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Welcome to the Shari’ah Conspiracy Theory Industry

…te being shunned at CPAC, Gaffney’s views are shared by Rep. Allen West (R-FL), chosen by CPAC to give its closing keynote address, an honor that in the past has been bestowed on Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck. Adding to his numerous inflammatory statements about Islam, West recently said that the values of Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), who is Muslim, are the “antithesis of the principles on which this country was established.” West, whose position on…

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Yet Another Survey Shows ‘Nones’ Growth at Record Levels

…f Duke and UC-Berkeley researchers highlights the continuing growth in the number of Americans who indicate no religious affiliation, with a full 20% now answering “none” when asked “What is your religious preference?” Michael Hout and Claude S. Fisher of UCB and Mark A. Chaves of Duke drew on data from the most recent General Social Survey (GSS), which has tracked religious preference since 1972, when a mere 5% of Americans self-identified as rel…

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Sovereign Grace Sexual Abuse Lawsuit Just Got More Complicated

…individuals.” Instead they have vocally defended their friend as a “vast influence for good” who has produced a “fruitful ministry of the gospel over many decades.” Dever recently told Mahaney’s new congregation in Louisville, Kentucky that they should “thank God for [Mahaney]” and that being taught by him is a “privilege” that members “don’t fully grasp.” This stance reflects not only the lengthy friendships and ministry ties with Mahaney pointed…

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The Brutality of Life for Syrian LGBTs; Saving the Anglican Church by Dissolving It; Backlash to Hindu Gay Wedding Ceremony in Indonesia; Global LGBT Recap

…nvitation to cast protection on family settings where human rights may not flourish to be respected. Family is family everywhere as a unit that bonds men, women and children together…[family] should remain reflective of similar essence and shared values. The crucial intent of the resolution was to circumscribe diversity within the notion that a family was a bond between men, women and children. This core intent was manifested in another amendment…

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How the Politics of the 1890s Explain the GOP’s Health Care Woes

…oke through and gained control of the presidency and Congress and passed a number of historic bills, including the Sherman Silver Purchase Act, which reintroduced silver into the currency supply, and the McKinley Tariff Act, the Republican attempt to modernize the tariff schedule. They also passed a long-awaited pension for Civil War veterans and the Sherman Anti-Trust Act. The Democrats dubbed the 51st Congress the “Billion Dollar Congress,” char…

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Life Imitates Satire Imitates Life: Rep. King Revives Manchurian Candidate

…ndly American Muslim leader, Shaykh Hisham Kabbani. In honor of this magic number and the hearings King will hold next month in order to address the “creeping threat of Sharia law,” RD presents the first edition of Life Imitates Satire Imitates Life.   In this clip, from the Manchurian Candidate a Joseph McCarthy stand-in uses his own investigative tool to determine how many crypto-commies there really are… Rep. Peter King (R-NY), minus 45 years f…

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Are Conservative Churches Really Winning by Being More Orthodox?

…ough: who wants to listen to wishy-washy platitudes, or attend a religious-flavored social activist club? But when you dig down into the numbers, what you find is that not many churches—liberal or conservative—are growing very much. The Southern Baptist Convention, for example, has essentially flatlined over the past few years.  Social scientists will tell you that while mainline Protestants might be leading, evangelicals aren’t far behind on the…

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More Thoughts on Media Coverage of Liberal Religion

…han the Republican base, and includes a far more significant (and growing) number of unaffiliated voters, avowed secularists (who are both non-believers and religious people) and religious minorities. And because more of those people like the Establishment Clause and would shudder at religiously-directed public policy. Given that the Gun Violence Prevention Sabbath had the support of a variety of faith traditions, it’s a good question to ask why i…

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In a Powerful Statement Black Presidents and Deans Say: No More Stolen Black Lives!

…te Professor, Department of Africana Studies, Rutgers University Stacey M. Floyd-Thomas, PhD, E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Associate Professor of Ethics and Society, Vanderbilt University Rev. Eboni Marshall Turman, PhD, Assistant Professor, Yale University Divinity School Juan M. Floyd-Thomas, PhD, Associate Professor of African American Religious History, Vanderbilt Divinity School and Graduate Department of Religion Mark A. Hicks, Ed.D, McL…

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Fusion Politics: A Way Forward for Bernie Sanders?

…there’s every reason to think Sanders and his movement will be strongly influential. There are any number of priorities Sanders could choose from, of course. God knows it’s not like our nation isn’t in need of reform. At the moment, though, I’m less concerned with the pros and cons of any one issue than wondering what things might look like if Bernie tapped into what Rev. William Barber has named “fusion politics.” In the Christian Century, Jerem…

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