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Indonesian Court Rejects Religious Conservatives’ Bid To Criminalize Gay Sex; More in Global LGBT Recap

…the end of 2018. Botswana: Court tells government to allow trans woman to change legal gender A court ordered government officials to allow a transgender woman to change the gender in official registration and on her national Identity Card. Italy: European Court of Human Rights slams failure to recognize same-sex couples’ marriages On December 14 the European Court of Human Rights condemned Italy for refusing to recognize the unions of same-sex c…

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After Her Remarks Pope JPII Was Never the Same — Controversial, Beloved Sr Theresa Kane’s Effect on the Catholic Church Endures

…have been ignored or actively refuted by Catholic Church officials. Church policy on optional celibacy for clergy, LGBTQ2S+ inclusion, reproductive justice, and other plain readings of the Christian justice imperatives remain unchanged. The result is that the institution’s influence is waning, many leaders’ reputations are in ruins, and Earth is spinning quite efficiently on its axis without them. Thank you, Theresa Kane. What you see is what you…

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Confession is Not Conversion: Giuliani’s Bizarre Comparison of Trump to St. Augustine

…sinking ship. Trump, for his part, says he doesn’t need Ryan’s support. Writing about “Trump, Saint Augustine and True Conversion,” Adam Ployd points out the emphasis the Confessions place on humility, “the necessary virtue for true repentance.” Rudy Giuliani wants to remind us that people can change. I believe that he’s right, but Trump has done nothing to suggest the kind of conversion that Giuliani is talking about. The story Trump is telling…

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Is Alcoholics Anonymous a Religion?

…f recovery? I think it’s helpful to consider the wider social and cultural changes that have taken place over the last century. With the rise of secular liberalism and the gradual dissolution of religion from the public sphere, sources of meaning and purpose are less self-evident than they once were. Although in Canada and the U.S. we have the freedom to choose what to believe in, it’s not always clear what we should believe in. Granted, not all e…

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ELCA Pastor: “Love Trumps Chromosomes”

…on all together over the issue. Then, Oelschig had what he described as “a change of heart” on the issue. From the Anniston Star: In June, Oelschig was invited to speak at an ELCA senate convention, where he planned to call for the vote on gay clergy to be overturned. “I meant to speak to that,” Oelschig remembered during an interview in August, sitting at a table just outside the church sanctuary. “By the time I got there—I can’t put a cognitive…

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Will “Religious Freedom” Be the Issue That Finally Unites the Religious Right?

…. But LDS leaders argued that whatever reforms Vatican II made could never change the fact that it was the Catholic Church’s apostasy from true Christianity that had ultimately led to the need for Joseph Smith’s restoration of the true church. Evangelicals were far more critical of Vatican II’s reforms. In keeping with their longstanding attacks on Catholicism, evangelicals largely saw Vatican II as part of the Catholic Church’s plans to monopoliz…

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A Queer Atheist In the Heart of Mormon Country

…d they learned more and became more aware. Only two percent said that they changed their minds because they came to believe that gay people are “born that way.” Visibility and education matter, but positive relationships across lines of difference seem to matter even more. Whether we are in agreement or not, conversation is greatly needed. The kind of tribalism that causes people to be suspicious of those they think are not like them will be overc…

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The Conservative Christian Case for Separation of Church and State

…f the 19th century, from Women’s Suffrage to Child Labor Laws. But we stir change by stinging the national conscience, by being a prophetic witness for biblical values and obedience to Christ from the pulpit, not by taking the dangerous short cut of merely electing somebody to make a sweeping change in our favor. Pastors are here to bring the optimism of a better world, a Kingdom of God where it can be on Earth as it is in Heaven. We aren’t here t…

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Why $60K and Torture Beats Changing Divorce Law

…challenge other patriarchal Orthodox theological principles. Additionally, change always threatens the very premise of many conservative religious groups: that they are manifestations of original, true religion, distinct from the turbulent, sinful modern world. Adopting the divorce laws of the outside world could potentially undermine the very legitimacy of the community. Because of this, it’s often easier to find work-arounds to rules and traditi…

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The Left Behind: Why Are White American Christians So Racist?

…eligious institution, it intersects them in difficult and ambiguous ways. As much as Christians would like to proclaim God’s sovereign majesty leading the unchanging gospel through the darkness of a fallen world, the truth is, the church, like any human institution, changes and adapts to present circumstances, sometimes better than others. Given the magnitude of the changes being currently experienced in American society, the best hope for white A…

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