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Special Report: Have Evangelical Colleges Succumbed to “Theological Paranoia”?

…t on the record, but the pain caused by these colleges and universities is palpable. As Richard Flory recently observed here on RD, “many lives have been ruined in the name of theological purity.” I, too, am pessimistic about the future of American evangelicalism, but I join him in his reminder that that future has not yet been written. As the administrations at evangelical schools are acting on both ideological imperatives and financial incentive…

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Evangelicals ‘Crossing the Tiber’ to Catholicism

…ach of my Catholic family members and friends. All throughout this time my parents never spoke ill of the Catholic Church; though the pastors and congregants of our non-denominational, charismatic church-that-met-in-a-warehouse, often did. Despite my firsthand experience with the Church, between the legend of my parents’ conversion (anything that happens in a child’s life before he is born is the stuff of legends) and the portrait of the Catholic…

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A Reforming Tradition Struggles With Change

…onal ministers, associates in ministry, and deaconesses, and currently the number of women and men preparing for ministry in ELCA seminaries is roughly equal (Susan Candea, “Wisdom Has Blessed Us”). While there are certainly some in the ELCA who continue to oppose women’s ordination, those numbers are small and grow smaller with each passing year. The same, I suspect, will be the case for the issue of gay and lesbian ordination forty years from no…

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Dispelling the Zombie Myth of White Evangelical Support for Trump

…according to PRRI surveys, and a majority (55%) of Republican Iowa caucus participants according to the CNN Entrance Poll. In the Iowa Poll (which was quite accurate with respect to both Trump and DeSantis) a majority (51%) of White evangelicals in Iowa say they are supporting Trump, compared to only 22% for DeSantis and 12% for Haley. Both the Iowa Poll results and analyses of yesterday’s voting track with patterns in national polling, which hav…

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The Gospel Church and the Ruining of Gay Lives: An Interview with Anthony Heilbut

…, and then I say, thinking of all the ruined gay lives, this really is the number that no man can number. It’s also interesting to me that “Writing It Out” is followed by the section “War on the Children.” Such an organization suggests that the latter was a reaction against the former—that as these voices emerge, there’s this really virulent reaction culturally against them.  And also it’s so very political. As the church has become more right-win…

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It’s Not Me, It’s You: Catholic Values Dumping Trump

…roup—white, regular church-going Catholics—who have been moving toward the Republican Party with alacrity since 2000, even as the overall Catholic vote has leaned somewhat Democratic because of the increase in Hispanic Catholics. These are the Pope John Paul II Catholics who were attracted to the GOP because of its strong opposition to abortion and same-sex marriage and its emphasis on traditional family and cultural values. Why would these Cathol…

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“I Speak to God in Public”: Are Young Black Millennials Reclaiming a Theology of Resistance?

…filiation. Only among historically black Protestant denominations did that number trend downward significantly between 2007 and 2014; the 18-29 age group decreased from 24 to 20 percent among historically black Protestant denominations. The number of 18-29 year olds among Catholics and evangelical Protestants ticked up 1 percent respectively, and among mainline Protestants it saw a 9 percent increase. In the interest of equity, blacks make up 9 pe…

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When It’s OK to Ignore the Pope

…, they have also long insisted that it is anathema for Catholics to ignore papal teachings with which they disagree, but now seem willing to change their mind. But Laudato si, or “Praise be to you,” is likely to be the conservative Catholic’s Humanae Vitae—the encyclical that presents such a stark contrast between papal teaching and a preferred worldview that one must reject it. After all, how likely are today’s Tea Partyish, libertarian-leaning R…

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American Jewish Leaders Get Gaza Wrong

…assault” with less bellicosity, but still without more than a pro forma empathy for Palestinians (emphasis mine): We have long made clear our distress at the barrage of rocket fire from Gaza targeting Israelis, and just a few weeks ago called on the international community to pressure Hamas to bring an end to the attacks. Instead, the rocket fire from Gaza has increased, necessitating Israeli military action. We are, as ever, greatly saddened by…

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Do Atheists Belong in the Interfaith Movement?

…cations Director Jesse Galef offered a long list of reasons atheists might participate, and how their involvement might improve some of the problems within the interfaith movement. Despite Galef and Speckhardt’s serious concerns and reservations, they have been actively involved in intentionally interfaith efforts, and I suspect their participation has informed their conclusions about the idea. However, those speaking out against atheist involveme…

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