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You’re Right, Ross Douthat: Donald Trump Is Kind of Like Islam

…en you barbarous others make mistakes, you’re fundamentally flawed. We are wrong when we are wrong. You are yourselves when you are wrong. Trump came from America, and it is Americans who flock to him. Which brings me to the unintentional illumination Douthat affords us with his peculiar analogy—and to this history lesson. Historically speaking, yes, Islam’s arrival overturned an old order—but Islam emerges out of the same historical roots as that…

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How Do We Talk About Islam After Charlie Hebdo?

…5:8) exhorts, “Let not the hatred of others towards you make you swerve to wrong and depart from justice.” There will always be injustice in this world—like members of other religious groups, Muslims will continue to be victims of political oppression and their faith will continue to be targeted and lampooned by those who despise them simply for being Muslims. If they are worth their salt, Muslims will take the high moral ground as their holiest t…

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So You Want to Write an Article Deflecting All Blame From Christianity: A Handy Guide

…hing authentically Christian is “good,” and anything we can call “bad” or “wrong” is simply not authentic. As Chrissy Stroop has observed, such a stance “serves to absolve more liberal Christians from the necessary work of grappling seriously with the ways in which they benefit from, and are complicit in, historical and contemporary Christian hegemony and its attendant violence.” To Stroop’s criticism, I would add that the “fake Christian” deflect…

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Trump’s ‘Sh*thole Countries’ is Just a Cruder Term for What’s Been Said in American Churches for Generations

…t of the world as squalid and woebegone. Heathenness has never been about “wrong” belief alone; it’s also about the myriad ways that wrong belief is supposed to manifest on “heathen” lands and lives. The view of “heathen” lands as, essentially, shitholes, took inspiration from Isaiah 34 and 35, which detail the anger and judgment of the Lord against unbelieving nations, followed by their redemption. “And the streams thereof shall be turned into pi…

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From Bad to Worstest: How Liberals Should (And Should Not) Talk About Values

…ethical lives—whether liberal or conservative—tend to rub other folks the wrong way, as though they were holding them in constant judgment. It turns out to be super easy to turn people off by talking about ethics and morals. It’s not wrong to talk about your values. I do it all the time! But you have to approach it sideways, with a sense of humor and surprise. Giving someone an unexpected reason to buy into a value works much better than a blunt,…

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Trickle-Down Metaphysics and the Dawn of a Trumpian New Age

…of right and wrong belong to men alone. To life there is nothing right or wrong,” the mystic explains. And finally, “…every man’s conception of himself is going to be his reward.” In other words, At Your Command is a book about the emptiness of traditional morality and the triumph of the will. Funnily enough, neo-Nazi types are noticing. James J. O’Meara published an eager review of the book last month on the future-white-stormtroopers-of-America…

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I Don’t Think ‘Thoughts and Prayers’ Means What You Think it Means: A Counterargument

…re need not be any pre-appointed end to history to know when you’re on the wrong side of it. And those who side with the violent and the oppressor are most definitely on the wrong side of history. That is my faith at least, not that some benevolent sky daddy is going to fix everything for us. Give me liberty or give me death! shouted Patrick Henry. Give me thoughts that bring new life to the world and prayers that open hearts to welcome change, sa…

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To Fox News I’m Still a Jihadist

…hem, which means she’s the wrong messenger. Fortunately. Because she’s the wrong messenger for the wrong message, which like any double negative fortunately negates itself. Ayaan’s planned Reformation isn’t just bad, it’s downright dangerous. Her solution to extremism is to propose a Reformation, though she doesn’t know Islam already had a Reformation. And that it was a major contributor to extremism. In other words, the author’s solution to the p…

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“Nobody Is Innocent”: David Gushee on Sexual Ethics, Suffering, and Full Inclusion for LGBT Christians

…me a long time and I hope that my regret for the long journey is clearly communicated in the book. I am sorry it took me so long to put it all together. It’s like being in a movie where someone is trying to crack a safe and there’s six numbers and you have to get all six numbers right for the safe to open. I think that’s what’s happened for me. Finally, all six numbers came up and I was able to open the safe and I could see this in a new way. Tha…

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How To Win $20,000 From Sam Harris

…e. In Harris’s words, Questions of morality and values must have right and wrong answers that fall within the purview of science (in principle, if not in practice). Consequently, some people and cultures will be right (to a greater or lesser degree), and some will be wrong, with respect to what they deem important in life. Harris’s work isn’t really about atheism, so trying to argue about the merits of religion is unlikely to work.  2) Follow Harr…

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