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The True Meaning of ‘Law and Order’ Became Painfully Clear on January 6

…p tweeted at his supporters on December 19, thousands of whom showed up in Washington, DC, several weeks later at their leader’s urging. They climbed walls, waved Trump flags, and literally broke into the chambers of Congress. Trump’s army had orchestrated the breach that the Confederate Army had hoped for during the Civil War. The response, or lack thereof from law enforcement officials as this act of terrorism unfolded, reveals the true meaning…

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Polygamy Bus Tour, ‘Spiritual’ Healthcare for Christian Scientists, Baptizing an Alien…

…s carries a picture of Mary Help of Christians in his wallet. Elsewhere in Washington, the National Cathedral is getting a new cathedral cat. Catherine of Tarragon will spend her retirement in North Carolina and Carmina will take up residence at the church. Christian Surfers, USA unites Christianity with the waves. The small town of Sidney, NY wants a Sufi graveyard gone. The city claims the bodies were buried illegally and wants them removed. In…

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‘Defund the Police’ Isn’t the Problem

…as well in the Senate as they were expected to, the conventional wisdom in Washington is now that the Democrats lost despite winning. If that weren’t maddening enough, then came Barack Obama. The former president has written a book that’s naturally getting a lot of attention. Understandably, given that the conventional wisdom in Washington is that the Democrats lost despite winning, interviewers want to know what he thinks. Here’s his advice to ac…

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Even Calling the Debate a ‘Shitshow’ Normalizes the Threat to Democracy

…ping with partisan politics-as-usual. Tapper wasn’t the only member of the Washington press corps to whitewash rightwing propaganda and thus make it respectable. Oliver Darcy rounded up some of the headlines from last night: “CNN: ‘Pure chaos at the first debate’; NYT: ‘Sharp Personal Attacks and Name Calling in Chaotic First Debate’; HuffPost: ‘ROUND 1: MAYHEM’; BuzzFeed: ‘DEBATE NIGHT: THE GREAT AMERICAN SHITSHOW.’” “Shitshow,” indeed, evolved i…

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How Intelligent Design Advocates Helped Shape the Christian Right’s Texas Curriculum Standards

…the lecture by discussing a national day of thanksgiving that Gen. George Washington called for after the defeat of the British at Saratoga in 1777—showing, in her reckoning, a religious base in the thinking of the country’s founders. In developing a line of legal reasoning that the future lawyers in her class might use, she wove her way to two Supreme Court cases in the 1960s, in both of which the court ruled that prayer in public schools was un…

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As Midterms Approach, White Christian Nationalism is Mainstream for the GOP — And it’s Only Getting Worse

…en flocking to the region of Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, and parts of Eastern Washington and Eastern Oregon, which Rawles has named “the American Redoubt.” The goal, as Onishi notes, is an insidious one: “For Rawles and Baldwin, the goal is to create a separate society of American Christians who will defend their families and communities when the next civil war dawns.” It would be wrong however, to believe that the American Redoubt movement and their…

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Democrats Look to Conservative Evangelicals on Immigration

…p and the Catholic hierarchy—groups with significant lobbying presences in Washington—for support on immigration reform. While both groups say they want to see a comprehensive package passed, they will not support one that includes UAFA. But many “people of faith,” including mainline Protestants, Jews, and Catholics challenging Vatican teaching support a package including UAFA. The denominations and religious groups supporting UAFA include African…

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Summer Brings Competing Marriage Tours

…s, to announce its “Summer of Marriage” tour that will visit 17 states and Washington DC this summer. The tour is in response to a similar tour planned by NOM to defend marriage as a heterosexuals-only institution, and to—in NOM’s words: “show America that no longer will you stand idle while the iconoclasts continue to pilliage (sic) the values of our Nation as they travel from state to state in pursuit of the homosexual agenda.” This is where NOM…

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The (Mostly Catholic) Anti-Abortion Roe v. Wade Schlep

…v. Wade. Thousands of anti-abortion Catholics and a few friends gather in Washington, DC for an always-cold schlep to the Supreme Court. This year was no exception. Emboldened by the recent Republican anti-choice gains in the House of Representatives, the crowd was more hopeful than in recent years but otherwise largely unchanged. They were Catholics. Many of the participants are young people whose parishes charter buses to transport them to DC f…

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The Obama Paradox: Civility vs. Capitulation?

…-Senator Obama campaigned on the theme of changing the partisan culture of Washington. Such a pledge is either a cynical ploy or naïve arrogance. After all, a culture of civility is not a goal that even a president can achieve without help. Two years into his presidency, it’s time to drop the talk of changing the culture of Washington and to put forward and defend a coherent vision of governance. This doesn’t mean that Democrats should abandon civ…

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