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The Most Forgotten Queer Folks in the US are Fighting Back Against a Powerful — and Publicly Funded — Group That Discriminates With Impunity

…ble—a victim-blaming mentality that couldn’t be further from reality. It’s wrong, plain and simple, to teach children that something is wrong with them because of their sexuality or gender identity, as this teaching often leads to years of self-hatred. Of course, children being taught this harmful view by their parents or religious leaders isn’t something the state can directly intervene in, but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s wrong. As a r…

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Vatican Council on Women Would Be Funny Were it Not So Insulting

…nation, saying statistically women do not want it. I would love to see the numbers. Since when did the Vatican worry about public opinion? Until and unless this very obvious example of Catholic women’s inferiority and marginalization is resolved, the organization is on thin ice to claim moral authority on much of anything. On the substance of religion, the best these writers offer is a series of polite questions. By now several generations of Cath…

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The Queerness of Christian Ethics: A Conversation with Rev. Elizabeth Edman

…thers living in insecurity, like refugees, we tend to wonder what they did wrong. That’s right, but it gets worse—because it has direct implications for justice in the world. If you think that your physical security is a divine right, if you think that happiness is supposed to be normative in the world, then in moments when you feel insecure or unhappy you look around to figure out whose fault this is. You also talk about risk in your book, and I…

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Because We Dared to Exist: After Generations of Trauma Black Gun Ownership is on the Rise

…e recognized as human can be framed in terms conjuring images of war feels wrong. It feels wrong because forcing someone to be a soldier who must fight for their humanity to be affirmed causes a moral wound that can be passed down to later generations. The study of trauma and its transgenerational impact is still in its nascent stages. Dr. Joy DeGruy was the first person I ever heard give a scientific explanation for how trauma generationally effe…

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When the Golden Rule is Used to Silence Dissent and Protect the Politically Powerful

…ie. The real problem, West might as well have said, isn’t that Texas is corrupt. The real problem isn’t that the state’s government failed its people. The real problem is carpetbaggers and their “New York values” coming down here, making us look bad. That’s not nice. As I said, Bruni isn’t wrong in terms of substance. He’s wrong in terms of engagement. He’s so aloof as to be extraterrestrial. This is the world we live in. This is the world we stru…

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AIDS Progress is Paradoxical

…t universal precautions? What’s wrong here? Perhaps the same thing that is wrong when we see rising numbers in various populations globally and locally? Wedding Bells and Decriminalization And yet, not all the news is depressing. Not even all the news at the intersection of AIDS/HIV and religion is depressing. American governments and courts are hard at work legalizing same-sex marriage which, despite the cynic in me that thinks marriage equality…

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Anti-Gay Campaign In Indonesia Leads to Arrests; Mexico’s Religious Right Wars Against Secular State & LGBT Equality; Muslim Preacher Sparks Controversy in UK Re Death Penalty For Gays; Global LGBT Recap

…iety, it destroys the family. Although previously everyone considered this wrong, lobbyists have worked so hard that now it’s difficult to even say that it’s wrong. But let’s be clear: Islam is categorically against this. Islamic Insights also defended Sodagar, saying, “Selective coverage of Shaykh’s remarks towards Islamic law and jurisprudence in homosexuality has fueled sensationalism and division.” Catholic Church: What Do New Cardinals Porten…

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What If Animals Believe in God?

…equires belief, and beliefs are made up of symbols. If so, why would it be wrong to say that religion requires symbolic language and that it therefore doesn’t occur in animals? It may not be wrong to say that religion requires something like symbolic language. But then the question becomes, “What is symbolic language, and can we really deny it to all animals?” Based on what we have learned about primates, elephants, dolphins, whales, we know that…

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Sarah Vowell’s The Wordy Shipmates: The Problem with Popularization

…esn’t take a hipster to know that Ronald Reagan wasn’t just the product of wrong politics, but of wrong analogies. After all, if the Israelites are a little like the blues, why can’t an actor be a little like president? – – – – – For more on the history of Roger Williams and his cultural deployment, see Raymond D. Irwin, “A Man For All Eras: The Changing Historical Image of Roger Williams,” in Fides et Historia 26 (Fall 1994): 6-23. For another pe…

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Bans on Gender Affirming Care for Youth Reveal Purity Culture Is More Than Just an Evangelical Problem

…Douglas, “a polluting person is always in the wrong. He has developed some wrong condition or simply crossed some line which should not have been crossed and this displacement unleashes danger for someone.” In other words, individual bodies that appear out of bounds signal something wrong with more than that individual body; they signal a society out of control. Proposing laws that reinforce gender norms therefore reveal a desire to forcefully bri…

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