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Romney Braces for Perry Testosterone Challenge; Huntsman Reboots

…h engine optimization, people! Seriously!) Finally, I’m wondering if Jon Huntsman Jr., a Republican moderate who has made a career by strategically blending in, will adapt to this “aggressive” “contrast” business. Sad to say it, but I’d look for the former governor to schedule a nice, long motorcycle ride across the red rock deserts of southern Utah right after the Florida primaries….

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Fix the Economy GOD’$ WAY: Dave Ramsey’s Great Christian Recovery

…are in decline. The financial crash of 2008 was particularly good for his business and his expanding national reputation. While other popular financial talk shows (Clark Howard, for example) instruct listeners on the proper use of credit cards and how to manage reasonable levels of debt, Ramsey’s plan is based on the principle that God abhors debt while rewarding the investor who emulates the tortoise rather than the hare. He scorns get-rich-quic…

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Ralph Reed’s Group Goes after “Union Thugs” in Wisconsin

…t to broaden its agenda to economic issues, a strategy that serves his own business interests. A recent profile in the Christian Post noted how the Faith and Freedom Coalition is housed right next door to Reed’s (and Phillips’) Century Strategies, and it has “the look and feel of a campaign headquarters.” “That’s what this is,” Marx told the Post. “Pure and simple.” It’s 2012’s version of the Christian Coalition: melding evangelicals with the tea…

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A Peek Inside the ‘Onion’ of Scientology

…ine. So, if it becomes clear that Scientology is nothing but a real estate business, do you anticipate that there will be more challenges to the Church’s tax-exempt status?  There could be. They’ve invested a lot of money in external things—like real estate and advertising—at the expense of substance. What I mean by this is that they’ve lost some of their best counselors, those people who had a real connection to the material and who really knew w…

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Rick Perry and the New Apostolic Reformation

…bly use more militant phrases like “capture”) in the spheres of education, business, and government. Hence, Bright tried to start a Christian university, started a “Christian Embassy” in Washington (at about this time), and started ministries to businessmen. I think he had a sense that broad-based evangelism alone wouldn’t “restore America to its Christian roots.” Campus Crusade had been converting scores of students and others for more than two d…

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“A Declaration of Dependence Upon MARRIAGE and FAMiLY”

…d purposeful order—as conveyed by Jewish and Christian Scripture [sic], by Classical Philosophers [sic], by Natural Law [sic], and by the American Founders [sic].” It argues protections for women and children have diminished “as we have ‘debased the currency’ of marriage,” and therefore asks candidates to vow (or solemnly attest): Personal fidelity to their spouses;          Respect for the marital bonds of others;          Fidelity to the US Cons…

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On Eve of Sudan Split Clashes Continue

…ational organizations in Juba during the day, and he hopes to run a little business for people coming home from work, to help them forget what happens at their jobs; he’ll project films on a wall and serve hot and cold drinks after sunset.  He’s already sent a film projector to Juba with his friend Emmanuel, who’s already returned to Sudan. In January, William was trying to figure out how to transport a smoothie machine from Eilat to Juba given th…

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Fun with Facts, or, Yes Virginia, The UCC is still a Trinitarian Denomination

…btleties of the Orthodox churches—not to mention Lutherans, Catholics, Episcopalians and on and on and on. If he doesn’t understand congregational polity—much less that President Obama is no longer a member of the UCC—he has no business chastising other reporters for not picking up on what is most emphatically a non-story. That he does it anyway says something about his project at GetReligion, which isn’t about truth or media balance or any such t…

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Santorum Satire Gone Wild

…n Santorum wants to tell her miscarriage story (which she did), that’s her business. But her miscarriage is not there for the world at large to leer at and derive lessons therefrom. “But shall we not even point out the hypocrisy, if it were to turn out to be an elective abortion? I mean, the hypocrisy!” Yeah, look, I mean, I’m asking myself this too. And I guess my answer is: Well, first, I think the original post is clearly wrong on the facts. Bu…

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