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How the Politics of the 1890s Explain the GOP’s Health Care Woes

…problems with health care go beyond schisms within the party and Trump’s incompetence. They go to the heart of how seemingly dry public policy issues take on a morality that transcends the actual issues in question. The country faced a similar dilemma in the 1890s over vexing questions of economic policy. At the time, like a political version of “Freaky Friday,” the personalities of the two major political parties were reversed, Under the leaders…

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Not a ‘Weenie-A** Lodge’: James Ray Trial Begins

…ss, and fifteen were reported to be suffering ill effects. In spite of the number of people who experienced difficulties during each of the eight fifteen-minute rounds, Ray contends he did not know that there were problems. In fact, Ray is accused of ignoring the pleas of those who wanted out; in one case an individual went out through the side of the sweat lodge to escape the heat. The prosecution played tapes of Ray before the sweat saying, “It’…

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Welcome to the Shari’ah Conspiracy Theory Industry

…C’s organizers. Although he was banned as a speaker, he did make an appearance in the audience of “The Shari’ah Challenge to the West” panel. Indeed, the views of the panelists were virtually indistinguishable from Gaffney’s. Moderated by Cliff May of the neoconservative Foundation for Defense of Democracies, panelists included former CIA director James Woolsey; the American Enterprise Institute’s Ayaan Hirsi Ali; and the National Review’s Andrew…

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Yet Another Survey Shows ‘Nones’ Growth at Record Levels

…ost recent General Social Survey (GSS), which has tracked religious preference since 1972, when a mere 5% of Americans self-identified as religiously unaffiliated. The report reinforces October 2012 findings by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life on the rapid growth in the population of Nones, especially among adults under age 30. According to the report, the demographic tipping point in religious unaffiliation occurred in the 1990s, when the…

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Sovereign Grace Sexual Abuse Lawsuit Just Got More Complicated

…ent of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary), Mark Dever, and Ligon Duncan (who leads the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood) argued that the suit failed to implicate Mahaney in “credible, serious, and direct wrongdoing” which would be reason “to step down from public ministry.”  This was a revision from their original statement, which inaccurately claimed that “no such accusation of direct wrongdoing was ever made against C. J. Mahane…

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The Brutality of Life for Syrian LGBTs; Saving the Anglican Church by Dissolving It; Backlash to Hindu Gay Wedding Ceremony in Indonesia; Global LGBT Recap

…rt notes Gambian police and officials with the country’s National Intelligence Agency “promptly rounded up” dozens of people “on suspicion of their sexual orientation” last fall after Jammeh signed a law that imposes a life sentence upon anyone found guilty of “aggravated homosexuality.” Nepal: New Constitution offers explicit protection to LGBTs Nepal’s Constituent Assembly endorsed a new Constitution on September 16; it will officially come into…

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Life Imitates Satire Imitates Life: Rep. King Revives Manchurian Candidate

…ndly American Muslim leader, Shaykh Hisham Kabbani. In honor of this magic number and the hearings King will hold next month in order to address the “creeping threat of Sharia law,” RD presents the first edition of Life Imitates Satire Imitates Life.   In this clip, from the Manchurian Candidate a Joseph McCarthy stand-in uses his own investigative tool to determine how many crypto-commies there really are… Rep. Peter King (R-NY), minus 45 years f…

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Are Conservative Churches Really Winning by Being More Orthodox?

…argues, for example, that the Catholic Church is the guardian of a truth unchanged since the death of Christ, a claim that would certainly be met with bemusement by historians of Christianity. For that matter, there are plenty of mainline Protestant denominations that would take issue with being labeled less-than-orthodox. And even relatively conservative Catholics like the newly-minted Pope Francis would agree that the “Christian moral code” inv…

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More Thoughts on Media Coverage of Liberal Religion

…abbath I discussed at the end of the post, as one piece of (although not conclusive) evidence that the media doesn’t cover liberal faithy political projects, Ed writes: I can hardly complain when secular media do no better than I do. But I would add that the publicity arms of non-conservative religious groups need to do a better job, too. I am sure my own small mainline Protestant church would have been happy to participate in the weekend events,…

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In a Powerful Statement Black Presidents and Deans Say: No More Stolen Black Lives!

…anizations who are infiltrating these protests with the express intent of inciting violence and, ultimately, a race war that they believe it is possible to win. The sight of US military forces stationed in front of American citizens engaged in peaceful protest has let us know that this government plans a hardcore law and order response. We fear this will only make matters worse and that many lives may be lost in the quest for justice. Instead, we…

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