearly 1000 Years

…levolent and evil” religions. Boykin added that Satanism is “the spirit of Charles Manson, Jeffery Dahmer, the Columbine murders.” Much as early opponents of the Ásatrúarfélag alluded to Hitler and Stalin, Boykin conjured a dubious network of threats as an argument for denying legal rights to new religions. Stevens’ satirical antics cannot be compared to the spirituality of Beinteinsson and the Icelandic constitution is different from that of the…

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Catholic Bishops Throw Cold Water on Ice Bucket Challenge

…ey raised for the charity would go toward fetal stem cell research. Bishop Charles Thompson of Evansville, IL, warned parishioners: In the past week, it has come to light that the primary beneficiary of the Ice Bucket Challenge is an organization that is, by its own admission, funding at least one study that involves embryonic stem-cell research. Such research is against the teaching of the Church, which respects and honors the dignity and life of…

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The EPA and Evangelical (Anti)Environmentalism

…quick to point out the “notable names” like Richard Land, James Dobson and Charles Colson who had not signed on. And when 25-year-old seminarian Jonathan Merritt released “A Southern Baptist Declaration on the Environment and Climate Change,” evangelical anti-environmentalists hit back hard, launching a counter-campaign to keep evangelicals from buying into the “knee jerk reactions” of evangelicals like Merritt. Six years have passed since the las…

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Bush Era to Blame for Renewed Interest in Mainline?

…and “the metaphysical liberalism” of the U.F.O. obsessive and cult writer Charles Fort, among other far-flung subjects. Conservative believers “may think this isn’t religion,” said Jon Butler, a Yale University scholar who is working on a history of religion in modern Manhattan. “But religion comes in an incredible number of forms.” The dizzying varieties of American religious experience, scholars say, has roots nearly as deep as old-time religio…

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How New Religions Are Made

…olars who have questioned and refined “syncretism,” such as Bruce Lincoln, Charles Stewart, Rosalind Shaw, and A.J. Droge. The differences in the humanities now and then is at the heart of my critique of syncretism: Herskovits formed his theory of syncretism and the “acculturative continuum” in the 1920s and 30s. An awful lot has changed since then. We have moved away from culture as a set of “rigid, predictable, patterns,” as Herskovits put it. W…

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Yes, Let’s Talk About Kermit Gosnell

…who are complaining that the media is under-covering the story because, as Charles Krauthammer put it, it places the issue of late-term abortion “starkly into relief.” Gosnell is charged with illegally performing third trimester abortions, and slitting the spines of the babies, acts that were loudly condemned by pro-choice advocates. It doesn’t bring the issue of late-term abortion “starkly into relief”; it’s the story of a monster completely flou…

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Kenneth Copeland’s Protectors

…the bank, with the help of regulation-averse conservatives. In 2007, Sen. Charles Grassley, then the ranking member of the Senate Finance Committee, began investigating the activities of six televangelists, including Copeland, to determine whether they were misusing their tax-exempt ministries for profit. Copeland didn’t cooperate with the investigation, and used his connections to fight back, claiming that then-presidential candidate Mike Huckab…

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Billy Graham, Most Famous Religious Figure of 20th C, Dies at 99

…, Graham joined the staff of Youth for Christ, where he met and befriended Charles Templeton, another itinerant evangelist for Youth for Christ. Templeton and Graham became known as the Gold-Dust Twins, and many contemporaries regarded Graham as the lesser preacher. Templeton’s intellectual restlessness prompted him to apply for admission to Princeton Theological Seminary, where he was admitted despite the fact that he had never graduated from col…

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