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Maybe It’s Time to Admit That The “Grotesque Caricature” of White Evangelicals is the Reality

…. 1-2). In pointing this out, I’m not saying that I agree with the particular narrative arc of the morally suspect individual and the way it’s deployed by evangelicals in our current political landscape. I don’t, and if I had to throw my hat into the “culture wars” I’d throw it on the side of the more liberal Christians every time. Nevertheless, it’s wrongheaded to reduce evangelical involvement in politics to a simple hypocrisy that lies complete…

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When Religious Disagreement Seems the Least of Our Problems: The Future for “Interfaith” in a Divided Society

…rms of religious prejudice in America today—Islamophobia and anti-Semitism—are largely about xenophobia and the construction of Islam and Judaism as racial categories. As I have argued elsewhere, political positions are more divisive than religious positions for many Americans. Even religion-linked strife seems driven as much by politics, power, and historical grievances as by abstract questions of doctrine. A lot of campus interfaith work seems t…

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A New Goal for Anti-Choice Activists: Targeting “Sex-Selective” Abortion

…sands of little girls who have been aborted in America simply because they are little girls instead of little boys. The bill ticks all the anti-choice boxes. It provides criminal penalties for doctors who perform suspected sex- or race-selective abortion; has no provision to save the life of the mother; contains a so-called anti-coercion clause; and calls for the loss of federal funding to any organization found to be performing sex-selective abor…

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Advice from a Disaster Pastor: Open Your Wallet, Not Your Closet

…ng that’s needed. Money moves at the speed of electrons: far faster — and far cheaper — than anything that can be loaded onto a semi-trailer. Due to economies of scale — not to mention price breaks wholesalers extend to charities — there’s more bang to every buck contributed directly to a house of worship or relief agency than there is in using the same greenback to buy dog food or diapers. The cost of transportation must always be factored in. Be…

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No God but Country: The Religion of John McCain Has Something Important to Tell Us

…of public service prior to 2008, John McCain’s speeches are models of secular aridity. He doesn’t just occasionally speak of God or faith or America’s Christian promise; he never does. Indeed, John McCain does not like to talk about religion. “I’m unashamed and unembarrassed about my deep faith in God,” he has said, “But I do not obviously try to impose my views on others.” When pressed, McCain has been known to snap back to interrogating reporter…

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Hicksters, Stickers, and Affection: Why I Left D.C. for the Family Farm

…another broken saw blade, I caught my breath and took a moment to see the farm around me.I was standing on property that had been in my family for more than 250 years. I was using wood from a building that had stood for over a century, dismantled, and now was being resurrected as shelter for our small syrup operation. The fields had been grazed by my grandfather’s herd of Jersey and Guernsey cows, and then my uncle’s herd of Herefords. In a few sh…

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Rick Perry’s Gay Marriage D’oh!

…t out of time but I don’t want to put words in your mouth, but I think I hear what you are saying. The support given what’s happening across the nation, the fear of the courts, the administration’s failure to defend the defense of marriage act. The only and thin line of protection for those states that have defined marriage, that have been historically been defined between a man and a woman. The support of a marriage amendment is a pro-state’s rig…

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Lost and Found: Despite the Hope, Morality, and Meaning Inspired by Deconversion, Why is Respect Only For Those Who Find God?

…line of religiosity. While this approach feels like less of a shill for a particular tradition, it often rests on the same unearned certainty and lazy assumptions. In The Atlantic, writing shortly after the January 6 insurrection, Shadi Hamid asserted: As Christianity’s hold, in particular, has weakened, ideological intensity and fragmentation have risen. American faith, it turns out, is as fervent as ever; it’s just that what was once religious b…

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The Garden of Eden: A Dull Place? Paradise Lust Author Explains…

…etly thrilled to get to wear clothes and till the land. There’s a school of thought that says paradise wasn’t paradise until it was lost. While you’re in perfection, it’s actually really dull. Fun fact: my hometown, Bar Harbor, Maine, was actually once named “Eden.” Now, after living elsewhere for 15 years, I know it’s a stupendously beautiful place that I was lucky to grow up in. But as a kid I could not wait to get out….

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Beverly Cleary, Author of the Ramona Series, Understood Children, Shoes, School, Words, and How it Feels to be Heard, or Misunderstood

…nt in any job involving communication with human beings. There’s a particular art to using words with young human beings such that they keep using words around you. Beverly Cleary was a genius at writing words for human beings navigating life while little. In Ramona the Pest (1968) Ramona is starting kindergarten, yearning for shoes snazzier than the requisite oxfords. She considers for a blink pretending they don’t fit, but “she knew she could no…

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