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Lying about Santa: The Irrelevance of Proof to the Holiday Spirit

…Pete’s Candy Store, a deceptively-named bar nestled between the brand-new high-rise condos over McCarren Park and the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway. Joining me in the cramped back-room theater of Pete’s (about the dimensions of an old-world railway car with a vaudeville stage at the far end) there happened to be two reporters from National Public Radio and the Associated Press, respectively. I happen to go to a lot of philosophical lectures about th…

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Jeb! Reboot Includes Religious Liberty Effort

…be heavy hitters either intellectually or institutionally, they’re not the high profile and folksy figures that would immediately signal to conservative voters that Jeb’s concerns are theirs. Not at a time when rivals like Ted Cruz are holding intimate discussions with religious liberty martyrs. Many of the most high-profile figures on the commission actually date back to the administration of he-who-shall-not-be named: George W. Bush. Glendon Nic…

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Capricology: Tattoos, Blood, Cyber-Dating

…st pickup line of the night, followed only by Rachel’s falling flat in her high heel shoes and suggesting that she has chosen to look like Zoe in hopes of avoiding getting hit on, but Clarice’s resourceful appeal to ethnic heritage also has something to recommend it. And, given what Eve Sedgewick has told us about the construction of intense rivalries between men being a way of evoking homosocial/homoerotic desire, Vergis’ promise that he will buy…

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The Mystic in the Rye: JD Salinger’s Religious Fiction

…t book, Franny and Zooey, published in 1961, but set in 1955. Here are the highlights: Seymour committed suicide shortly after the War, in 1948, and that loss dominated the entire subsequent career of the siblings. It led to the almost compulsive attempts by the second son, Buddy, to capture some shard of Seymour’s wisdom in words. He was a writer-in-residence at a small women’s college in upstate New York. Boo Boo was a married mother of three, a…

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Trump Considers Pulling USA Out Of Human Rights Council; Indonesian President Blames Democracy For Rise of Militant Islamism; Global LGBT Recap

…According to the Hungarian LGBT Alliance, “The program was adopted amidst high level of political homophobia and transphobia in Hungary.” “We were pleasantly surprised with the turn of events” says Tamás Dombos, board member of the Hungarian LGBT Alliance. “Budapest is currently under a clear conservative leadership, and Mayor István Tarlós is particularly known for his homophobic stance. It is yet to be seen, if the program will bring about any…

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Israel Claims Holy Sites, Reignites Religious Flashpoint

…nt holy site last Thursday. Here, under a domed ceiling, below a nine-foot high sarcophagus is believed to be the tomb belonging to biblical foremother Rachel, the wife of Jacob and mother of Joseph. According to the Bible, Rachel weeped convincing G-d to allow the Jews to return from exile in Babylon. Many religious Jews today believe she helped the Jewish People return to the Land of Israel and create a state in 1948. Israeli Prime Minister Biny…

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Kenneth Starr in the “Athens of Texas”

…ens of Texas.” High praise indeed, some would sniff, but Baylor itself had high aspirations. The university’s president at the time, Robert Sloan, sought to turn “the largest Baptist university in the world” into a “Protestant Notre Dame.” Let’s set aside for a moment the possibility that, with the appointment of such scholars as George Marsden and Mark Noll and the fact that fully a third of the graduate students in philosophy are Protestants, th…

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Christian Schools International v. University of California

…nism poisons biology textbooks and distracts from God’s glory in creation. high school students need to understand God’s living creation from a Biblical perspective, as God created it, and as man has learned of it. The plaintiffs argued that by rejecting classes that use the textbooks, the university system violated the constitutional rights of Christian students applicants. Michael Behe – a Lehigh University biochemistry professor who testified i…

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Conservative French Catholics a ‘Rightwing Patriarchal Bunch’?; Indonesian Prez Decries Anti-LGBT Discrimination; Romanian Prez Warns Against ‘Religious Fanaticism’; Global LGBT Recap

…t of their 56 members of Parliament are openly gay, bisexual or lesbian, a higher proportion than in the other main parties. Mexico: More pro- and anti-equality organizing In the face of growing activism by anti-LGBT religious groups, advocates of marriage equality have launched a new social media campaign, #SíAcepto. The National Front for the Family delivered more than half a million signatures opposing the presidential initiative on marriage eq…

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Check Your Caller ID, Jesus Is Calling

…of the United States Coast Guard pointed out. He focused on the tragically high rate of suicide among military servicemembers, which, I completely agree, is a travesty that must be urgently addressed. But Admiral Lee complained not about a lack of resources to help those in need, or heaven forbid, a rethinking of our military escapades. He complained bitterly that those church-state separation meanies were preventing him from preaching the Gospel…

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