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In the Story of the New Testament We Are the Romans—No Matter Who Wins the Election

…e statues were less about honoring the Civil War dead than they were about promoting 20th century white supremacy). In some ways, it’s not all that different from the ideas that sold people on the first Crusade back in the 11th century. And it’s not all that different from the story we tell ourselves today, every time we enter another country for their “own good.” Sure, we went into Iraq on the basis of false information about WMDs. But in the rhe…

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The New Age Fantasy of a Celtic Church that Revered Nature and the Divine Feminine Never Existed — So What?

…d Chasing Dreams explains that today the myth of a Celtic Church attracts “New Agers, post-modernists, liberals, feminists, [and] environmentalists.” While it’s true that many of these groups’ tales of their own origins are mythic—as with any religion, denomination, or sect—the mythic has always served a purpose: to generate usable history, helpful fiction. While Arnold J. Toynbee in the second volume of his landmark A Study of History describes a…

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The Wrong Emperor: Why Ralph Reed’s New Pro-Trump Book Distorts the Bible to Cast the President as Tiberius

…ted the fire himself, some ancient authors alleged, to clear space for his new lavish palace, known as the Golden House. Writing half a century later, the historian Tacitus created the memorable image of Nero singing about the fall of Troy as the city burned, the basis of the expression that Nero “fiddled while Rome burned.” Reed’s main defense of Trump is that he has kept his promises to protect Christian “freedoms” (read: privileges), so he coul…

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The Surprisingly Short History of Popular Yoga

…drawing from Hugh Urban’s work here. He has suggested that tantra and the new age movement intersect where bodily, sexual, and material enjoyment are integrated into spiritual pursuits and that, simultaneously, this integration reflects an intersection between tantra and contemporary consumer culture. In other words, what the New Age movement shares with consumer culture can be found in tantra, the preeminent South Asian model of nondualism. In m…

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Transgender, Scientologist, “Cult Hero”

…ous or dogmatic reason. His words were valued in the same way as, say, the New Age ‘Law of Attraction’ (formerly known as New Thought): based on their supposedly demonstrable truth, not their religious authority. The devotion of Scientologists to Hubbard may have been weird, slavish, and naïve—but it wasn’t really religious. Or was it? Scientology was intentionally designed to comfort the afflicted, just like religion does. And, just like religion…

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The Good Liberal Fear of a Yoga Planet

…part. Don’t ever give in to—dare I say it—opening your heart. The presumed New York Times reader is similar, I think: basically secular, basically liberal, and basically intellectual. S/he probably drinks a lot of coffee, spends a good deal of money on food and clothing, and is, in essence, a good person. But anything New Agey or touchy-feely—in fact, anything more demanding than whining about neuroses on the couch of a ritzy psychotherapist—well,…

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New Study: Motivation Doesn’t Improve Group Success

…erage or maximum individual intelligence’ in that group. There’s something new, some emergent property, about being in a group—if the group works. That’s a big if. We’ve all been in groups—whether religion-based or otherwise—that drive us nuts. What makes for a group that works, a group with high collective intelligence? Woolley and friends find that some of the kinds of things you’d expect to improve collective intelligence don’t (including the m…

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Yale Clings to Racist Legacy… And Cash. Lots of Cash.

…context in which the Yale Corporation voted, in May 1931, to name the then-new college for the South Carolinian serpent, was charged with anti-black resentment in New Haven. In March 1930 Herbert Hoover had appointed an openly white-supremacist judge to the Supreme Court. That nominee narrowly lost a Senate confirmation vote in May, but in July of that same year W.E.B. Du Bois, writing in the NAACP’s Crisis, listed all the senators who had voted i…

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With the Death of One of the Last Three Shakers, an American Religious Tradition Takes a Step Closer to Extinction

…s an opportunity to make the world new. As Mother Ann would reflect on her new home in upstate New York, “I saw a large tree, every leaf of which shone with such brightness as made it appear like a burning torch, representing the Church of Christ, which will yet be established in this land.” Like so many other heterodox religious communities that proliferated in early America, Lee saw in the continent an opportunity for remaking society in a more…

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New York City a Glenn Beck Radio Free Zone (for now)

…s-than-desired ratings. Which makes, at least momentarily, the boroughs of New York City a Glenn Beck radio free zone.  (Word has it syndicators are looking for a new outlet.) Perhaps Beck’s self-styled turn to the prophetic last summer and fall—which included forays into the world of Black theology and the mysteries of the Bat Creek Stone, as well as his lachrymose and prayer-scented DC Rally in August —didn’t go over so well with hardboiled cons…

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