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Waiting for Lightning to Strike: A Wobbly Agnostic among the Atheists

…t,’” she says with her hands on her hips. According to Bey, being an outed African-American woman atheist is the same as committing cultural suicide. You’re rejecting a long history and everything your ancestors believed and stood for. You are telling your mothers and sisters that you think they’re stupid. For African-American women, identity comes first. “Because of us, you are.” Enjoy Being an Atheist At last, the speaker I had waited for is int…

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How Breivik’s “Cultural Analysis” is Drawn from the “Christian Worldview”

today expanding outward in every direction from its traditional heartland: south into black Africa, east into Southeast Asia and the Philippines, north into Europe. And also West: the fastest-growing religion in the United States is Islam. Islam’s thrust northward into Europe, the heartland of Western culture, is worth a closer look. Islamic immigration into France has been so massive as to reverse the verdict of the battle of Tours; southern Fran…

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Preaching to the ‘Moveable Middle’: Bishop Gene Robinson on Marriage Equality and the Election

…was accomplished hasn’t been talked about. We saw the poll numbers in the African-American community go from like 37 percent affirming of gay marriage to over 50 percent right after his announcement. I think that’s a sign that in the African-American community, particularly the religious community, they were doing their homework and they, too, were evolving on this issue. I think the president’s coming out about marriage equality gave them cover…

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Undercover-ed Religion: 13 Stories That Went Missing in 2012

…ophobia on these shores, but they wear a very different face in the Global South. This raises an interesting tax policy question, inasmuch as tax-favored nonprofits engage in activities that directly contravene the stated U.S. foreign policy goal of supporting LGBT rights. It also exposes the fallacy of the widespread assumption that militant homophobia in Africa, Asia, and Latin America merely expresses the “traditional values” of those cultures….

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A Catholic Turnabout on Abortion or More Sympathy for the Bishops?

…ndoms to prevent HIV/AIDS; something that bishops in AIDS-ravaged parts of Africa had already been putting into practice. Commonweal, a Catholic magazine with a mostly conservative stance on abortion, has thrown its hat into the ring, publishing a trio of essays entitled “Can We Talk About Abortion?” The three scholars, Dennis O’Brien, Peter Steinfels, and Cathleen Kaveny, hew closely to hierarchical teaching, which they identify tout court as “th…

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Global LGBT Recap: Nigeria Jails Gays, Russian Orthodox Spox Calls for Criminalization Referendum

…ines, up to 14 days in jail, and deportation.  The law makes it a crime to promote LGBT equality in public, but lacks concrete legal definitions for key terms.  Russian authorities have indicated a broad interpretation of what constitutes “LGBT propaganda,” and provided vague guidance as to which actions will be interpreted by authorities as “LGBT propaganda.”    LGBT travelers should review the State Department’s LGBT Travel Information page. Sen…

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Can Religion Professors Save the Planet?

…o so nobly. Think only of our public health workers fighting Ebola in West Africa. Real heroes. But, where are the great figures who can articulate a compelling vision around, say, climate change? Al Gore tried, but then disappeared, deciding to get rich as a media wheeler-dealer. Have other social activist leaders lost their focus too? I worry about this because of the ease today of blurring the distinction between social activism and other occup…

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End-Times Watcher Sees Satan in an Energy Drink

…verse. Weick searches through the flotsam of our postmodern consumerist world for signs of his presence. It is comforting, even pleasurable, to find signs. We love realizing there is an arrow hidden in the FedEx logo, or that the eastern coast of South America fits snugly into the western coast of Africa. We want to know there is order, even if that order is malevolent. Satan, New World Order, Illuminati—any order is better than none. This is why,…

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Louisville Diocese Throws Teacher Under the Bus Over Ebola Hysteria

…ain former Republican Vice Presidential candidate is rumored to have, that Africa is a country, but it’s another for the Louisville diocese (whose Archbishop happens to be Joseph Kurtz, the head of the USCCB) to show no signs of leadership and to accept the teacher’s resignation. Clearly, given her husband’s letter to Kurtz, Susan Sherman didn’t waltz in and throw herself on the sword. She wanted to keep her job, which she’s held on and off for th…

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Russian Politician Wants to Ban Apple CEO Who Says Being Gay is God’s Gift; Violence After Preachers Blame Liberian Gays for Ebola; Global LGBT Recap

…T people in Belize and throughout the Western Hemisphere. In the U.S., the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission held a conference on how the church should respond to the expansion of legal equality for LGBT people. The conference, which was accompanied by a spirited real-time stream of commentary on twitter at #ERLC2014, featured some shifts in rhetoric from SBC leadership. Jonathan Merritt notes two additional upcom…

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